A properk-coloring of a graph is acyclic if every 2-chromatic subgraph is acyclic. Borodin showed that every planar graph has an acyclic 5-coloring. This paper shows that the acyclic chromatic number of the projective plane is at most 7. The acyclic chromatic number of an arbitrary surface with Euler characteristic η=−γ is at mostO(γ4/7). This is nearly tight; for every γ>0 there are graphs embeddable on surfaces of Euler characteristic −γ whose acyclic chromatic number is at least Ω(γ4/7/(logγ)1/7). Therefore, the conjecture of Borodin that the acyclic chromatic number of any surface but the plane is the same as its chromatic number is false for all surfaces with large γ (and may very well be false for all surfaces).
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This author's research was supported in part by a United States Israeli BSF grant.
This author's research was supported by the Ministry of Research and Technology of Slovenia, Research Project P1-0210-101-92.
This author's research was supported by the Office of Naval Research, grant number N00014-92-J-1965.
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Alon, N., Mohar, B. & Sanders, D.P. On acyclic colorings of graphs on surfaces. Israel J. Math. 94, 273–283 (1996). https://doi.org/10.1007/BF02762708
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/BF02762708