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A Convolutional Recurrent Neural Network for the Handwritten Text Recognition of Historical Greek Manuscripts
In this paper, a Convolutional Recurrent Neural Network architecture for offline handwriting recognition is proposed. Specifically, a Convolutional... -
A word spotting framework for historical machine-printed documents
In this paper, we propose a word spotting framework for accessing the content of historical machine-printed documents without the use of an optical...
DIBCO 2009: document image binarization contest
DIBCO 2009 is the first International Document Image Binarization Contest organized in the context of ICDAR 2009 conference. The general objective of...
Scale Selection for Compact Scale-Space Representation of Vector-Valued Images
This paper investigates the scale selection problem for nonlinear diffusion scale-spaces. This topic comprises the notions of localization scale...
Keyword-guided word spotting in historical printed documents using synthetic data and user feedback
In this paper, we propose a novel technique for word spotting in historical printed documents combining synthetic data and user feedback. Our aim is...
An old greek handwritten OCR system based on an efficient segmentation-free approach
Recognition of Old Greek Early Christian manuscripts is essential for efficient content exploitation of the valuable Old Greek Early Christian...
An efficient segmentation-free approach to assist old Greek handwritten manuscript OCR
Recognition of old Greek manuscripts is essential for quick and efficient content exploitation of the valuable old Greek historical collections. In...
Knowledge Acquisition from Multimedia Content using an Evolution Framework
We propose an approach to knowledge acquisition, which uses multimedia ontologies for fused extraction of semantics from multiple modalities, and... -
Watershed-Driven Region-Based Image Retrieval
This paper presents a strategy for content-based image retrieval. It is based on a meaningful segmentation procedure that can provide proper... -
Automatic Watershed Segmentation of Color Images
This paper presents a fully automatic watershed color segmentation scheme which is an extension to color images of a previously reported approach... -
Using Landmarks to Establish a Point-to-Point Correspondence between Signatures
This paper introduces a new approach for point-to-point correspondence finding, which can be used as pre-processing stage of a handwritten signature...
Watershed Analysis and Relaxation Labelling: A cooperative approach for the interpretation of Cranial-MR images using a Statistical Digital Atlas
The aim of the present work is to provide a probabilistic framework for the segmentation/labelling of images, exploiting a priori knowledge...