Membrane computing is a well-known research area in computer science inspired by the organization and behavior of live cells and tissues. Their computational devices, called P systems, work in parallel and distributed mode and the information is encoded by multisets in a localized manner. All these features make P systems appropriate for dealing with digital images. In this paper, some of the open research lines in the area are presented, focusing on segmentation problems, skeletonization and algebraic-topological aspects of the images. An extensive bibliography about the application of membrane computing to the study of digital images is also provided.

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A preliminary version of this paper can be found at [47].
Some of these applications were collected in the volume [34].
An overview of 2D picture array generating models based on membrane computing can be found in [164].
Adapted from the Example 1 in [22].
A recent literature survey devoted exclusively to image segmentation by using membrane computing can be found in [174].
White connected components surrounded by black connected components.
For a good overview, the reader can refer to [114].
A detailed description is out of the scope of this paper. An interested reader can consult the bibliography.
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Díaz-Pernil, D., Gutiérrez-Naranjo, M.A. & Peng, H. Membrane computing and image processing: a short survey. J Membr Comput 1, 58–73 (2019). https://doi.org/10.1007/s41965-018-00002-x
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s41965-018-00002-x