A uniform theory of conditionals is one which compositionally captures the behavior of both indicative and subjunctive conditionals without positing ambiguities. This paper raises new problems for the closest thing to a uniform analysis in the literature (Stalnaker, Philosophia, 5, 269–286 (1975)) and develops a new theory which solves them. I also show that this new analysis provides an improved treatment of three phenomena (the import-export equivalence, reverse Sobel-sequences and disjunctive antecedents). While these results concern central issues in the study of conditionals, broader themes in the philosophy of language and formal semantics are also engaged here. This new analysis exploits a dynamic conception of meaning where the meaning of a symbol is its potential to change an agent’s mental state (or the state of a conversation) rather than being the symbol’s content (e.g. the proposition it expresses). The analysis of conditionals is also built on the idea that the contrast between subjunctive and indicative conditionals parallels a contrast between revising and consistently extending some body of information.

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The indicative and subjunctive labels are flawed, but ubiquitous. (1) and (2) are not meant to be exhaustive, but rather paradigmatic lists. I will not propose an analysis of habitual (Bob dances if Leland dances) or future (Bob will dance if Leland dances) indicatives. These require an independent analysis of habituals and future tense, which are more complex than simple past and present tenses, with a plausible analysis of conditionals. [48] takes up this project.
The cross-linguistic distribution of conditional particles indicates that they are not homonymous. Another obvious but unappreciated mark against homonymy was pointed out to me by Tom Donaldson: there isn’t a subjunctive reading of (1) or an indicative reading of (2).
Many authors have explored this idea. See [76, Section 5.6].
These constraints are detailed in Definition 16, Appendix A.1.
Consider a robot with a model of its environment who can perform actions which change that environment. How does the robot decide what has changed and what hasn’t? [63] Striking the match usually leads to fire. But sometimes not. The match could be wet, the striking surface could be too smooth or there could be too little oxygen or too much wind, or the robot could have confused a twig for a match. Where does this list end? The robot will also need a list of the things that don’t change! Goodman observed: it seems to be true that if the match had been struck, it would have lit. But it doesn’t light under any number of conditions and listing them without circularity is non-trivial. See [79].
I’ll be a monkey’s uncle if Bob dances more than suggests that Bob won’t dance.
von Fintel [28] proposes a similar view where subjunctives presuppose that the space of worlds relevant for evaluating the antecedent are not a subset of c. As he notes, none of his data distinguishes this from the Stalnakerian view. Leahy [52] proposes that indicatives presuppose the epistemic possibility of their antecedent, that subjunctives have no presuppositions and derives the Subjunctive Suggestion as an ‘antipresupposition’ using an epistemic logic. There seem to be counterexamples to this claim about indicatives: “I know that Bob danced. But I’m happy to humor you and consider the possibility that he didn’t. If he didn’t dance, Leland didn’t dance either.” Since the [52] approach truly requires this assumption, I’m inclined to the abductive approach sketched above.
More specifically, the auxiliaries in the antecedents of (8a) and (8b) are marked with what looks like past tense, and the same goes for the main verb in the antecedent of (8c). When multiple tenses are layered as in (8a) and (8b), the tense on the auxiliary determines the overall tense of the sentence. The acceptability of perfective sentences like By tomorrow, Bob will have danced makes this clear. Otherwise, such a sentence would be as unacceptable as #Bob danced tomorrow.
Parallel examples for (8a) and (8b) are available [42]. With subjunctives like (8b) there is the additional difference that even with singular subjects the plural conjugation is used. In isolation Bob were to dance is ungrammatical, though The men were (supposed) to dance is acceptable. The latter sentence exhibits the same ‘fake past’ pattern in that it allows tomorrow, yesterday and today.
See also [97, Section 4] who suggest that even tensed languages commonly use non-temporal morphology to mark subjunctive antecedents. Murray (p.c.) also informs me that Cheyenne uses identical tense/aspect morphology in indicative and subjunctive antecedents, but a distinct hypothetical mood for the two.
Kratzer [50, 51] suggests a view on which indicative and subjunctives differ only in the modal base/ordering sources used. This counts as a simple kind of uniform theory. But it has never been investigated how precisely this difference can be derived from the meaning of an operator within the scope of the restrictor clause in subjunctives. Kratzer’s account of modal variation is more at home with bare modals where often the same exact form has multiple interpretations. Further, problems identical to those discussed below arise in the Kratzerian setting. For Kratzer, the modal domain is generated from the modal base f: \(\bigcup f(w)\). To capture the idea that indicative antecedents concern only live possibilities, one could require that \(\bigcup f(w)=c\) for all w. But then, just as with Stalnaker’s approach, one ends up allowing exceptions to modus ponens. At worlds outside c, the conditional can be true while the antecedent true and consequent false. Weakening the claim that \(\bigcup f(w)=c\) for all w, leads to the same problem Stalnaker faces: it does not embody Stalnaker’s Distinction.
Stalnaker makes the uniqueness assumption: for all w and p there is at most one p-world most similar to w. The above remains neutral on this matter by universally quantifying over a set of the most similar worlds, be it a singleton or more populous set. Throughout, I will translate Stalnaker’s discussion of f into a setting that does not assume uniqueness.
Nolan [69, 222-3] suggests requiring c to be knowledge helps, but at least within Stalnaker’s view where the context set is a set of worlds rather than an accessibility relation, this does not help. All this guarantees is that the actual world won’t provide the counterexample to modus ponens, which is no consolation. Further this conversationally unrealistic requirement would vitiate nearly all of the explanatory applications of Stalnaker’s framework. Lycan [61] chooses to give up and reject modus ponens. In the theory proposed below, neither concession is necessary.
Stalnaker’s ‘pragmatic’ constraint would have to apply sub-sententially: If Bob is dancing, then Laura would be dancing if she were here.
[ϕ] is a function which applies to c and delivers c′. Although the notation [ϕ] (c) seems more appropriate, I will follow precedent [100]
The present model does not distinguish implicit and explicit information, i.e. information agents have immediate access to versus information they could access by communication or thought. Models that make this distinction exist but introduce unnecessary complications here [23, Ch. 9].
This way of stating the dialectic uses the properties of eliminativity and continuity often discussed in the context of dynamic semantics [10–12, 38]. Rothschild and Yalcin [77] have shown that idempotence and commutativity provide a more general characterization of the updates that don’t obey the equation above. This development leads to the same basic debate with different properties guiding it. It is therefore equally orthogonal to the kind of argument for dynamic semantics provided below.
In this case: {w}[ϕ] = ∅ and since ∅[ψ] = ∅, ∅ ⊨ ψ. Hence {w}[ϕ] ⊨ ψ.
There is a long history of authors who have endorsed these truth-conditions but failed combine it with a plausible logic. Starr [92] argues that this is an additional interest of the present semantics.
For a similar view see [31, Section 4].
Again, I am putting aside the limit assumption. Stalnaker formulates the selection function as returning a single world rather than a singleton set. That implementation requires contortions (undefinedness or an impossible world) when evaluating f (w, ∅), while the set selection formulation [55, Section 3.4] can just return ∅.
Weak centering would do as well: w ∈ f (w, p) if w ∈ p.
The [64] ‘counterexamples’ to modus ponens are easily diagnosed and diffused on the dynamic semantics for conditionals described in Section 3.2 [34, 592-5]. The similar subjunctive case from [15, Section 3.1] only arises in a structural equations framework, e.g. [73, Ch.7]. Since that is my preferred analysis of f , it is fortunate that my version of the structural equations semantics circumvents this problem by rendering the complex subjunctive false [91].
Some strict accounts of subjunctive conditionals invalidate these patterns, but in a very specific case (e.g. [29, 35]). They rely on a case where the presuppositions of the premise are met but the conclusion’s are not and cannot be accommodated. Thus, the truth of the premise does not guarantee the truth of the conclusion (and hence isn’t dynamically valid either). However, the Strawsonian definition of entailment motivated in Section 3.2 does not count cases like this for or against an inference pattern. On this definition any strict analysis will validate Antecedent Strengthening and Transitivity. By contrast, on my semantics these patterns aren’t even valid in the Strawsonian sense.
When restricted to persistent consequents. See Definition 25 in Appendix.
This approach is particularly problematic for mixed consequents: if Cooper had eaten a donut, he would have dunked it in coffee and might have given a bite of it to Audrey. On Stalnaker’s (re)analysis this implausibly equivalent to if Cooper had eaten a donut, he would have dunked it in coffee and would have given a bite of it to Audrey.
More generally, if ϕ 1 and ϕ 2 are formulas built up from literals embedded under ◃ by ∨ and ∧, and ψ is persistent (Definition 25), then (if(ϕ 1 ∨ ϕ 2)) ψ ⊨ ((if ϕ 1) ψ) ∧ ((if ϕ 2) ψ).
Another raised by Fine [24, 453-4] is that SDA leads to Antecedent Strengthening by the substitution of equivalents in the antecedent. p and (p ∧ q) ∨ (p ∧ ¬q) are equivalent, so from p > r, ((p ∧ q) ∨ (p ∧ ¬q)) > r follows by substitution of equivalents. Then by SDA (p ∧ q) > r. But ◃p and ◃((p ∧ q) ∨ (p ∧ ¬q)) are not equivalent.
One might instead have the hunch that the difference between (33) and (31a) traces to the distinction between (if ◃(α ∨ β)) ψ and (if ◃α ∨ ◃β) ψ. But recall that ◃ is coming from either the past tense or have. So one would expect If Spain had fourth for the Axis or Spain had fought for the Allies, she would have fought for the Axis to be just as bad as (33). Though it is subtle, this conditional strikes me as at least significantly better than (33). I return to ◃(α ∨ β) versus ◃α ∨ ◃β shortly.
I thank James Shaw for raising this issue.
Alonso-Ovalle [4, 5] also presents a (more complex) analysis using alternative semantics. This analysis does not use an operator like ◃ to apply the selection function to alternatives. It instead builds an appeal to the selection function into the basic conditional semantics. This will not lead to an adequate uniform theory of conditionals for the reasons discussed in Section 2.3. The lack of ◃ and dynamic consequence in this analysis also prevents it from having a compelling response to worries about the substitution of equivalents in antecedents (see note 35).
Fine [26, 47] also voices this worry, and additionally mentions examples with existential quantification as a worry. Since many also adopt an alternative semantics for existential quantification, that additional worry is mute. Fine [25, 26] offers a different semantics for subjunctive conditionals altogether that validates SDA. Fine [26, 48] sketches an inchoate version of the Warmbrod-style [102, 284] reply to [66] detailed above. Fine’s [25] semantics shares many similarities to my preferred approach mentioned above [91], but does not integrate well into the kind of uniform theory developed here.
\(\langle {c_{f}}\rangle \) is a state and if s is a state then \(\langle {c^{\prime }_{f^{\prime }},s}\rangle \) is a state. This recursive structure allows one meaning for \(\phi \)to be applied to both \(\langle {c_{f},\langle {c^{\prime }_{f^{\prime }}}}\rangle \rangle \) and it’s sub-state \(\langle {c^{\prime }_{f^{\prime }}}\rangle \). This is needed for conditionals in the consequent of a conditional.
Like von Fintel’s theory, the apparatus here also allows one to explain the intuitive validity of many cases of transitivity as well as the asymmetries those inferences exhibit, but that too must be reserved for another occasion.
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I benefitted greatly from participants in my Spring 2012 graduate seminar at Cornell and from audiences at NYU and the University of Michigan Philosophy and Linguistics Workshop. The basic ideas here come from my dissertation [90, Ch.3], so the lengthy acknowledgments there apply again here. I owe a special debt to conversations with Barbara Abbott, Ana Arregui, Josh Armstrong, Maria Bittner, Carlos Fasola, Thony Gillies, Gabe Greenberg, Michael Johnson, Jeff King, Philipp Koralus, Ernie Lepore, Karen Lewis, Barry Loewer, Salvador Mascarenhas, Sarah Murray, Carlotta Pavese, Adam Rigoni, Bob Stalnaker, Jason Stanley, James Shaw, Matthew Stone, Rich Thomason, Brian Weatherson and Malte Willer. I also wish to thank two anonymous reviewers whose insightful comments improved this paper significantly.
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Appendix A: Dynamic Conditional Logic with ◃ (DCL ◃)
Appendix A: Dynamic Conditional Logic with ◃ (DCL ◃)
1.1 A.1 Syntax and Semantics
Definition 12 (DCL ◃ Syntax)
(1) \(p\in {\mathcal {W}\mathit {ff}_{A}}\) if \(p\in \mathcal {A}t=\mathsf {\{p_{0},p_{1},\ldots \}}\)
(2) \(\neg \phi \in \mathcal {W}\mathit {ff}_{A}\) if \(\phi \in \mathcal {W}\mathit {ff}_{A}\)
(3) \(\Diamond \phi \in \mathcal {W}\mathit {ff}_{A}\) if \(\phi \in \mathcal {W}\mathit {ff}_{A}\)
(4) \(\Box \phi \in \mathcal {W}\mathit {ff}_{A}\) if \(\phi \in \mathcal {W}\mathit {ff}_{A}\)
(5) \((\phi \wedge \psi )\in \mathcal {W}\mathit {ff}_{A}\) if \(\phi ,\psi \in \mathcal {W}\mathit {ff}_{A}\)
(6) \((\phi \vee \psi )\in \mathcal {W}\mathit {ff}_{A}\) if \(\phi ,\psi \in \mathcal {W}\mathit {ff}_{A}\)
(7) \((\mathsf {if}\,{\phi })\,{\psi }\in \mathcal {W}\mathit {ff}_{C}\) if \(\phi ,\psi \in \mathcal {W}\mathit {ff}_{A}\)
(8) \((\mathsf {if}\,{\phi })\,{\psi }\in \mathcal {W}\mathit {ff}_{C}\) if \(\phi \in \mathcal {W}\mathit {ff}_{A}, \psi \in \mathcal {W}\mathit {ff}_{C}\)
(9) \(\neg \phi \in \mathcal {W}\mathit {ff}_{C}\) if \(\phi \in {\mathcal {W}\mathit {ff}}_{C}\)
(10) \(\Diamond \phi \in \mathcal {W}\mathit {ff}_{C}\) if \(\phi \in {\mathcal {W}\mathit {ff}}_{C}\)
(11) \(\Box \phi \in \mathcal {W}\mathit {ff}_{C}\) if \(\phi \in {\mathcal {W}\mathit {ff}}_{C}\)
(12) \((\phi \wedge \psi )\in \mathcal {W}\mathit {ff}_{C}\) if \(\phi ,\psi \in \mathcal {W}\mathit {ff}_{C}\cup \mathcal {W}\mathit {ff}_{A}\)
(13) \((\phi \vee \psi )\in \mathcal {W}\mathit {ff}_{C}\) if \(\phi ,\psi \in \mathcal {W}\mathit {ff}_{C}\cup \mathcal {W}\mathit {ff}_{A}\)
(14) \(\lhd \phi \in \mathcal {W}\mathit {ff}_{A\lhd }\) if \(\phi \in \mathcal {W}\mathit {ff}_{A}\)
(15) \(\phi_{1}\vee \phi_{2}\in \mathcal {W}\mathit {ff}_{A\lhd }\) if \(\phi_{1},\phi_{2},\in \mathcal {W}\mathit {ff}_{A\lhd }\)
(16) \(\phi_{1}\wedge \phi_{2}\in \mathcal {W}\mathit {ff}_{A\lhd }\) if \(\phi_{1},\phi_{2},\in \mathcal {W}\mathit {ff}_{A\lhd }\)
(17) \((\mathsf {if}\,{\phi })\,{\psi }\in \mathcal {W}\mathit {ff}_{\lhd }\) if \(\phi \in \mathcal {W}\mathit {ff}_{A\lhd },\psi \in \mathcal {W}\mathit {ff}_{A}\)
(18) \(\Box \lhd \phi \in \mathcal {W}\mathit {ff}_{\lhd }\) if \(\phi \in \mathcal {W}\mathit {ff}_{A}\)
(19) \(\Diamond \lhd \phi \in \mathcal {W}\mathit {ff}_{\lhd }\) if \(\phi \in \mathcal {W}\mathit {ff}_{A}\)
(20) \((\mathsf {if}\,{\phi })\,{\psi }\in \mathcal {W}\mathit {ff}_{\lhd }\) if \(\phi \in \mathcal {W}\mathit {ff}_{A\lhd }, \psi \in \mathcal {W}\mathit {ff}_{\lhd }\)
(21) \(\neg \phi \in \mathcal {W}\mathit {ff}_{\lhd }\) if \(\phi \in {\mathcal {W}\mathit {ff}}_{\lhd }\)
(22) \((\phi \wedge \psi )\in \mathcal {W}\mathit {ff}_{\lhd }\) if \(\phi ,\psi \in \mathcal {W}\mathit {ff}_{C}\cup \mathcal {W}\mathit {ff}_{A}\cup \mathcal {W}\mathit {ff}_{\lhd }\)
(23) \((\phi \vee \psi )\in \mathcal {W}\mathit {ff}_{\lhd }\) if \(\phi ,\psi \in \mathcal {W}\mathit {ff}_{C}\cup \mathcal {W}\mathit {ff}_{A}\cup \mathcal {W}\mathit {ff}_{\lhd }\)
Remark 1
This does not permit indicative conditionals to nest in subjunctive conditionals or vice-versa, though that could be easily achieved. This also prohibits any conditional from nesting in the antecedent of a conditional. This too could be permitted, but seems unmotivated by natural language syntax.
Definition 13
(Worlds) W : 𝒜 ↦{1,0} where 𝒜t = {p 0,p 1,…}
Definition 14
(Contextual Possibilities/Information) \(c\subseteq W\)
Definition 15
(Contextual Alternatives)
C is a non-empty set of subsets of W
\(\varnothing \neq C\subseteq \mathcal {P}{(W)}\)
𝒞 is the set of all such C
\(\bigcup C\) is the information embodied by C; the sets in C are called alternatives; overlapping and non-maximal alternatives are allowed.
Definition 16
(Selection Functions) (Let p, p′ ⊆ W and w ∈ W)
(a) f (w, p) ⊆ p success
(b) f (w, p) = {w}, if w ∈ p strong centering
(c) f (w, p) ⊆ p′ & f (w, p′) ⊆ p ⇒ f (w, p) = f (w, p′) uniformity
(d) f (w, p) contains at most one world uniqueness
While Stalnaker assumes (d), I will not.
Definition 17
If C is a set of contextual alternatives and f is a selection function, then 〈C, f〉> is a context.
Nothing else is a context
Remark 2
(C f )
C f is an abbreviation for 〈C, f〉, and any set theoretic notation involving C f should be read as operating on the C inside C f . E.g. \(C_{f}\cap C'_{f}\) is an abbreviation for \(\langle {C\cap C'}\rangle_{f} \). This notation will never be used in a case like \(C_{f}\cap C'_{f'}\) if f ≠ f ′.
Definition 18
(Update Semantics)
Where \(C=\{c_{0},\ldots ,c_{n}\}\) and \(\overline {C}^{\phi }:=\{\,c_{0}-\bigcup (\{c_{0}\}[\phi ]),\ldots ,c_{n}-\bigcup (\{c_{n}\}[\phi ])\,\}\):
(1) C f [p] = \(\{\{w\in c_{0}\mid w(\mathsf {p})=1\},\ldots ,\{w\in c_{n}\mid w(\mathsf {p})=1\}\}_{f}\)
(2) C f [¬ϕ] = \(\overline {C}^{\phi }_{f}\)
(3) \(C_{f}[\phi \wedge \psi ]\) = \((C_{f}[\phi ])[\psi ]\)
(4) \(C_{f}[\phi \vee \psi ]\) = \(C_{f}[\phi ]\cup C_{f}[\psi ]\)
Remark 3
Above, \(\overline {C}^{\phi }\) may be pronounced the \(\phi \) complement of C. Forming this set amounts to eliminating the \(\phi \)-worlds from each alternative in C. So \(C_{f}[\neg \phi ]\) will eliminate \(\phi \)-worlds from each alternative in C.
Definition 19
(Support, Truth in w)
Support \(C_{f}\vDash \phi \Leftrightarrow \bigcup (C_{f}[\phi ])=\bigcup C_{f}\)
Truth in w,f \(w,f\vDash \phi \Leftrightarrow \{\{w\}\}_{f}[\phi ]=\{\{w\}\}_{f}\)
Definition 20
(Propositional Content) ⟦ϕ⟧f={w∣w,f⊨ϕ}
Definition 21
(Inquisitive Content) \(\lfloor \phi \rfloor_{f}=C'\iff \{W\}_{f}[\phi ]=\langle {C',f}\rangle \)
Remark 4
Since \(\lhd \) is the only operator sensitive to f , I will often omit f when writing \(\lfloor \phi \rfloor \) and ⟦ϕ⟧ for ϕ that do not contain it.
Definition 22
(Entailment) \(\phi_{1},\ldots ,\phi_{n}\vDash \psi \Leftrightarrow \forall C_{f}:C_{f}[\phi_{1}]\cdots [\phi_{n}]\vDash \psi \)
If \(C_{f}[\phi_{1}]\cdots [\phi_{n}][\psi ]\) is defined.
Definition 23
(Conditional Semantics) \(C_{f}[(\mathsf{if}\,{\phi})\,{\psi}]=\left\{\begin{array}{ll}\{a\in C\mid C_{f}[\phi]\vDash \psi\}_{f} &\text{if }\bigcup(C_{f}[\phi])\neq\varnothing\\\text{Undefined} &\text{otherwise}\end{array}\right.\)
Definition 24
(Alternative Counterfactual Expansion ◃) Let f be a selection function and \(c=\bigcup C\):\(\displaystyle C_{f}[\lhd \alpha ]=\{\{w'\mid \exists w\in c: w'\in f(w,a)\}\mid a\in \lfloor \alpha \rfloor \}_{f}\)
Remark 5
To illustrate the definition, consider C f [◃A]:
The second line follows since \(\lfloor \mathsf {A}\rfloor =\{⟦\mathsf {A}⟧ \}\). By the meaning of ∨, C f [◃A ∨ ◃B] = C f [◃A] ∪ C f [◃B]. This results in (51).
{{w′∣ ∃w ∈ c : w′ ∈ f (w, ⟦A⟧)}, {w′ ∣ ∃w ∈ c : w′∈ f (w, ⟦B⟧)}} f
As desired, C f [◃(A ∨ B)] will yield the same result.
In this case, the second line follows since \(\lfloor \mathsf {A\vee B}\rfloor =\{⟦ \mathsf {A}⟧ ,⟦ \mathsf {B}⟧ \}\). Thus, evaluating a disjunctive antecedent comes to the same thing whether the disjunction takes wide or narrow scope. It comes to evaluating whether or not the expanded set of alternatives supports the consequent. This raises a pertinent question: I’ve said what it takes for a set of worlds to support a sentence, but what does it take for a set of alternatives to support a sentence? Requiring that C[ϕ] = C produces an interesting but more fine-grained notion of support, requiring not only that ϕ provided no new information, but also introduced no new alternatives. To capture the old notion of support, I want to say that the underlying set of worlds is the same in C as in C[ϕ]. This is accomplished in Definition 22.
1.2 A.2 Results
Fact 3
(Simple Subjunctive Conditional Propositions)
For \(\psi \in \mathcal {W}\mathit {ff}_{A}\) and free of \(\Diamond \)and \(\Box \), where \(\lfloor \alpha \rfloor =\{a_{0},\ldots ,a_{n}\}\):
\(⟦ (\mathsf {if}\,{\lhd \alpha })\,{\psi }⟧_{f}\) is well-defined iff \(\forall w\in W\), \(\exists a\in \lfloor \alpha \rfloor :f(w,a)\neq \varnothing \)By Def’s 20, 19.2, 23 and 24, \(⟦ (\mathsf {if}\,{\lhd \alpha })\,{\psi }⟧_{f}= \{w\mid \{f(w,a_{0}),\ldots ,f(w,a_{n})\}_{f}\vDash \psi \}\) when defined. By Def 23, this is defined if and only if for all \(w\in W, \bigcup \{f(w,a_{0}),\ldots ,f(w,a_{n})\}\neq \varnothing \). This holds at an arbitrary w iff \(\exists a\in \lfloor \alpha \rfloor :f(w,a)\neq \varnothing \).
When defined, \(⟦ (\mathsf {if}\,{\lhd \alpha })\,{\psi }⟧_{f}= \{w\mid \bigcup \{f(w,a_{0}),\ldots ,f(w,a_{n})\}\subseteq ⟦ \psi ⟧_{f}\}\)
As previously noted, \(⟦ (\mathsf {if}\,{\lhd \alpha })\,{\psi }⟧_{f}= \{w\mid \{f(w,a_{0}),\ldots ,f(w,a_{n})\}_{f}\vDash \psi \}\). \(\psi \) is neither conditional nor modal, so \(\forall C_{f}: C_{f}\vDash \psi \) iff \(\bigcup C\subseteq ⟦ \psi ⟧_{f}\). □
Fact 4
(Import-Export) (if ϕ 1) ((if ϕ 2)ψ) ⫤⊨ (if ϕ 1 ∧ ϕ 2)ψ
When both forms are defined, they amount to the same update:
Cases of undefinedness do not count towards validity and may be disregarded. □
Fact 5
(Modus Ponens)
(if ϕ) ψ, ϕ ⊨ ψ
Either \(C_{f}[(\mathsf {if}\,{\phi })\,{\psi }]=C_{f}\) or \(C_{f}[(\mathsf {if}\,{\phi })\,{\psi }]=\varnothing_{f}\). In the former case, \(C_{f}[\phi ]\vDash \psi \) and the condition needed for the entailment, \(\bigcup (C_{f}[(\mathsf {if}\,{\phi })\,{\psi }][\phi ][\psi ])=\bigcup (C_{f}[(\mathsf {if}\,{\phi })\,{\psi }][\phi ])\), is equivalent to \(\bigcup (C_{f}[\phi ][\psi ])=\bigcup (C_{f}[\phi ])\). But since \(C_{f}[\phi ]\vDash \psi \), this obtains. In the latter case \(C_{f}[(\mathsf {if}\,{\phi })\,{\psi }][\phi ][\psi ]=\varnothing_{f}=C_{f}[(\mathsf {if}\,{\phi })\,{\psi }][\phi ]\), so the entailment must also hold. □
Definition 25
(Persistence) ϕ is persistent iff \(C'_{f}\vDash \phi \) if \(C_{f}\vDash \phi \) and \(\bigcup C'\subseteq \bigcup C\). (I.e. \(\phi \)’s support persists after more information comes in.)
Fact 6
In general, \(\Diamond \phi \) is not persistent. Take a c containing many worlds but only one \(\phi \)-world w. Then \(\{c\}_{f}\vDash \Diamond \phi \), but \(c-\{w\}\subseteq c\) and \(\{c-\{w\}\}_{f}\nvDash \Diamond \phi \).
Fact 7
(Disj. Ants. 1) For persistent \(\psi \), \((\mathsf {if}\,{\phi_{1}\vee \phi_{2}})\,{\psi }\vDash (\mathsf {if}\,{\phi_{1}})\,{\psi }\wedge (\mathsf {if}\,{\phi_{2}})\,{\psi }\)
The premise tests that \(C_{f}[\phi_{1}]\cup C_{f}[\phi_{2}]\vDash \psi \). The conclusion presupposes that \(\bigcup (C_{f}[\phi_{1}])\neq \varnothing \) and \(\bigcup (C_{f}[\phi_{2}])\neq \varnothing \), and tests that \(C_{f}[\phi_{1}]\vDash \psi \) and \(C_{f}[\phi_{2}]\vDash \psi \). Since \(\bigcup (C_{f}[\phi_{1}])\subseteq (\bigcup (C_{f}[\phi_{1}])\cup \bigcup (C_{f}[\phi_{2}]))\) and \(\bigcup (C_{f}[\phi_{2}])\subseteq (\bigcup (C_{f}[\phi_{1}])\cup \bigcup (c[\phi_{2}]))\), this test must be successful when \(\psi \) is persistent but may not be successful when \(\psi \) isn’t persistent. □
Remark 6
(if p ∨ ¬p) ♢ p ⊮ ((if p) ♢ p) ∧ ((if ¬p) ♢ p). If there are both p and ¬p worlds in c all presuppositions will be met and the premise will successfully test c. The second conjunct of the conclusion won’t successfully test, despite its presuppositions being met.
Remark 7
While Fact 8 is limited to atomic \(\alpha \) and \(\beta \), it could be proven inductively for any \(\alpha ,\beta \in \mathcal {W}ff_{A}\), but I omit that lengthy proof here.
Fact 8
(Disj. Ants. 2) For persistent \(\psi \) and atomic \(\alpha , \beta \), \((\mathsf {if}\,{\lhd (\alpha \vee \beta )})\,{\psi }\vDash (\mathsf {if}\,{\lhd \alpha })\,{\psi }\wedge (\mathsf {if}\,{\lhd \beta })\,{\psi }\)
The premise tests that \(C_{f}[\lhd (\alpha \vee \beta )]\vDash \psi \). By Definition 24, \(C_{f}[\lhd (\alpha \vee \beta )]=\{\{w'\mid \exists w\in c: w'\in f(w,a)\}\mid a\in \lfloor \alpha \vee \beta \rfloor \}_{f}\). By Definitions 18.4, 18.1 and 21, \(\lfloor \alpha \vee \beta \rfloor =\{⟦ \alpha ⟧ ,⟦ \beta ⟧ \}\), so the first line below follows.
The second line follows by set theory, and the last two by Definitions 24 and 18.4, respectively. From this equality and Fact 7, the entailment follows. □
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Starr, W.B. A Uniform Theory of Conditionals. J Philos Logic 43, 1019–1064 (2014). https://doi.org/10.1007/s10992-013-9300-8
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s10992-013-9300-8