Land use change may differently affect soil hydraulic properties at different applied tensions (ψ). In comparison to soil physico-chemical properties, long-term effects of land use types on soil hydraulic properties particularly measured at different applied tensions and calculated using different approaches have been evaluated in rare cases. Therefore, the present study aimed to evaluate the effects of long-term land use types including annual cultivated field (ACF), perennial alfalfa field (PAF) and orchard field (OF) on near-saturated and saturated hydraulic conductivity (Kψ), sorptive number (α) and pore size classes contributing to water flow within calcareous soils and to compare the near-saturated hydraulic conductivity determined using the variable and constant alpha approaches in the soils of different land uses. A total of 75 in situ infiltration measurements were made using a tension disk infiltrometer (25 replications for each land use) at 6 tensions of 0–15 cm. Kψ were determined using variable alpha (KAψ) and constant alpha (KGψ) approaches. KAψ in PAF was 1.10–2.69 times greater than that of ACF. Meanwhile, KAψ in PAF was 2.15–2.35 times greater than that of OF. KAψ and KGψ were equal at ψ of 5 cm. Furthermore, KAψ was higher than KGψ at ψ < 5 but was lower than KGψ at ψ > 5 cm. In the ACF, the average relative proportion of the ‘pore classes’ to ‘flow’ was 2 (micropores):7 (mesopores):6 (macropores). However, the proportions were 1:6:6 for PAF and OF land uses. The total values of water flow in micro- and mesopores were 1.5, 1.2, and 1.2 times greater than that of macropores in ACF, PAF and OF land uses, respectively. The results are useful for describing more accurately the hydraulic properties in modeling the water flow and the pollutant/chemical transport within soil environment.
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The research was supported by Shiraz University, Shiraz, Iran (Gran number of 94GCU1M148056 received by Ali Akbar Moosavi).
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Mozaffari, H., Moosavi, A.A. & Sepaskhah, A.R. Land use-dependent variation of near-saturated and saturated hydraulic properties in calcareous soils. Environ Earth Sci 80, 769 (2021). https://doi.org/10.1007/s12665-021-10078-x
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s12665-021-10078-x