Get Career Ready

LSU students have boundless potential. We're here to facilitate opportunities and connections that ignite student success–from career events to cutting-edge online career platforms, your next step starts here.


on-campus jobs


recruiting events 


private interview rooms


centralized place for all things career


All things career. All on Handshake. 

Handshake is the number one way students connect with employers. Employers can discover powerful tools to aid your recruiting strategies and students can find upcoming events and opportunities. Find or post a job to discover the perfect opportunity or new hire for you.


learn more about handshake

LSU Handshake displayed on computer and phone


Where Grads Are Going

Explore Data on Recent Grads

See where recent grads go in their first 6-months after graduation in this interactive dashboard.

View the outcomes dashboard

Get help when and where you need it.

Always stay career ready with our resources.

student in library

Student Career Guide

Your go-to resource for tips, strategies, and advice to navigate your career journey successfully.

download the student career guide

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Ready to Roar Career Proficiencies

The ultimate toolkit for translating your college experience into resume-worthy job skills.

learn more about becoming ready to roar

An Investment in Tiger Success

The LSU Olinde Career Center's state-of-the-art facility is made possible, in part, by the generosity of the Olinde Family, whose gift served as the catalyst for the development of the current center space and its namesake. Numerous individual and corporate donors continue to invest in Tiger success through opportunities like the Suit Up Grant and Corporate Partner Program. Learn more about what we do.