This paper introduces systems of exchange values as tools for the organization of multi-agent systems. Systems of exchange values are defined on the basis of the theory of social exchanges, developed by Piaget and Homans. A model of social organization is proposed, where social relations are construed as social exchanges and exchange values are put into use in the support of the continuity of the performance of social exchanges. The dynamics of social organizations is formulated in terms of the regulation of exchanges of values, so that social equilibrium is connected to the continuity of the interactions. The concept of supervisor of social equilibrium is introduced as a centralized mechanism for solving the problem of the equilibrium of the organization The equilibrium supervisor solves such problem making use of a qualitative Markov Decision Process that uses numerical intervals for the representation of exchange values.
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Dimuro, G.P., Costa, A.C.R. & Palazzo, L.A.M. Systems of exchange values as tools for multi-agent organizations. J Braz Comp Soc 11, 27–40 (2005). https://doi.org/10.1007/BF03192369
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/BF03192369