This paper carries on a reliability sensitivity analysis on the non-ablative thermal protection system (TPS) of spacecraft during the conceptual design. In the previous work on probabilistic estimation of TPS, the temperature dependency of material properties has not yet been investigated. In this paper, however, the temperature dependency of material properties is characterized and considered during the thermal analysis and reliability sensitivity analysis. Compared to general black-box problems, three special challenges of uncertainty analysis for TPS in real practice are a generally high dimension and multiple outputs on massive meshing nodes, a high level of reliability design target, and a fast evaluation process due to the requirement of the conceptual design. In order to cope with these challenges, a unified reliability sensitivity analysis methodology including multi-input and multi-output support vector machines (MIMO-SVMs), a space-partition (SP) method, and a generalized subset simulation (GSS) is proposed for the conceptual design of TPS with temperature-dependent materials. MIMO-SVMs are used to approximate the thermal responses to save calculation costs. The variance-based global sensitivity indices are calculated by SP to make full use of the information within samples. Based on the sensitivity indices, a dimension reduction process is introduced. In the reduced space, GSS is used to simultaneously evaluate all the failure probabilities by fully exploring the correlation among all the LSFs. Two application examples including a lifting body vehicle model and a spacecraft model are used to demonstrate the performance of the proposed methodology.
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This work was supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Project No. 51876054), the Natural Science Foundation of Jiangsu Province (Project No. BK20200512), and the Fundamental Research Funds for the Central Universities (Project No. B200201062).
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To further understand the reliability sensitivity procedure, the MATLAB codes of the space-partition method, the generalized subset simulation method, and a numerical example are provided as supplementary material. Codes of the one-dimensional thermal analysis and the deterministic design for TPS are included as well. The sequential quadratic programming design optimization can be operated using MATLAB built-in function fmincon. The code of the multi-input and multi-output support vector machines can be referred to (Xu et al. 2014; Xu et al. 2013). Only the original data of the heat flux for the first application example is provided since the amount of the data for the second one is very huge.
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Appendix 1 MIMO-SVM technique
Appendix 1 MIMO-SVM technique
For a system with md outputs, the training data set S is defined as
where nd is the dimension of inputs, l is the training sample size, xxi is the input parameters, and yi is the scalar output, respectively. The control parameter wi in SVM regression expression is divided as wi = w0 + vi (Arora et al. 1998).
The regression parameters w0, vi, and bi are solved by minimizing the following objective function with constraints
where λ and c are two positive real regularized parameters; 1l = (1, 1, …, 1)T∈Rl; Z = (ϕ(xi,1), ϕ(xi,2), …, ϕ(xi,l)); ξi = (ξi,1, ξi,2, …, ξi,1)T; and\( {\sum}_{i=1}^{md}{\xi}_i^T{\xi}_i \) is a quadratic loss function.
The optimization problem in (21) is formulated by the following Lagrange function
where αi = (αi,1, αi,2,…,αi,l)T are the Lagrange multipliers. The corresponding Karush-Kuhn-Tucker conditions are given by
The following linear equations can be deduced as
where Z = (Z1, Z2,…, Zmd) and α = (α1T, α2T,…, αmdT)T. The following matrix equation is further formulated as
where O = (1l1, 1l2,…, 1lmd) is a block diagonal matrix. The positive definite matrix H = ZTZ+(1/2c) Il + (md/λ)B. Il is a unitary matrix. B = (K1, K2,…, Kmd) is a block diagonal matrix, in which the i-th element satisfies Ki = ZiTZi. Supposed that the solution to (25) is α* = (α1*T, α2*T,…, αmd*T)T and b* = (b1*,b2*,…,bmd*)T, where αi* = (αi,1*, αi,2*,…, αi,l*)T. The regression functions can be expressed as
where ϕ(⋅) is the specified kernel function. More details about the MIMO-SVM technique can be referred to (Xu et al. 2014; Xu et al. 2013).
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Ma, YZ., Li, HS. & Zhao, ZZ. Reliability sensitivity analysis of thermal protection system. Struct Multidisc Optim 64, 1199–1220 (2021). https://doi.org/10.1007/s00158-021-02909-z
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s00158-021-02909-z