A new notion of correctness for concurrent processes is introduced and investigated. It is a relationship P sat S between process terms P built up from operators of CCS [Mi 80], CSP [Ho 85] and COSY [LTS 79] and logical formulas S specifying sets of finite communication sequences as in [Zw 89]. The definition of P sat S is based on a Petri net semantics for process terms [Ol 89]. The main point is that P sat S requires a simple liveness property of the net denoted by P. This implies that P is divergence free and externally deterministic.
Process correctness P sat S determines a new semantic model for process terms and logical formulas. It is a modification ℜ* of the readiness semantics [OH 86] which is fully abstract with respect to the relation P sat S. The model ℜ* abstracts from the concurrent behaviour of process terms and certain aspects of their internal activity. In ℜ* process correctness P sat S boils down to semantic equality: ℜ*[P]=ℜ*[S]. The modified readiness equivalence is closely related to failure equivalence [BHR 84] and strong testing equivalence [DH 84].
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Olderog, ER. (1989). Correctness of concurrent processes. In: Kreczmar, A., Mirkowska, G. (eds) Mathematical Foundations of Computer Science 1989. MFCS 1989. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 379. Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg. https://doi.org/10.1007/3-540-51486-4_59
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/3-540-51486-4_59
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