This chapter presents the theory of the Core Elements of the Gaming Experience (CEGE). The CEGE are the necessary but not sufficient conditions to provide a positive experience while playing video-games. This theory, formulated using qualitative methods, is presented with the aim of studying the gaming experience objectively. The theory is abstracted using a model and implemented in questionnaire. This chapter discusses the formulation of the theory, introduces the model, and shows the use of the questionnaire in an experiment to differentiate between two different experiences.
In loving memory of Samson Cairns
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The authors wish to thank Dr. Sarah Faisal, Dr. Lidia Oshlyansky and Charlenne Jennett for valuable comments on this work. Eduardo H. Calvillo Gámez is sponsored by SEP-PROMEP.
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Core Elements of the Gaming Experience Questionnaire (CEGEQ)
This questionnaire is used to assess the core elements of the gaming experience. Each item is rated with a 7-point Likert scale. The questionnaire is to be administered after the participant has finished playing with the game.
There are eight scales in the questionnaire: CEGE, Video-Game, Puppetry, Game-Play, Environment, Control, Ownership and Facilitators.
The Cronbach alpha for the whole questionnaire is 0.794 and for the CEGE scale is 0.803.
Please read the following statements and answer by marking one of the numbers that best describes your experience.
I enjoyed playing the game
I was frustrated at the end of the game
I was frustrated whilst playing the game
I liked the game
I would play this game again
I was in control of the game
The controllers responded as I expected
I remember the actions the controllers performed
I was able to see in the screen everything I needed during the game
* The point of view of the game that I had spoiled my gaming
I knew what I was supposed to do to win the game
* There was time when I was doing nothing in the game
I liked the way the game look
The graphics of the game were plain
* I do not like this type of game
I like to spend a lot of time playing this game
* I got bored playing this time
* I usually do not choose this type of game
* I did not have a strategy to win the game
The game kept constantly motivating me to keep playing
I felt what was happening in the game was my own doing
I challenged myself even if the game did not require it
I played with my own rules
* I felt guilty for the actions in the game
I knew how to manipulate the game to move forward
The graphics were appropriate for the type of game
The sound effects of the game were appropriate
* I did not like the music of the game
The graphics of the game were related to the scenario
The graphics and sound effects of the game were related
The sound of the game affected the way I was playing
* The game was unfair
I understood the rules of the game
The game was challenging
The game was difficult
The scenario of the game was interesting
* I did not like the scenario of the game
I knew all the actions that could be performed in the game
* Denotes items that are negatively worded.
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Calvillo-Gámez, E., Cairns, P., Cox, A. (2015). Assessing the Core Elements of the Gaming Experience. In: Bernhaupt, R. (eds) Game User Experience Evaluation. Human–Computer Interaction Series. Springer, Cham. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-15985-0_3
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-15985-0_3
Publisher Name: Springer, Cham
Print ISBN: 978-3-319-15984-3
Online ISBN: 978-3-319-15985-0
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