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Versatile Question-Answer Cards to Collect Personal Profiles from Seniors
Senior citizens often feel excluded from the digital world, leading to social isolation and preventing them from using personalized services to... -
How Unfamiliar Words in Smartphone Manuals Affect Senior Citizens
Elderly people are motivated to continue working, but may have difficulties working in full-time jobs and need flexible working styles to compensate... -
Question-Answer Cards for an Inclusive Micro-tasking Framework for the Elderly
Micro-tasking (e.g., crowdsourcing) has the potential to help “long-tail” senior workers utilize their knowledge and experience to contribute to... -
Age-Based Task Specialization for Crowdsourced Proofreading
Crowdsourcing can efficiently produce accessible digital books for people with print disabilities. However, particularly in Japan, the proofreading... -
Objective assessment of abnormal gait in patients with rheumatoid arthritis using a smartphone
A disturbance in gait pattern is a serious problem in patients with rheumatoid arthritis (RA). The aim of the present study was to examine the...
Technology Advances and Standardization Toward Accessible Business Graphics
Various types of graphics are exchanged in our daily business and education processes. In spite of the importance of business graphics, they are not... -
Web Browsers as Service-Oriented Clients Integrated with Web Services
Web browsers are becoming important application clients in SOAs (Service-Oriented Architectures) because more and more Web applications are built...