The effect of body asymmetry on anticipatory and compensatory postural adjustments was studied. Ten healthy subjects stood on the force platform and held an object in one hand which induced body asymmetry. Subjects were exposed to external perturbations applied to their shoulders while standing with either normal or narrow base of support. Bilateral electromyographic activity (EMG) of dorsal and ventral trunk and leg muscles and center-of-pressure displacements were recorded. Data was analyzed within the intervals typical for anticipatory (APA) and compensatory postural adjustments. Integrals of EMG activity and co-contraction and reciprocal activation of muscles were calculated and analyzed. Reciprocal activation of muscles on the target side and co-contraction of muscles on the contralateral side were seen when standing in asymmetrical stance and being subjected to external perturbations. Decreased magnitudes of co-contraction and reciprocal activation of muscles were seen in the APA phase while standing asymmetrically with narrow base of support. The findings highlight the importance of investigating the role of body asymmetry in maintaining control of vertical posture. The outcome of the study provides a foundation for future studies focusing on improvement in postural control in individuals with body asymmetry due to unilateral weakness.
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This work was supported in part by the NIH Grant No. HD064838. We thank Charlie Ma for his assistance in data collection.
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Chen, B., Lee, YJ. & Aruin, A.S. Anticipatory and compensatory postural adjustments in conditions of body asymmetry induced by holding an object. Exp Brain Res 233, 3087–3096 (2015). https://doi.org/10.1007/s00221-015-4377-7
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s00221-015-4377-7