I’m a 4th year PhD student in the computer science department of Purdue University. I’m fortunate to be advised by Prof. David F. Gleich. Prior to coming to Purdue, I obtained my Master of Science degree in computer science from Georgia Institute of Technology, where I worked with Prof. Richard Peng and Prof. Diyi Yang. Before that I got my bachelor’s degree from Dalian University of Technology.

I’m broadly interested in graph algorithms, network science, matrix computations.

When not doing research, I enjoy rock climbing, running and hiking. I used to do some competitive programming(codeforces).


\(^*\) stands for equal contribution and italics refers to alphabetical order.


  • Faster single-source shortest paths with negative real weights via proper hop distance.
    Yufan Huang, Peter Jin, Kent Quanrud.
  • Suboptimality bounds for trace-bounded SDPs enable a faster and scalable low-rank SDP solver SDPLR+.
    Yufan Huang, David F. Gleich.
    [paper | code]
  • A Cheeger Inequality for Size-Specific Conductance.
    Yufan Huang, David F. Gleich.

Scholarly Publications

  • Densest Subhypergraph: Negative Supermodular Functions and Strongly Localized Methods.
    Yufan Huang, David F. Gleich, and Nate Veldt.
    Proceedings of the ACM Web Conference, WWW 2024. [paper | code| video]

  • Theoretical bounds on the network community profile from low-rank semi-definite programming.
    Yufan Huang, C. Seshadhri, and David F. Gleich.
    Proceedings of the 40th International Conference on Machine Learning, ICML 2023.
    [paper | code | video]

  • A flexible pagerank-based graph embedding framework closely related to spectral eigenvector embeddings.
    Disha Shur\(^*\), Yufan Huang\(^*\), and David F. Gleich.
    Journal of Applied and Computational Topology, 2023.
    [paper | code]

  • Hardness of Graph-Structured Algebraic and Symbolic Problems.
    Jingbang Chen, Yu Gao, Yufan Huang, Richard Peng, and Runze Wang.
    Algorithms and Data Structures Symposium, WADS 2023.

  • Continual Learning for Text Classification with Information Disentanglement Based Regularization.
    Yufan Huang\(^*\), Yanzhe Zhang\(^*\), Jiaao Chen, Xuezhi Wang, Diyi Yang. North American Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics, NAACL 2021.
    [paper | code | video]


Teaching Assistant

Purdue University

  • CS251: Data Structures(Fall 2021)
  • CS515: Matrix Computations(Fall 2022)

Georgia Institute of Technology

  • CS4510: Automata and Complexity(Spring 2020, Fall 2020)
  • CS6515: Introduction to Graduate Algorithms(Summer 2020)
  • CS3510: Design and Analysis of Algorithms(Spring 2021)