The authentication system plays a crucial role in the context of GLObal MObility NETwork (GLOMONET) where Mobile User (MU) often need to seamless and secure roaming service over multiple Foreign Agents (FA). However, designing a robust and anonymous authentication protocol along with a user privacy is essential and challenging task. Due to the resource constrained property of mobile terminals, the broadcast nature of a wireless channel, mobility environments are frequently exposed to several attacks. Many researchers focus their interests on designing an efficient and secure mobile user authentication protocol for mobility networks. Very recently (in 2018), Xu et al presented the novel anonymous authentication system for roaming in GLOMONET, and insisted that their protocol is more secure than existing authentication protocols. The security strength of Xu et al.’s authentication protocol is analysed and identified that the protocol is vulnerable to stolen verifier attack, privileged insider attack, impersonation attack and denial of service attack. In-fact, the protocol suffers from clock synchronization problem and cannot afford local password-verification to detect wrong passwords quickly. As a remedy, we proposed an efficient and robust anonymous authentication protocol for mobility networks. The proposed mobile user authentication protocol achieves the provable security and has the ability to resist against numerous network attacks. Besides, the correctness of the novel authentication protocol is validated using formal security tool called AVISPA (Automated Validation of Internet Security Protocols & Applications). Finally, the performance analysis and simulation results reveals that the proposed authentication protocol is computationally efficient and practically implementable in resource limited mobility environments.

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Shashidhara, R., Bojjagani, S., Maurya, A.K. et al. A Robust user authentication protocol with privacy-preserving for roaming service in mobility environments. Peer-to-Peer Netw. Appl. 13, 1943–1966 (2020). https://doi.org/10.1007/s12083-020-00929-y
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s12083-020-00929-y