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Weighted Boolean Formula Games
We introduce weighted boolean formula games (WBFG) as a new class of succinct games. Each player has a set of boolean formulas she wants to get... -
Theoretische Informatik Eine kompakte Einführung
Diese kompakte Einführung in die Theoretische Informatik stellt die wichtigsten Modelle für zentrale Probleme der Informatik vor. Dabei werden u.a....
Complexity of Aperiodicity for Topological Properties of Regular ω-Languages
We study the complexity of aperiodicity restricted to topological properties of regular ω-languages (i.e. properties closed under the Wadge... -
Complexity of Topological Properties of Regular ω-Languages
We determine the complexity of topological properties of regular ω-languages (i.e., classes of ω-languages closed under inverse continuous... -
Death-receptor O-glycosylation controls tumor-cell sensitivity to the proapoptotic ligand Apo2L/TRAIL
Apo2L/TRAIL stimulates cancer cell death through the proapoptotic receptors DR4 and DR5, but the determinants of tumor susceptibility to this ligand...
Weighted Boolean Formula Games
We introduce a new class of succinct games, called weighted boolean formula games. Here, each player has a set of boolean formulas he wants to get... -
The Complexity of Unions of Disjoint Sets
This paper is motivated by the open question whether the union of two disjoint NP-complete sets always is NP-complete. We discover that such unions... -
Perfect Correspondences Between Dot-Depth and Polynomial-Time Hierarchy
We introduce the polynomial-time tree reducibility (ptt-reducibility). Our main result establishes a one-one correspondence between this reducibility... -
STACS 94 11th Annual Symposium on Theoretical Aspects of Computer Science Caen, France, February 24–26, 1994 Proceedings
This volume constitutes the proceedings of the 11th annual Symposium on Theoretical Aspects of Computer Science (STACS '94), held in Caen, France,... -
Leaf Language Classes
The theory of leaf language classes is a fruitful field of research which has been developed since the beginning of the nineties. The leaf language... -
Overexpression, genomic amplification and therapeutic potential of inhibiting the UbcH10 ubiquitin conjugase in human carcinomas of diverse anatomic origin
Gene expression profiling of anatomically diverse carcinomas and their corresponding normal tissues was used to identify genes with cancer-associated...
A Reducibility for the Dot-Depth Hierarchy
Hierarchies considered in computability theory and in complexity theory are related to some reducibilities in the sense that levels of the... -
Mathematische Grundlagen
Einfache Aussagen, Bedingungen oder Eigenschaften werden häufig zu komplizierteren zusammengesetzt. Für die dabei verwendeten umgangssprachlichen... -
Die Theoretische Informatik entwickelt mathematische Modelle für die Objekte und Vorgehensweisen der Praktischen und Technischen Informatik. Diese... -
Die Random-Access-Maschinen (kurz: RAM) sind ein mathematisches Modell für reale Rechner. Eine RAM besteht aus einer Steuereinheit, aus unendlich... -
Im Kapitel 2 haben wir uns überlegt, welche Funktionen überhaupt berechenbar sind bzw. welche Probleme überhaupt algorithmisch lösbar sind. In diesem... -
Formale Sprachen
In einer natürlichen Sprache dient die Grammatik dazu festzulegen, welche Aneinanderreihungen von Wörtern und Satzzeichen syntaktisch korrekte Sätze... -
Boolesche Funktionen
Eine totale Funktion f: {0,1}n•{0,1}heißt n–stellige boolesche Funktion (n ≥ 1). Mit BF bezeichnen wir die Menge aller booleschen Funktionen....