Little is known about how much smartphone apps for weight control adhere to evidence-informed practices. The aim of this study was to review and summarize the content of available weight control apps. Information on content, user rating, and price was extracted from iTunes on September 25, 2009. Apps (n = 204) were coded for adherence to 13 evidence-informed practices for weight control. Latent class analysis was used to identify subgroups of apps based on endorsement practices. Only a small percentage of apps had five or more of the 13 practices (15%). Latent class analysis revealed three main types of apps: diet, physical activity, and weight journals (19%); dietary advice and journals (34%); and weight trackers (46%). User ratings were not associated with apps from these three classes. Many apps have insufficient evidence-informed content. Research is needed that seeks to develop, improve, and evaluate these apps.
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Support to complete analyses and prepare this article was funded in part by grant K07CA124905 awarded to Dr. Bernard F. Fuemmeler.
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Practice: Although popular among the lay public, many smartphone apps may lack comprehensive evidence-informed recommendations or practices for healthy weight control, so practitioners need to discuss the utility of these apps with patients if patients are using them as a supplement to treatment.
Policy: There are no industry standards so app developers will need to consider incorporating evidence-informed content.
Research: Continued research is needed that sheds light on the accuracy of smartphone apps for health behavior change in the public domain, and research is also needed that seeks to develop, improve, and evaluate these apps.
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Breton, E.R., Fuemmeler, B.F. & Abroms, L.C. Weight loss—there is an app for that! But does it adhere to evidence-informed practices?. Behav. Med. Pract. Policy Res. 1, 523–529 (2011). https://doi.org/10.1007/s13142-011-0076-5
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s13142-011-0076-5