Books by Domenico Melidoro
Oxford University Press, 2020
Conte... more
Contemporary liberal societies are marked by a certain degree of diversity indicated by coexistence of multiple ideas, doctrines, beliefs and cultural practices. But a complex and differentiated tradition of political thought like liberalism, despite its fundamental reliance on values like autonomy and toleration, adheres minimally to the principle of diversity. The triumphant position of the liberal individual dwarfs the chance of letting diversified existences fit within its boundary. However, in the face of the general depiction of liberalism as an ideology intending to guarantee creation of basic values like peace, pluralism, equality, diversity becomes a fact "that should be faced". Thus, the author in this volume works out an exhaustive theoretical classification of liberalism into comprehensive pro-autonomy, pro-toleration, political pro-autonomy, and political pro-toleration. With a detailed discussion on the different definitions of liberalism, the author conceptualises a normative framework, for liberalism to deal with the existence of the concept of diversity. The book thus presents a comprehensive account of critical evaluation of these four variants of liberalism with regard to diversity and their ability to deal with diversity in a proper way.
Starting from the debate about the recent book by Domenico Melidoro (Multiculturalismo, Luiss U.P... more Starting from the debate about the recent book by Domenico Melidoro (Multiculturalismo, Luiss U.P., 2015), I depict some questions about multiculturalism in its multiple accounts. Following Melidoro, I focus on the best known theories about multiculturalism in a liberal perspective, aiming at criticising excessive abstraction and idealisation. Multiculturalism should concern the actual needs of individuals among the communities, instead of dealing with questionable cultural rights.
Edited books by Domenico Melidoro
The book collects monthly reports from Egypt, Tunisia, Yemen, and Syria (July 2012/Feb. 2013)
Papers by Domenico Melidoro
Res Publica, 2023
This paper aims to establish connections between the theoretical debates on migration and multicu... more This paper aims to establish connections between the theoretical debates on migration and multiculturalism. In the former, there are two dominant positions: the open borders approach and another approach that argues for the legitimacy of border control based on several considerations (we will call it controlled borders approach). In the second, based on the autonomy granted to groups, a distinction is made between strong and weak multiculturalism. It is generally believed that an open borders approach is connected to strong multiculturalism and that a controlled borders approach should be conjoined with weak multiculturalism. This paper prompts us to consider the possibility of developing further theoretical options and, as a result, enriches the debate by showing possibilities that have been largely overlooked so far. In particular, the paper sketches two unprecedented positions, one coming from the combination of open borders approach and weak multiculturalism, and another coming from controlled borders approach and strong multiculturalism.
AA. VV., L'etica ambientale e lo sviluppo sostenibile nel diritto delle religioni, Giuffrè, 2023
SOMMARIO: 1. Introduzione. — 2. La diversità culturale e religiosa nel mondo contemporaneo: dallo... more SOMMARIO: 1. Introduzione. — 2. La diversità culturale e religiosa nel mondo contemporaneo: dallo Stato nazione all’arena globale. — 3. Religione e ambiente: quale
rapporto? — 4. Dalla pluralità all’unità? The problem of the One and the Many
nell’ambito dell’etica ambientale.
Book Symposium on Dealing with Diversity: A Study in Contemporary Liberalism by D. Melidoro: comm... more Book Symposium on Dealing with Diversity: A Study in Contemporary Liberalism by D. Melidoro: comments and replies.
Il mondo contemporaneo è caratterizzato da una profonda diversità etnica, culturale, religiosa, m... more Il mondo contemporaneo è caratterizzato da una profonda diversità etnica, culturale, religiosa, morale e politica. La facilità e la rapidità delle comunicazioni, i progressi tecnologici, e la complessità dei fenomeni migratori ci mostrano questa profonda diversità in forme molteplici e spesso preoccupanti. La diversità genera timori e sconvolge equilibri geopolitici dati per acquisiti, soprattutto se ci si muove in un contesto globale dove la risoluzione delle controversie è affidata spesso alla forza e alla violenza. Il fatto della diversità, cioè l'esistenza di culture e tradizioni diverse sia all'interno della stessa società sia su scala globale, è dunque una condizione impossibile da ignorare per chiunque si ponga il problema di come sia possibile realizzare una coesistenza pacifica tra diversi che sono potenzialmente in conflitto2. Assumendo che il dialogo, e non la contrapposizione basata sulla logica della forza e della violenza, sia una condizione necessaria per la risoluzione pacifica dei disaccordi e per porre le basi di una convivenza ordinata di gruppi e persone diverse, nelle pagine che seguono proverò a interrogarmi sui presupposti filosofici del dialogo interculturale. Il superamento dell'etnocentrismo, nel senso che sarà definito nella prossima sezione, si rivelerà una mossa necessaria all'avvio di un autentico dialogo interculturale. Alcune considerazioni sui modi di intendere il rapporto tra religioni e politica in un contesto pluralista serviranno a illustrare che cosa significhi ragionare in termini non-etnocentrici. Considero queste pagine un esercizio di teoria politica comparata nel senso specificato da Sebastiano Maffettone nel suo recente Politica. Idee per un mondo che cambia3. Tale approccio comporta un allargamento della teoria politica usuale. […] Il modello tradizionale è infatti occidente-centrico e pretende di spiegare a tutti e quindi anche ai membri di altre culture come comportarsi seguendo tradizioni che non sono loro proprie.4 La teoria politica comparata ci invita a prendere sul serio la diversità culturale e, più nel concreto, a prestare maggiore attenzione alle idee e ai valori di coloro che sono diversi da noi. Così facendo, la ricerca filosofica promuove un atteggiamento cooperativo teso alla ricerca di un accordo a partire da tradizioni e punti di vista differenti, ed evita di imporre ad altri alcune verità che essi potrebbero legittimamente rifiutare in quanto frutto di una determinata evoluzione storica in cui fanno fatica a riconoscersi.
Philosophy and Public Issues, 2018
Religious Symbols between Majority and Minorities Abstract: The paper argues against the view acc... more Religious Symbols between Majority and Minorities Abstract: The paper argues against the view according to which liberal neutrality opposes the public presence of religions and their symbols. A proper understanding of neutrality stresses its egalitarian foundations and envisions some compensations in order to redress inequalities for which people are not responsible. The discussion of the crucifix in Italy and of the Islamic veil in France will illustrate this view.
published in:
Religion and Politics, GBPress, 2016.
Books by Domenico Melidoro
Contemporary liberal societies are marked by a certain degree of diversity indicated by coexistence of multiple ideas, doctrines, beliefs and cultural practices. But a complex and differentiated tradition of political thought like liberalism, despite its fundamental reliance on values like autonomy and toleration, adheres minimally to the principle of diversity. The triumphant position of the liberal individual dwarfs the chance of letting diversified existences fit within its boundary. However, in the face of the general depiction of liberalism as an ideology intending to guarantee creation of basic values like peace, pluralism, equality, diversity becomes a fact "that should be faced". Thus, the author in this volume works out an exhaustive theoretical classification of liberalism into comprehensive pro-autonomy, pro-toleration, political pro-autonomy, and political pro-toleration. With a detailed discussion on the different definitions of liberalism, the author conceptualises a normative framework, for liberalism to deal with the existence of the concept of diversity. The book thus presents a comprehensive account of critical evaluation of these four variants of liberalism with regard to diversity and their ability to deal with diversity in a proper way.
Edited books by Domenico Melidoro
Papers by Domenico Melidoro
rapporto? — 4. Dalla pluralità all’unità? The problem of the One and the Many
nell’ambito dell’etica ambientale.
Contemporary liberal societies are marked by a certain degree of diversity indicated by coexistence of multiple ideas, doctrines, beliefs and cultural practices. But a complex and differentiated tradition of political thought like liberalism, despite its fundamental reliance on values like autonomy and toleration, adheres minimally to the principle of diversity. The triumphant position of the liberal individual dwarfs the chance of letting diversified existences fit within its boundary. However, in the face of the general depiction of liberalism as an ideology intending to guarantee creation of basic values like peace, pluralism, equality, diversity becomes a fact "that should be faced". Thus, the author in this volume works out an exhaustive theoretical classification of liberalism into comprehensive pro-autonomy, pro-toleration, political pro-autonomy, and political pro-toleration. With a detailed discussion on the different definitions of liberalism, the author conceptualises a normative framework, for liberalism to deal with the existence of the concept of diversity. The book thus presents a comprehensive account of critical evaluation of these four variants of liberalism with regard to diversity and their ability to deal with diversity in a proper way.
rapporto? — 4. Dalla pluralità all’unità? The problem of the One and the Many
nell’ambito dell’etica ambientale.
K. Chaouki (Deputato PD)
S. Maffettone (Professore LUISS)
G. Sanna (Resp. Intercultura - Biblioteche di Roma)
Tra i relatori Luciano Violante (già Presidente della Camera dei Deputati) e Domenico Melidoro (LUISS).
Editors: Volker Kaul (LUISS ‘Guido Carli’ University); Domenico Melidoro (LUISS ‘Guido Carli’ University)