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Showing 1-6 of 6 results
  1. Conference paper

    Energy-Efficient Data Acquisition Using a Distributed and Self-organizing Scheduling Algorithm for Wireless Sensor Networks

    Wireless sensor networks are often densely deployed for environmental monitoring applications. Collecting raw data from these networks can lead to...
    Supriyo Chatterjea, Tim Nieberg, ... Paul Havinga in Distributed Computing in Sensor Systems
  2. Article

    Job-shop scheduling with limited capacity buffers

    In this paper we investigate job-shop problems where limited capacity buffers to store jobs in non-processing periods are present. In such a problem...

    Peter Brucker, Silvia Heitmann, ... Tim Nieberg in OR Spectrum
    12 January 2006
  3. Conference paper

    A PTAS for the Minimum Dominating Set Problem in Unit Disk Graphs

    We present a polynomial-time approximation scheme (PTAS) for the minimum dominating set problem in unit disk graphs. In contrast to previously known...
    Tim Nieberg, Johann Hurink in Approximation and Online Algorithms
  4. Conference paper

    Fast Deterministic Distributed Maximal Independent Set Computation on Growth-Bounded Graphs

    The distributed complexity of computing a maximal independent set in a graph is of both practical and theoretical importance. While there exists an...
    Fabian Kuhn, Thomas Moscibroda, ... Roger Wattenhofer in Distributed Computing
  5. Conference paper

    A Robust PTAS for Maximum Weight Independent Sets in Unit Disk Graphs

    A unit disk graph is the intersection graph of unit disks in the euclidean plane. We present a polynomial-time approximation scheme for the maximum...
    Tim Nieberg, Johann Hurink, Walter Kern in Graph-Theoretic Concepts in Computer Science
  6. Chapter

    Collaborative Algorithms for Communication in Wireless Sensor Networks

    In this paper, we present the design of the communication in a wireless sensor network. The resource limitations of a wireless sensor network,...
    Tim Nieberg, Stefan Dulman, ... Jian Wu in Ambient Intelligence: Impact on Embedded Sytem Design
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