Abstract. In this Chapter rough set methods for the modeling of concurrent processes are considered. The research is motivated by the problems coming from the domains such as, for example: knowledge discovery systems, data mining, control design, decomposition of information systems, object identification in real-time. this Chapter includes, in particular, the description of automatic methods for the modeling and analysis of concurrent systems specified by information systems. In this Chapter the following problems are considered:
The synthesis problem of concurrent systems specified by information systems.
The problem of discovering concurrent data models from experimental tables.
The re-engineering problem for cooperative information systems.
The real-time decision making problem.
The control design problem for discrete event systems.
Rough set theory, Boolean reasoning, theory of Petri nets as well as self-implemented computer tools are used for this purpose. The methods presented in the paper as well as further investigations of interconnections between rough set theory and concurrency may stimulate the development of both theoretical and practical research related to the areas mentioned above.
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Suraj, B. (2000). Rough Set Methods for the Synthesis and Analysis of Concurrent Processes. In: Polkowski, L., Tsumoto, S., Lin, T.Y. (eds) Rough Set Methods and Applications. Studies in Fuzziness and Soft Computing, vol 56. Physica, Heidelberg. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-7908-1840-6_8
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