The exposure of paddy fields to arsenic (As) through groundwater irrigation is a serious concern that may not only lead to As accumulation to unacceptable levels but also interfere with mineral nutrients in rice grains. In the present field study, profiling of the mineral nutrients (iron (Fe), phosphorous, zinc, and selenium (Se)) was done in various rice genotypes with respect to As accumulation. A significant genotypic variation was observed in elemental retention on root Fe plaque and their accumulation in various plant parts including grains, specific As uptake (29–167 mg kg−1 dw), as well as As transfer factor (4–45%). Grains retained the least level of As (0.7–3%) with inorganic As species being the dominant forms, while organic As species, viz., dimethylarsinic acid and monomethylarsonic acid, were non-detectable. In all tested varieties, the level of Se was low (0.05–0.12 mg kg−1 dw), whereas that of As was high (0.4–1.68 mg kg−1 dw), considering their safe/recommended daily intake limits, which may not warrant their human consumption. Hence, their utilization may increase the risk of arsenicosis, when grown in As-contaminated areas.
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- As:
- DCB:
Dithionite citrate bicarbonate
- DMA:
Dimethylarsinic acid
- GW:
- Fe:
- MMA:
Monomethylarsonic acid
- ND:
Not detectable
- P:
- Se:
- SAU:
Specific arsenic uptake
- SSU:
Specific selenium uptake
- TF:
Transfer factor
- Zn:
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This work was supported by Network Project (NWP-19) of Council of Scientific and Industrial Research, Government of India. SD is grateful to SERC Division, Department of Science and Technology, New Delhi, India, for the award of Young Scientist. The authors are also thankful to the Director, Department of Agriculture, Government of West Bengal for providing the lab and field facility to conduct the field trial.
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Dwivedi, S., Tripathi, R.D., Srivastava, S. et al. Arsenic affects mineral nutrients in grains of various Indian rice (Oryza sativa L.) genotypes grown on arsenic-contaminated soils of West Bengal. Protoplasma 245, 113–124 (2010). https://doi.org/10.1007/s00709-010-0151-7
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s00709-010-0151-7