Search Results
Reproductive biology of male common dolphins (Delphinus delphis) in New Zealand waters
Reproductive parameters were assessed in 64 male common dolphins ( Delphinus delphis ) examined post-mortem from strandings and bycatch in New Zealand...
Reproductive biology of female common dolphins (Delphinus delphis) in New Zealand waters
Reproductive biology was assessed in 106 female common dolphins ( Delphinus delphis ) examined post-mortem from stranding and bycatch events along the...
Radiographic characterisation of spinal curvature development in farmed New Zealand Chinook salmon Oncorhynchus tshawytscha throughout seawater production
Spinal anomalies are a recognised source of downgrading in finfish aquaculture, but identifying their cause(s) is difficult and often requires...
A Statistical Multiresolution Approach for Face Recognition Using Structural Hidden Markov Models
This paper introduces a novel methodology that combines the multiresolution feature of the discrete wavelet transform (DWT) with the local...
GeneGrid: Architecture, Implementation and Application
The emergence of Grid computing technology has opened up an unprecedented opportunity for biologists to share and access data, resources and tools in...
Managing Grid Computations: An ORC-Based Approach
In this paper a model of grid computation that supports both heterogeneity and dynamicity is presented. The model presupposes that user sites contain... -
Composites of Poly(Acrylate) Copolymer filled with diatomaceous earth: morphology and mechanical behaviour
Failure mechanisms of poly(acrylate) (PA) copolymer system filled with a diatom filler have been studied. The natural diatom filler is characterised...
The influence of plasma glucose upon pulsatile ocular blood flow in subjects with Type II diabetes mellitus
Aims/hypothesis. This study investigated the influence of plasma glucose upon pulsatile ocular blood flow in subjects with Type II...
A new papillomavirus of possums (Trichosurus vulpecula) associated with typical wart-like papillomas
A previously unknown, cutaneous papillomavirus ( Papovaviridae ) in a brushtail possum ( Trichosurus vulpecula ) was demonstrated. This represents one...
Cognitive restoration of reversed speech
Speech is the most complex auditory signal and requires the most processing
1 . The human brain devotes large cortical areas2 ,3 to deciphering the... -
Solving Dense Symmetric Eigenproblems on the Cray T3D
The work reported upon here has been carried out within a project one aim of which is to construct, for execution on the Cray T3D, 1,2 efficient... -
A high-resolution Holocene ostracod record from the Sahel zone of Northeastern Nigeria
The ostracod record from Kajemarum Oasis in the Sahel zone of Northeastern Nigeria covers the last c. 4000 cal. years of a 5500 cal. year...
Automatic data distribution
This paper outlines the design of a fully-automatic source-to-source translator which can accept a program written in a subset of Fortran90 and... -
Software Development for Parallel Processing
The recent proliferation of parallel computers has resulted in the implementation of a large number of software development systems for such... -
Late Quaternary palaeolimnology of a tropical marl lake: Wallywash Great Pond, Jamaica
Wallywash Great Pond (17° 57′ N, 77° 48 W, 7 m a.s.l.) is the largest perennial lake in Jamaica. It occupies a fault trough within the karstic White...
Auditory apparent motion in the free field: The effects of stimulus duration and separation
The effects of stimulus duration and spatial separation on the illusion of apparent motion in the auditory modality were examined. Two narrow-band...
Developments in Parallel Programming Languages
Sequential computing benefited from the fact there was one underlying model of computation on which hardware, algorithm, and software developments... -
Judgments of lateral distance using transients presented with interaural differences of time
Measurements of perceived lateral distance were made using transients in a lateralization paradigm. Two binaural clicks (referred to as boundary...
Palaeolimnology of the Upper Lerma Basin, Central Mexico: a record of climatic change and anthropogenic disturbance since 11 600 yr BP
The Upper Río Lerma valley, Estado de México, is a high-altitude (2575 m a.s.l.) basin floored by Quaternary alluvial, lacustrine and pyroclastic...
A comparison of the effects of spatial separation on apparent motion in the auditory and visual modalities
In the present investigation, the effects of spatial separation on the interstimulus onset intervals (ISOIs) that produce auditory and visual...