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A utility for managing logging directories.


A utility for managing logging directories.

Creates a logging directory on startup; comes with a handful of other handy methods.

logdir.LogDir.datetime: datetime property readonly

Date and time of this class's creation.

logdir.LogDir.logdir: Path property readonly

Path to the directory itself.

logdir.LogDir.name: str property readonly

The name passed in at initialization time.

logdir.LogDir.__init__(self, name, rootdir='./logs', custom_dir=None, slugify_kwargs=None, uuid=None) special

Initializes by creating the logging directory.

The directory is created under rootdir (which is created if it does not exist). Logging directory is named with the date, followed by the time, followed by the slugified name, followed by a UUID (if uuid is provided). For example:


A custom directory may also be passed in via custom_dir.

name is slugified with python-slugify. Pass options to slugify with slugify_kwargs.


Name Type Description Default
name str

Name to associate with this directory. This is used in creating the logging directory name. It is also used in places like the README.

rootdir str or pathlib.Path

Root directory for all logging directories, e.g. ./logs/

custom_dir str or pathlib.Path

If passed in, this directory will be used instead of automatically generating one in rootdir. This directory can be one that already exists. If it does not exist, it will be created.


kwargs for slugify.

uuid bool or int

If passed in, generates a UUID and appends it to the directory name, i.e., ..._[UUID]. This can be useful if you are generating multiple logging directories at the same time -- by default, directories will have name conflicts if they are generated during the same second in time. When this parameter is an int, it indicates the length of the UUID (e.g. uuid=8 indicates a UUID of length 8). A "falsy" value (e.g., 0, False, None) indicates no UUID should be generated. Passing in True will indicate a UUID of default length 16. UUID generation is done randomly with shortuuid.

Source code in logdir/__init__.py
def __init__(self,
    """Initializes by creating the logging directory.

    The directory is created under `rootdir` (which is created if it does
    not exist). Logging directory is named with the date, followed by the
    time, followed by the slugified `name`, followed by a UUID (if
    `uuid` is provided). For example:


    A custom directory may also be passed in via `custom_dir`.

    `name` is slugified with
    [python-slugify](https://github.com/un33k/python-slugify). Pass options
    to `slugify` with `slugify_kwargs`.

        name (str): Name to associate with this directory. This is used in
            creating the logging directory name. It is also used in places
            like the README.
        rootdir (str or pathlib.Path): Root directory for all logging
            directories, e.g. `./logs/`
        custom_dir (str or pathlib.Path): If passed in, this directory
            will be used instead of automatically generating one in
            `rootdir`. This directory can be one that already exists. If it
            does not exist, it will be created.
        slugify_kwargs: kwargs for
        uuid (bool or int): If passed in, generates a
            and appends it to the directory name, i.e., `..._[UUID]`. This
            can be useful if you are generating multiple logging directories
            at the same time -- by default, directories will have name
            conflicts if they are generated during the same second in time.
            When this parameter is an int, it indicates the length of the
            UUID (e.g. `uuid=8` indicates a UUID of length 8). A "falsy"
            value (e.g., 0, False, None) indicates no UUID should be
            generated. Passing in True will indicate a UUID of default
            length 16. UUID generation is done randomly with
    self._name = name

    self._datetime = datetime.datetime.now()
    if custom_dir is None:

        if uuid:
            if isinstance(uuid, bool):
                uuid_len = self.DEFAULT_UUID_LEN
            elif isinstance(uuid, int):
                uuid_len = uuid
                raise ValueError(
                    f"Expected `uuid` to be a bool or int but got {uuid}")
            uuid_str = f"_{shortuuid.ShortUUID().random(length=uuid_len)}"
            # If the uuid is 0, we go here because `if uuid` is False.
            uuid_str = ""

        # Automatically generate directory in `rootdir`.
        rootdir = Path(rootdir)
        slugify_kwargs = {} if slugify_kwargs is None else slugify_kwargs
        name_slug = slugify.slugify(name, **slugify_kwargs)

        dirname = (self._datetime.strftime("%Y-%m-%d_%H-%M-%S") + "_" +
                   name_slug + uuid_str)
        self._logdir = rootdir / Path(dirname)
        # Use custom directory.
        self._logdir = Path(custom_dir)

    if not self._logdir.exists():
        # Creates intermediate directories as well if needed.

logdir.LogDir.copy(self, src, dest)

Copies a file into the logging directory.


The following copies foobar.txt in the current directory to new/foobar2.txt within the logging directory.

logdir = LogDir("logdir")
logdir.copy("foobar.txt", "new/foobar2.txt")


Name Type Description Default
src str or pathlib.Path

The source file. It is evaluated relative to the current working directory of the program (it could also be absolute).

dest str or pathlib.Path

Destination location within the logging directory. Intermediate directories are created.

Source code in logdir/__init__.py
def copy(self, src, dest):
    """Copies a file into the logging directory.

        The following copies `foobar.txt` in the current directory to
        `new/foobar2.txt` _within the logging directory_.
        logdir = LogDir("logdir")
        logdir.copy("foobar.txt", "new/foobar2.txt")

        src (str or pathlib.Path): The source file. It is evaluated relative
            to the current working directory of the program (it could also
            be absolute).
        dest (str or pathlib.Path): Destination location _within the
            logging directory_. Intermediate directories are created.
    shutil.copy(str(src), self.file(dest))

logdir.LogDir.dir(self, dirname, touch=False, touch_inter=True)

Returns a string path to the given directory.

By default, intermediate directories are created if they do not exist. However the directory itself is not created. This can be changed by passing in touch=True.


logdir = LogDir("logdir")
logdir.filepath("mydir") # "..._logdir/mydir/"


Name Type Description Default
dirname str or pathlib.Path

The name of the directory.

touch bool

Whether to automatically create the directory.

touch_inter bool

Whether to automatically create intermediate directories. If this option is set to False, touch is also set to False.



Type Description

Path to the new directory in the logging directory.

Source code in logdir/__init__.py
def dir(self, dirname, touch=False, touch_inter=True):
    """Returns a string path to the given directory.

    By default, intermediate directories are created if they do not exist.
    However the directory itself is not created. This can be changed by
    passing in `touch=True`.

        logdir = LogDir("logdir")
        logdir.filepath("mydir") # "..._logdir/mydir/"

        dirname (str or pathlib.Path): The name of the directory.
        touch (bool): Whether to automatically create the directory.
        touch_inter (bool): Whether to automatically create intermediate
            directories. If this option is set to False, `touch` is also set
            to False.
        str: Path to the new directory in the logging directory.
    return str(self.pdir(dirname, touch, touch_inter))

logdir.LogDir.file(self, filename, touch=False, touch_inter=True)

Returns a string path to the given file.

By default, intermediate directories are created if they do not exist. However, the file itself it not created (this helps avoid confusing situations where one is checking for the existence of a file). This can be changed by passing in touch=True.


Basic usage:

logdir = LogDir("logdir")
logdir.filepath("file.txt") # "..._logdir/file.txt"
Creating intermediate directories:
logdir = LogDir("logdir")
logdir.filepath("newdir/file.txt") # "..._logdir/newdir/file.txt"


Name Type Description Default
filename str or pathlib.Path

The name of the file.

touch bool

Whether to automatically touch the file so that an empty file exists even if it is not opened.

touch_inter bool

Whether to automatically create intermediate directories. If this option is set to False, touch is also set to False.



Type Description

Path to the new file in the logging directory.

Source code in logdir/__init__.py
def file(self, filename, touch=False, touch_inter=True):
    """Returns a string path to the given file.

    By default, intermediate directories are created if they do not exist.
    However, the file itself it not created (this helps avoid confusing
    situations where one is checking for the existence of a file). This can
    be changed by passing in `touch=True`.

        Basic usage:
        logdir = LogDir("logdir")
        logdir.filepath("file.txt") # "..._logdir/file.txt"
        Creating intermediate directories:
        logdir = LogDir("logdir")
        logdir.filepath("newdir/file.txt") # "..._logdir/newdir/file.txt"
        filename (str or pathlib.Path): The name of the file.
        touch (bool): Whether to automatically touch the file so that an
            empty file exists even if it is not opened.
        touch_inter (bool): Whether to automatically create intermediate
            directories. If this option is set to False, `touch` is also set
            to False.
        str: Path to the new file in the logging directory.
    return str(self.pfile(filename, touch, touch_inter))

logdir.LogDir.pdir(self, dirname, touch=False, touch_inter=True)

Same as dir, but returns pathlib.Path.

See dir for args.


Type Description

Path to the new directory in the logging directory.

Source code in logdir/__init__.py
def pdir(self, dirname, touch=False, touch_inter=True):
    """Same as dir, but returns pathlib.Path.

    See dir for args.

        pathlib.Path: Path to the new directory in the logging directory.
    touch = False if not touch_inter else touch
    dirname = self._logdir / Path(dirname)
    if touch_inter and not dirname.parent.exists():
    if touch and not dirname.exists():
    return dirname

logdir.LogDir.pfile(self, filename, touch=False, touch_inter=True)

Same as file, but returns pathlib.Path.

See file for args.


Type Description

Path to the new file in the logging directory.

Source code in logdir/__init__.py
def pfile(self, filename, touch=False, touch_inter=True):
    """Same as file, but returns pathlib.Path.

    See file for args.

        pathlib.Path: Path to the new file in the logging directory.
    touch = False if not touch_inter else touch
    filename = self._logdir / Path(filename)
    if touch_inter and not filename.parent.exists():
    if touch and not filename.exists():
    return filename

logdir.LogDir.readme(self, date=True, git_commit=False, git_path='.', info=())

Adds a README.md with useful info.

The README consists of the name of the directory (passed in at init time), followed by a bulleted list with various pieces of info.


Name Type Description Default
date bool

Add the date and time in the bulleted list of info.

git_commit bool

Add the current git commit hash in the bulleted list of info.

git_path str or pathlib.Path

The path to the git repo (i.e. a directory that contains .git). Only applicable if git_commit is True. If the path given is not to a Git repo, a warning is issued, and the Git Commit is replaced with "(no repo found)"

info list of str

A list of additional bullets to add in the README.



Type Description

Full path to the README.

Source code in logdir/__init__.py
def readme(self, date=True, git_commit=False, git_path=".", info=()):
    """Adds a README.md with useful info.

    The README consists of the name of the directory (passed in at init
    time), followed by a bulleted list with various pieces of info.

        date (bool): Add the date and time in the bulleted list of info.
        git_commit (bool): Add the current git commit hash in the bulleted
            list of info.
        git_path (str or pathlib.Path): The path to the git repo (i.e. a
            directory that contains `.git`). Only applicable if `git_commit`
            is True. If the path given is not to a Git repo, a warning is
            issued, and the Git Commit is replaced with `"(no repo found)"`
        info (list of str): A list of additional bullets to add in the
        pathlib.path: Full path to the README.
    readme_path = self.pfile("README.md")
    with readme_path.open("w") as file:
        lines = [f"# {self._name}", ""]

        if date:
            date_str = self._datetime.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")
            lines.append(f"- Date: {date_str}")
        if git_commit:
            git_path = Path(git_path)
            if (git_path / ".git").exists():
                repo = Repo(str(git_path))
                commit_hash = repo.head().decode("utf-8")
                warnings.warn("No Git repo found")
                commit_hash = "(no repo found)"
            lines.append(f"- Git Commit: {commit_hash}")

        lines.extend(map(lambda s: f"- {s}", info))
        file.write("\n".join(lines) + "\n")
        return readme_path

logdir.LogDir.save_data(self, data, filename)

Saves data to filename in the log directory.

This is particularly useful when saving configuration options or other pieces of data that are dict's or lists.

Supported file types are:

  • JSON (*.json)
  • YAML (*.yml, *.yaml)
  • TOML (*.toml)
  • Pickle (*.pkl, *.pickle)


Name Type Description Default
data object

Data to save. Typically a dict or list for JSON, YAML, and TOML, and any pickle-able object for pickle.

filename str or pathlib.Path

The name of the file; we will create it under the logdir using pfile. If the filetype is unsupported, we will default to pickle and raise a warning.



Type Description

Full path to the config file.

Source code in logdir/__init__.py
def save_data(self, data, filename):
    """Saves data to `filename` in the log directory.

    This is particularly useful when saving configuration options or other
    pieces of data that are dict's or lists.

    Supported file types are:

    - JSON (`*.json`)
    - YAML (`*.yml`, `*.yaml`)
    - TOML (`*.toml`)
    - Pickle (`*.pkl`, `*.pickle`)

        data (object): Data to save. Typically a dict or list for JSON,
            YAML, and TOML, and any pickle-able object for pickle.
        filename (str or pathlib.Path): The name of the file; we will create
            it under the logdir using pfile. If the
            filetype is unsupported, we will default to pickle and raise a
        pathlib.path: Full path to the config file.
    filepath = self.pfile(filename)

    ext = filepath.suffix[1:]
    if ext == "json":
        with filepath.open("w") as file:
            json.dump(data, file)
    elif ext in ("yml", "yaml"):
        with filepath.open("w") as file:
            yaml_worker = yaml.YAML(typ="unsafe")
            yaml_worker.dump(data, file)
    elif ext == "toml":
        with filepath.open("w") as file:
            toml.dump(data, file)
        # Pickle is default if file extension cannot be identified.
        with filepath.open("wb") as file:
            pickle.dump(data, file)
        if ext not in ("pkl", "pickle"):
            warnings.warn(f"Filetype {ext} not found. Used pickle instead.")

    return filepath