Atti del Convegno "Diritto e Bellezza. Verso l'Altrove", Ravello (SA) 24-25 marzo 2023, 2023
1. Premessa. – 2. Approssimazione alla percezione estetica del diritto: il diritto come “emblema”... more 1. Premessa. – 2. Approssimazione alla percezione estetica del diritto: il diritto come “emblema”. – 3. Un grimaldello metodologico: Kant, la “pulchritudo adhaerens” e il diritto come snodo epistemologico. – 4. Teoria e prassi per un’estetica del diritto: il diritto romano come banco di prova, fra bellezza e antibellezza.
Summary: 1. The problem of a "weak" European legal identity. 2. 2. Legal identity vs historical i... more Summary: 1. The problem of a "weak" European legal identity. 2. 2. Legal identity vs historical identity? Law, space and time in the national legal and scientific tradition: the case of Italy. 3. 3. The role of the legal historian in the becoming of European law: scientific tradition and new methodologies.
Il Diritto di fronte all'emergenza. Un percorso interdisciplinare, a cura di S. Randazzo, R. Martino, V. Donativi, A. Panzarola, L. Laureti, Prefazione di Salvo Randazzo, ESI Editore 2020, 2020
The management of the emergency in Rome is characterized by the use of the ‘clavi figendi causa’ ... more The management of the emergency in Rome is characterized by the use of the ‘clavi figendi causa’ dictatorship. The research aims to evaluate this role in relation to the figure of the so-called ‘dictator optima lege creatus’, in order to isolate his role in the epidemiological context and reconstruct his constitutional position. The author uses an interdisciplinary methodology to approach the problem, reconsidering this particular hypothesis of dictatorship in a perspective of historical discontinuity.
Keywords: Ausnahmezustand, Roman Constitution, Roman Dictatorship, Livy, pestis, pandemic.
Legal Roots. The International Journal of Roman law, Legal History and Comparative Law , 2020
Abstract. – The paper aims to analyze the circulating mechanism of roles in Roman
social aggreg... more Abstract. – The paper aims to analyze the circulating mechanism of roles in Roman
social aggregations. The intersection of these changing roles can impact the consideration of people's Roman Law discipline, with using a wider reconstructive analysys. Through a cross-disciplinary analisys of the sources, between sociology, history and law, the research proposes an experimental approach to the archaic aggregative models, moving from a fragmented methodology to an integrated multilevel analysis of these socio-legal phenomena for improving our knowledge of the legal status of people in ancient Rome.
Index. International Survey of Roman Law. Quaderni camerti di studi romanistici., 2020
The research derives from the author's report to an interdisciplinary conference on conflict of i... more The research derives from the author's report to an interdisciplinary conference on conflict of interest. The analysis starts from a general theory perspective to demonstrate the inadequacy of the legal terminology to identify the conflict of interest in a satisfactory manner. Then the author examines the topic in Roman law, and particularly the possibility of finding these legal objectives in the plebiscitum Claudianum, dating from third century BC. This plebiscitum, erroneously linked to the de repetundis legislation, had the only purpose of prohibiting senators from carrying out maritime trade, an activity considered contrary to the decor of Roman senators. Therefore the author concludes that the considered provision was completely different from the discipline of conflict of interest as it is considered in modern law. Keywords: Conflict of Interest; lex Claudia; senators; leges de repetundis
In this interview Ramsay MacMullen, a great scholar in ancient history, explains his lifetime pre... more In this interview Ramsay MacMullen, a great scholar in ancient history, explains his lifetime preference for subjects discovered among sectors of the population of little interest to ancient writers, therefore also of little interest to modern classicists; for, most naturally, classicists focus on language and literature or on individuals as they illuminate an approved canon. MacMullen’s preference has rather been «democratic, … blame it on sympathies». «Sympathies» helps to explain also his many articles and several books focused on, or giving space to, the emotions. Emotions, being wrapped around a society’s values, give energy to behavior, as a historian of course must understand («Motivation» being the subtitle to his 2014 book).
It was a great honor for me to interview Ramsay MacMullen. My discussions with him over some twenty years have been a precious source of enrichment, curiosity and knowledge for me. But, first of all, I had a chance to appreciate his extraordinary humanity, a rare quality, a quality that is only possessed by greatest scholars and by best people [SR].
Keywords: historical method, mass culture, emotions.
In the panorama of legal science of the twentieth century, the approach of Pietro Bonfante is cha... more In the panorama of legal science of the twentieth century, the approach of Pietro Bonfante is characterized by a stringent analysis of the relationship between law and society, explored from an evolutionary perspective. The consideration of the great scholar's different approach to obligations and contract, encourages the author to reflect on the reasons of this apparent anomaly and to propose a critical re-reading of Bonfante's pages on the topic.
The career of the “Sabinian” jurist Iavolenus Priscus is distinguished by important and... more Abstract
The career of the “Sabinian” jurist Iavolenus Priscus is distinguished by important and prestigious political and military positions. From these experiences emerges a jurist who moves with singular confidence between legal scholarship and professional pragmatism, such that, in his definitiones, the divergence between his thinking and the unshakeable principles of the sectae (the “schools” of jurists in his day) offers contemporary jurisprudence a form of legal thought that is both modern and concrete in nature.
Atti del Convegno "Diritto e Bellezza. Verso l'Altrove", Ravello (SA) 24-25 marzo 2023, 2023
1. Premessa. – 2. Approssimazione alla percezione estetica del diritto: il diritto come “emblema”... more 1. Premessa. – 2. Approssimazione alla percezione estetica del diritto: il diritto come “emblema”. – 3. Un grimaldello metodologico: Kant, la “pulchritudo adhaerens” e il diritto come snodo epistemologico. – 4. Teoria e prassi per un’estetica del diritto: il diritto romano come banco di prova, fra bellezza e antibellezza.
Summary: 1. The problem of a "weak" European legal identity. 2. 2. Legal identity vs historical i... more Summary: 1. The problem of a "weak" European legal identity. 2. 2. Legal identity vs historical identity? Law, space and time in the national legal and scientific tradition: the case of Italy. 3. 3. The role of the legal historian in the becoming of European law: scientific tradition and new methodologies.
Il Diritto di fronte all'emergenza. Un percorso interdisciplinare, a cura di S. Randazzo, R. Martino, V. Donativi, A. Panzarola, L. Laureti, Prefazione di Salvo Randazzo, ESI Editore 2020, 2020
The management of the emergency in Rome is characterized by the use of the ‘clavi figendi causa’ ... more The management of the emergency in Rome is characterized by the use of the ‘clavi figendi causa’ dictatorship. The research aims to evaluate this role in relation to the figure of the so-called ‘dictator optima lege creatus’, in order to isolate his role in the epidemiological context and reconstruct his constitutional position. The author uses an interdisciplinary methodology to approach the problem, reconsidering this particular hypothesis of dictatorship in a perspective of historical discontinuity.
Keywords: Ausnahmezustand, Roman Constitution, Roman Dictatorship, Livy, pestis, pandemic.
Legal Roots. The International Journal of Roman law, Legal History and Comparative Law , 2020
Abstract. – The paper aims to analyze the circulating mechanism of roles in Roman
social aggreg... more Abstract. – The paper aims to analyze the circulating mechanism of roles in Roman
social aggregations. The intersection of these changing roles can impact the consideration of people's Roman Law discipline, with using a wider reconstructive analysys. Through a cross-disciplinary analisys of the sources, between sociology, history and law, the research proposes an experimental approach to the archaic aggregative models, moving from a fragmented methodology to an integrated multilevel analysis of these socio-legal phenomena for improving our knowledge of the legal status of people in ancient Rome.
Index. International Survey of Roman Law. Quaderni camerti di studi romanistici., 2020
The research derives from the author's report to an interdisciplinary conference on conflict of i... more The research derives from the author's report to an interdisciplinary conference on conflict of interest. The analysis starts from a general theory perspective to demonstrate the inadequacy of the legal terminology to identify the conflict of interest in a satisfactory manner. Then the author examines the topic in Roman law, and particularly the possibility of finding these legal objectives in the plebiscitum Claudianum, dating from third century BC. This plebiscitum, erroneously linked to the de repetundis legislation, had the only purpose of prohibiting senators from carrying out maritime trade, an activity considered contrary to the decor of Roman senators. Therefore the author concludes that the considered provision was completely different from the discipline of conflict of interest as it is considered in modern law. Keywords: Conflict of Interest; lex Claudia; senators; leges de repetundis
In this interview Ramsay MacMullen, a great scholar in ancient history, explains his lifetime pre... more In this interview Ramsay MacMullen, a great scholar in ancient history, explains his lifetime preference for subjects discovered among sectors of the population of little interest to ancient writers, therefore also of little interest to modern classicists; for, most naturally, classicists focus on language and literature or on individuals as they illuminate an approved canon. MacMullen’s preference has rather been «democratic, … blame it on sympathies». «Sympathies» helps to explain also his many articles and several books focused on, or giving space to, the emotions. Emotions, being wrapped around a society’s values, give energy to behavior, as a historian of course must understand («Motivation» being the subtitle to his 2014 book).
It was a great honor for me to interview Ramsay MacMullen. My discussions with him over some twenty years have been a precious source of enrichment, curiosity and knowledge for me. But, first of all, I had a chance to appreciate his extraordinary humanity, a rare quality, a quality that is only possessed by greatest scholars and by best people [SR].
Keywords: historical method, mass culture, emotions.
In the panorama of legal science of the twentieth century, the approach of Pietro Bonfante is cha... more In the panorama of legal science of the twentieth century, the approach of Pietro Bonfante is characterized by a stringent analysis of the relationship between law and society, explored from an evolutionary perspective. The consideration of the great scholar's different approach to obligations and contract, encourages the author to reflect on the reasons of this apparent anomaly and to propose a critical re-reading of Bonfante's pages on the topic.
The career of the “Sabinian” jurist Iavolenus Priscus is distinguished by important and... more Abstract
The career of the “Sabinian” jurist Iavolenus Priscus is distinguished by important and prestigious political and military positions. From these experiences emerges a jurist who moves with singular confidence between legal scholarship and professional pragmatism, such that, in his definitiones, the divergence between his thinking and the unshakeable principles of the sectae (the “schools” of jurists in his day) offers contemporary jurisprudence a form of legal thought that is both modern and concrete in nature.
Il diritto di fronte all'emergenza. Un percorso interdisciplinare, 2021
Le situazioni di emergenza non previste dagli ordinamenti giuridici rappresentano una delle princ... more Le situazioni di emergenza non previste dagli ordinamenti giuridici rappresentano una delle principali e più complesse sfide a cui può essere chiamato uno Stato moderno. Non c’è ambito che ne sia immune. Il diritto nell’emergenza è sempre messo alla prova: da una parte l’urgenza di assumere decisioni a salvaguardia di valori fondamentali, come la salute e la vita stessa, dall’altra la preoccupazione che negli interstizi del diritto “emergenziale” possano attecchire alterazioni incontrollate dei principi fondamentali del nostro ordinamento.
I meccanismi costituzionali che possediamo consentono in certa misura, come è avvenuto e sta avvenendo nel nostro paese in relazione all’epidemia da Covid-19, di provvedere con strumenti di intervento previsti dall’ordinamento, ma non si può ignorare la diffusa sensazione di inadeguatezza del sistema rispetto a eventi che il diritto, nel suo insieme, non ha previsto e disciplinato.
Questo libro cerca di rispondere, con una riflessione interdisciplinare, ad alcuni di questi interrogativi.
Questo volume raccoglie gli Atti del Seminario di studi su “Religione e diritto romano. La cogenz... more Questo volume raccoglie gli Atti del Seminario di studi su “Religione e diritto romano. La cogenza del rito”, svoltosi presso la Facoltà di Giurisprudenza dell’Università LUM Jean Monnet nei giorni 10 e 11 gennaio 2014, nel quadro delle attività del Network ELR – European Legal Roots L’iniziativa si muove sulla scia di analoghe attività seminariali,particolarmente destinate a giovani studiosi, e volte, meritoriamente, a sollecitare momenti di riflessione e di crescita scientifica. Tuttavia il Seminario i cui Atti pubblichiamo presenta alcune specificità. I temi sono stati direttamente affidati da chi scrive ai partecipanti cercando di connettere interessi pregressi di ciascuno ad un quadro d’insieme che fosse rappresentativo di alcuni profili significativi e differenziati del complesso rapporto fra religione e diritto, sul piano dei problemi affrontati e sul piano cronologico ... [dall'Introduzione].
Romanists, historians of antiquity, historians of culture and language took part in the Conferenc... more Romanists, historians of antiquity, historians of culture and language took part in the Conference on the contribution offered by Pietro (1864 - 1932), Giuliano (1904 - 2005) and Larissa Bonfante (daughter of Giuliano and Pietro's nephew, 1931) to Italian and international culture. The role of Bonfante in the academic context, but also in the historical, social and political context in which they were called to operate and the intertwining of the results of the research field of each of them and the private and family events were examined in the complex becoming of history between the last century and the next, and up to the present day. In the background, the most important passages of the historical Italian and international events, to be grasped between "academic" contexts and "civil" and "political" events. Larissa Bonfante, Linguist and Etruscologist, now emeritus of the New York University-Department of Classics, also attended the Conference held in Catanzaro on 6 October 2017. --- Romanisti, storici dell’antichità, storici della cultura e della lingua hanno preso parte all’incontro imperniato sul contributo offerto da Pietro (1864 - 1932), Giuliano (1904 - 2005) e Larissa Bonfante (figlia di Giuliano e nipote di Pietro, classe 1931) alla cultura italiana ed internazionale. Il ruolo dei Bonfante nel contesto accademico, ma anche storico, sociale e politico in cui sono stati chiamati ad operare e gli intrecci fra le risultanze delle ricerche di settore di ciascuno di loro e le vicende private e familiari sono stati esaminati nel divenire complesso della storia a cavaliere fra il secolo scorso ed il successivo, e fino ai nostri giorni. Sullo sfondo, i più importanti passaggi delle vicende storiche internazionali e del nostro Paese, da cogliere fra contesti “accademici” e vicende “civili” e “politiche”. Al Convegno, svoltosi a Catanzaro il 6 ottobre 2017, ha partecipato anche Larissa Bonfante, Linguista ed Etruscologa, oggi emerita della New York University-Department of Classics.
Dopo le lacerazioni seguite alle drammatiche vicende Welby ed Englaro, l’aspirazione a una regola... more Dopo le lacerazioni seguite alle drammatiche vicende Welby ed Englaro, l’aspirazione a una regolamentazione condivisa della materia offre lo spunto a “Bios&Law” per questo convegno interdisciplinare in cui filosofi e giuristi si confrontano con rianimatori, biomedici e psichiatri sui problemi della medicina di fine-vita. La pluralità delle voci fa emergere l’estrema complessità del tema e rafforza l’esigenza di ancorare giudizi e opinioni a un’informazione rigorosa. Il convegno tenta così di offrire strumenti per valutare, con equilibrio e senza “chiusure” ideologiche, le diverse opzioni etiche e scientifiche in gioco.
La definizione di memoria racchiude un’estrema complessità, oltre che una profonda vocazione sist... more La definizione di memoria racchiude un’estrema complessità, oltre che una profonda vocazione sistemica, in quanto rimanda immediatamente agli archivi di sensazioni, immagini e nozioni che ci accompagnano, si accumulano, ma che in parte inevitabilmente si perdono nel corso della nostra esistenza. La memoria contribuisce così alla costruzione della nostra identità tanto sul piano individuale, quanto su quello sociale, agendo sia come fattore di individuazione, che di omologazione e appartenenza ad una collettività, assumendo una diversa connotazione rispetto al campo d’analisi: in psicologia viene studiata la memoria come funzione psichica; nelle neuroscienze viene studiata la funzione fisiologica della memoria; nelle scienze umane emerge il concetto di memoria collettiva; in informatica vengono studiate le memorie informatiche; in letteratura le memorie sono testi, in cui l'autore tratta di avvenimenti del suo passato; nella religione cattolica le memorie sono celebrazioni liturgiche. Al fondo la memoria istituzionale, ricostruita dagli istituti di ricerca su basi statistiche e la memoria mediale, frutto della composizioni in un unico frame mediale di elementi di conoscenza multifattoriali. Per il giurista, poi, la memoria è il riferimento costante per la ricostruzione dei fatti da sottoporre al vaglio dell’analisi giuridica e talvolta, come nei sistemi basati sul precedente diventa la componente essenziale della stessa regolamentazione normativa.
Papers by Salvatore (Salvo) Randazzo
Keywords: Ausnahmezustand, Roman Constitution, Roman Dictatorship, Livy, pestis, pandemic.
social aggregations. The intersection of these changing roles can impact the consideration of people's Roman Law discipline, with using a wider reconstructive analysys. Through a cross-disciplinary analisys of the sources, between sociology, history and law, the research proposes an experimental approach to the archaic aggregative models, moving from a fragmented methodology to an integrated multilevel analysis of these socio-legal phenomena for improving our knowledge of the legal status of people in ancient Rome.
Keywords: Conflict of Interest; lex Claudia; senators; leges de repetundis
It was a great honor for me to interview Ramsay MacMullen. My discussions with him over some twenty years have been a precious source of enrichment, curiosity and knowledge for me. But, first of all, I had a chance to appreciate his extraordinary humanity, a rare quality, a quality that is only possessed by greatest scholars and by best people [SR].
Keywords: historical method, mass culture, emotions.
The career of the “Sabinian” jurist Iavolenus Priscus is distinguished by important and prestigious political and military positions. From these experiences emerges a jurist who moves with singular confidence between legal scholarship and professional pragmatism, such that, in his definitiones, the divergence between his thinking and the unshakeable principles of the sectae (the “schools” of jurists in his day) offers contemporary jurisprudence a form of legal thought that is both modern and concrete in nature.
Keywords: Ausnahmezustand, Roman Constitution, Roman Dictatorship, Livy, pestis, pandemic.
social aggregations. The intersection of these changing roles can impact the consideration of people's Roman Law discipline, with using a wider reconstructive analysys. Through a cross-disciplinary analisys of the sources, between sociology, history and law, the research proposes an experimental approach to the archaic aggregative models, moving from a fragmented methodology to an integrated multilevel analysis of these socio-legal phenomena for improving our knowledge of the legal status of people in ancient Rome.
Keywords: Conflict of Interest; lex Claudia; senators; leges de repetundis
It was a great honor for me to interview Ramsay MacMullen. My discussions with him over some twenty years have been a precious source of enrichment, curiosity and knowledge for me. But, first of all, I had a chance to appreciate his extraordinary humanity, a rare quality, a quality that is only possessed by greatest scholars and by best people [SR].
Keywords: historical method, mass culture, emotions.
The career of the “Sabinian” jurist Iavolenus Priscus is distinguished by important and prestigious political and military positions. From these experiences emerges a jurist who moves with singular confidence between legal scholarship and professional pragmatism, such that, in his definitiones, the divergence between his thinking and the unshakeable principles of the sectae (the “schools” of jurists in his day) offers contemporary jurisprudence a form of legal thought that is both modern and concrete in nature.
I meccanismi costituzionali che possediamo consentono in certa misura, come è avvenuto e sta avvenendo nel nostro paese in relazione all’epidemia da Covid-19, di provvedere con strumenti di intervento previsti dall’ordinamento, ma non si può ignorare la diffusa sensazione di inadeguatezza del sistema rispetto a eventi che il diritto, nel suo insieme, non ha previsto e disciplinato.
Questo libro cerca di rispondere, con una riflessione interdisciplinare, ad alcuni di questi interrogativi.
Larissa Bonfante, Linguist and Etruscologist, now emeritus of the New York University-Department of Classics, also attended the Conference held in Catanzaro on 6 October 2017.
Romanisti, storici dell’antichità, storici della cultura e della lingua hanno preso parte all’incontro imperniato sul contributo offerto da Pietro (1864 - 1932), Giuliano (1904 - 2005) e Larissa Bonfante (figlia di Giuliano e nipote di Pietro, classe 1931) alla cultura italiana ed internazionale. Il ruolo dei Bonfante nel contesto accademico, ma anche storico, sociale e politico in cui sono stati chiamati ad operare e gli intrecci fra le risultanze delle ricerche di settore di ciascuno di loro e le vicende private e familiari sono stati esaminati nel divenire complesso della storia a cavaliere fra il secolo scorso ed il successivo, e fino ai nostri giorni. Sullo sfondo, i più importanti passaggi delle vicende storiche internazionali e del nostro Paese, da cogliere fra contesti “accademici” e vicende “civili” e “politiche”.
Al Convegno, svoltosi a Catanzaro il 6 ottobre 2017, ha partecipato anche Larissa Bonfante, Linguista ed Etruscologa, oggi emerita della New York University-Department of Classics.