A maioría das declaraciones en Wikidata deben ser verificables na medida en que conten co apoio de fontes de información referenciables, como un libro, unha publicación científica o un artigo xornalístico. En Wikidata, as referencias úsanse para sinalar fontes específicas que apoien os datos proporcionados nunha afirmación.
As referencias ao igual que as declaracións, tamén consisten en polo menos un par propiedade-valor (para unha referencia, o valor é la fonte). Normalmenete a propiedade que se usa nas fontes é unha destas dúas opcións: stated in (P248) (que fai referencia a publicacións e medios) e reference URL (P854) (utilizada para sitios web e bases de datos en línea).
Esta guía explica cando é necesario engadir unha fonte a unha afirmación en Wikidata. Tamén explica os pasos a seguir para engadir unha fonte.
Principios xerais con independencia da lingua
Cando referenciar unha declaración
Wikidata is a collection of sourced data, which means that most statements should indicate where the data comes from.
Wikidata includes three main types of statements: facts about the subject of the item, mappings of external identifiers and media links to Wikimedia Commons. The following applies primarily to the first type.
In some cases sources are not required:
- When a value is common knowledge, and it has not been disputed. For example, it is common knowledge that Earth (Q2) is an instance of (P31) a terrestrial planet (Q128207)
- When the item has a statement that refers to an external source of information (such as a database or authority control file) which allows easy verification of the statement. For example, a statement about Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone (Q43361)'s GND ID (P227) (an authority file maintained by the German National Library) does not need a source (the value, 4615979-4, is a direct link to the appropriate page on the German National Library's website)
- When the item itself is a source for a statement. For example, for The Hunger Games (Q11679) book series, it's possible to say that the author (P50) is Suzanne Collins (Q228624) without needing to then include The Hunger Games (Q11679) as a reference for this statement.
For more information, see Help:Sources/Items not needing sources.
Adding a source to a statement
There are four basic steps to follow when adding a source regardless of the type of source being added.
- Check if an item for the source already exists in Wikidata using the Item by title search
- Add the source as an item if: i) it's not in Wikidata already and ii) it is not a webpage
- Add a reference to your statement and point to the source item. For source items in Wikidata, use the property stated in (P248); for sources that exist online outside of Wikidata, use reference URL (P854)
- Add the source and all the other necessary properties
More information on searching for and creating items can be found at Help:Items.
Different types of sources
References should point to reliable sources of information such as university-level textbooks or reference books, academic journals, and newspapers. For more information on identifying reliable sources, please see Wikidata:Verifiability.
One could differentiate between online or offline references. Both can be added to Wikidata. An internet accessible database can be an online reference. Offline references are books and other works found in libraries and archives.
References can be categorized into primary, secondary, and tertiary references. All categories can be added to Wikidata. A secondary reference being one that analyzes primary references, a compilation of secondary references is a tertiary reference. Encyclopædiæ and library catalogues are generally tertiary references. Wikidata could be seen as a tertiary (or quaternary) reference, but one can't add it to Wikidata itself.
References can be contemporary ones or historic ones. Wikidata includes both. Consider appropriate ranks for information that is no longer current.
Please note that while pages on Wikipedia (and other Wikimedia sites) can and should be added as sitelinks, they are not appropriate as sources for Wikidata statements. As per the Wikipedia policy on verifiability, the content of articles in Wikipedia must be verifiable; it should be supported by sources also (in the form of citations). However, just because something is stated on a Wikipedia page, does not mean that it is acceptable to consider the Wikipedia page itself as a source; it's much better to locate the actual citation and use that instead.
Tools that import data from Wikimedia projects generally add imported from Wikimedia project (P143) (and sometimes also Wikimedia import URL (P4656)) in the reference part of statements. Statements that are only supported by "imported from Wikimedia project (P143)" are not considered sourced statements. If you encounter one of these statements, please replace "imported from Wikimedia project" with an actual reference.
This list is not complete, and types of sources in addition to the ones found on this page may be reliable; if you would like to add a new section with instructions on how to add such sources, please do so.
En Wikidata, os libros son tratados segundo o Functional Requirements for Bibliographic Records (Q16388) modelo (FRBR) , un marco conceptual utilizado en biblioteconomía.
Sen descender en detalles, o modelo FRBR permite distingir entre as obras creativas as súa diferentes edicións e traducións; en Wikidata, isto coñéces como elementos de obra e elementos de edición respectivamente. Por exemplo, podemos dicir que Hamlet (Q41567) e Bible (Q1845) son elementos de obra, mentres que Hamlet, Prince of Denmark (Q14422206) e o King James Version (Q623398) son elementos de edición.
Cando referencie unha declaración, só debería usar a edición concreta dun libro. Nalgúns casos será necesario engadir o elemento de obra en Wikidata primeiro para poder crear o elemento de edición. Pode facelo seguindo os seguintes pasos:
- Comprobe se o elemento de traballo xa existe en Wikidata. Se localiza o elemento, pode pasar ao paso 4. Se o elemento non se localiza, cree un elemento novo e volva ao paso 2.
- Engade polo menos as declaracións seguintes ao elemento de traballo:
- instance of (P31) → written work (Q47461344)
- author (P50) (ou author name string (P2093) se non sabe máis que o nome)
- title (P1476) (e subtitle (P1680) chegado o caso)
- language of work or name (P407)
- Engada calquera outra propiedade adicional ao elemento de traballo se é necesario, por exemplo:
- based on (P144), genre (P136), main subject (P921), follows (P155) e followed by (P156) (en caso dunha serie), e outros dos que aparecen listados en Wikidata:WikiProject Books#Work_item_properties.
- Comprobe se xa existe un elemento da o edición desta obra en Wikidata. Se se localiza o elemento, vaia ao paso 8. Se o elemento non se localiza, cree un elemento novo para esta edición e vaia ao paso 5. Asegúrese que a etiqueta do elemento edición sexa diferente da do elemento obra.
- Etiquete o elemento de edición novo nde maneira que poida ser diferenciado desde o elemento obra engadindo o o número de edición co título.
- Engada polo menos as declaracións seguintes ao elemento de edición:
- instance of (P31) → version, edition or translation (Q3331189)
- edition or translation of (P629) → o Q#### do elemento obra
- title (P1476) (e subtitle (P1680) chegado o caso)
- language of work or name (P407)
- edition number (P393)
- Engada calquera outra propiedade adicional ao elemento de edición de ser necesario, por exemplo:
- place of publication (P291), publisher (P123), publication date (P577), illustrator (P110), editor (P98), number of pages (P1104), e calquera outra das listadas en Wikidata:WikiProject Books#Edition_item_properties
- Volva ao elemento obra e engada has edition or translation (P747).
- Volva á páxina do elemento onde estivo engadindo a referencia para crear unha declaración stated in (P248) e ligala co elemento edición.
- Engada propiedades adicionais na sección de referencia que poidan axudar a verificar o valor da declaración:
- Elemento obra: CRC Handbook of Chemistry and Physics (Q904273), elemento de edición: CRC Handbook of Chemistry and Physics (92nd edition) (Q11927173)
- Utilizados para indicar a fonte da declaración: CAS Registry Number (P231) of ethanol (Q153)
- Referencia: stated in (P248) — CRC Handbook of Chemistry and Physics (92nd edition) (Q11927173)
Scientific, newspaper or magazine article
Publication articles require that both the publication and the article be added as items to Wikidata (if they haven't already been). One can use SourceMD.
- Check if the publication item already exists in Wikidata. If an item is found, proceed to step 3. If the item is not found, create a new one for it and go to step 2.
Ensure that at least the following statements are added to the publication item:
- instance of (P31) → academic journal (Q737498) for academic journal
- or instance of (P31) → newspaper (Q11032) for newspaper
- or instance of (P31) → magazine (Q41298) for magazine
- title (P1476) (and subtitle (P1680) if applicable)
- language of work or name (P407)
- Check if the article item exists in Wikidata. If an item is found, proceed to step 5. If the item is not found, create a new item for the article and go to step 4.
Ensure that at least the following statements are added to the article item:
- instance of (P31) → article (Q191067) (more specifically: scholarly article (Q13442814), news article (Q5707594), magazine article (Q30070590), etc.)
- published in (P1433) → (whatever the publication item is)
- title (P1476) (and subtitle (P1680) if applicable)
- language of work or name (P407)
- author (P50) (or author name string (P2093) if you know nothing nontrivial other than their name)
- You may use the Source MetaData tool to assist creation if you know the DOI of the article.
- Return to the item page you were adding a reference to source your statement with stated in (P248) and link it to the article item.
- If needed, return to the publication item and add additional properties:
If needed, return to the article item and add additional properties:
- Journal item: Geological Society, London, Special Publications (Q15817216), article item: The age of the Earth in the twentieth century: a problem (mostly) solved (Q15545344)
- Used to source statement: inception (P571) of Earth (Q2)
- Reference: stated in (P248) — The age of the Earth in the twentieth century: a problem (mostly) solved (Q15545344)
Reports, policy, legislation and technical documentation
- Check if the document item exists in Wikidata. If an item is found, proceed to the step 3. If the item is not found, create a new item for the edition and go to step 2.
Ensure that at least the following statements are added to the document item:
- instance of (P31) → report (Q10870555) for a report
- or instance of (P31) → technical documentation (Q1413406) for technical documentation
- or instance of (P31) → policy (Q1156854) for policy
- or instance of (P31) → legislation (Q49371) for legislation
- title (P1476) (and subtitle (P1680) if applicable)
- language of work or name (P407)
- author (P50) (or author name string (P2093) if you know nothing nontrivial other than their name)
- Return to the item page you were adding a reference to source your statement with stated in (P248) and link it to the document item.
If needed, return to the document item and add additional properties:
- Legislation item: Civil Marriage Act (Q3258612)
- Used to source statement: start time (P580) of Same-sex marriage in Canada (Q17447)
- Reference: stated in (P248) — Civil Marriage Act (Q3258612)
Web page
If there is a Wikidata property for a website, follow #Databases below.
- Check if an item exists in Wikidata for the website containing the web page. If an item is found, source your statement with stated in (P248) and link it to the website item. If an item is not found but the website is notable, create one for it. If the website is not notable, use title of broader work (P6333) instead.
- Source your statement with reference URL (P854) and link it to the URL of the webpage
Add the following properties to your reference, so that the source can be tracked down if the URL changes:
- publication date (P577) → the publication date of the webpage. If no publication date is provided use retrieved (P813), the date when the data was taken from the web page.
- title (P1476) → title of the webpage
- archive URL (P1065) → archived webpage
- archive date (P2960) → date of archived webpage
- language of work or name (P407) → language of the webpage
- online access status (P6954) → could be open access (Q232932), registration required (Q107459441), paywall (Q910845), etc.
If needed, add additional properties:
- author (P50) and publisher (P123). Please note if the web page belongs to a major web site that already has an item in Wikidata, you should use publisher.
- quotation (P1683) → exact quotation of text from the webpage
- Web page item: United States Population Clock (Q3398022)
- Used to source statement: population (P1082) of United States of America (Q30)
- Reference: stated in (P248) — United States Population Clock (Q3398022)
- Non-web page item
- Used to source statement: date of birth (P569) of Giambattista Bodoni (Q220768)
- Reference: reference URL (P854) —
Please note: this approach only applies to databases that already have a corresponding property defined in Wikidata. The property is often an identifier unique to the database such as the PubMed publication ID (P698) for PubMed or the IMDb ID (P345) for the Internet Movie Database. Consult the list of properties for authority control IDs to determine whether the database property has been added to Wikidata. You can also use the advanced options of Special:Search to search for the database and/or its identifiers in the Property namespace. If no such property exists for the database, treat the database as a webpage (see above).
- Search for the database item in Wikidata. If an item is found, proceed to the next step. If the item is not found, create a new one for it.
- Ensure that at least the following statement is added to the database item:
- Return to the item page you were adding a reference to source your statement with stated in (P248) and link it to the database item. The applicable value can be found through applicable 'stated in' value (P9073).
Add the following properties to your reference in order to indicate the specific register of the database.
- database property → database property ID (the unique identifier for the data as per the database)
- title (P1476) → the title of the dataset in the database. This may not be needed if the database property is in the external link section of the item the statement is used on.
- publication date (P577) → the publication date for the data. If no publication date is provided use retrieved (P813), the date when the data was taken from the database. This may not be needed if the date is already otherwise included in the statement being referenced.
- Database item: PubChem (Q278487), database property: PubChem CID (P662)
- Used to source statement: InChI (P234) of ethanol (Q153)
- Reference: stated in (P248) — PubChem (Q278487)
Media & Entertainment (TV/radio/music/video)
- Check if the media item exists in Wikidata. If an item is found, proceed to the next step. If the item is not found, create a new one for it.
- Source your statement with stated in (P248) and link it to the media item
- If needed, return to the media item and add additional properties:
- Documentary item: Man on Wire (Q1417721)
- Used to source statement: occupation (P106) of Philippe Petit (Q705289)
- Reference: stated in (P248) — Man on Wire (Q1417721)
Headstones at Commons
Add the following:
- type of reference (P3865)=tombstone (Q203443) and reference image (P10253) with the image at Commons
- Headstone image: File:Beatrice_Dowsky.jpg
- Used to source statement: date of birth (P569) of Beatrice von Dovsky (Q88821)
- Reference: type of reference (P3865) — tombstone (Q203443) and reference image (P10253) — File:Beatrice_Dowsky.jpg
Wikisource source text
Add the following two:
- As for books above, add stated in (P248) pointing to the Wikidata item of the edition with sitelinks to Wikisource + page(s) (P304) to indicate the page of the book (for bibliographic templates)
- As for websites above, add reference URL (P854) pointing to the subpage supporting the statement
Archive collections, especially vital records
- Always try to fill:
- type of reference (P3865) - e.g., birth certificate (Q83900), marriage certificate (Q1299632), death certificate (Q708653), birth registry (Q11971341), baptism registry (Q28369847), marriage registry (Q14324227), death registry (Q12029619), home certificate (Q1595673), conscription sheet (Q105921971), chronicle (Q185363), etc.
- Depending on circumstances (especially based on the structure of the collection provided by its creator or custodian), also try to enter additional identifiers, such as:
- registration district (P5564) - regional subdivision of the collection, if created in Wikidata
- volume (P478) - compact resource, such as book or documentation box that does not have a Wikidata item. May return error if not alphanumeric.
- inventory number (P217) - alternative free-form identifier
- page(s) (P304) - page in a book; sometimes it is better to enter folio(s) (P7416)
- line(s) (P7421) - row within a page or document, if numbered
- section, verse, paragraph, or clause (P958) - another identifiable part of document
- Archival Resource Key (P8091) - if assigned
- Examples
- Josef J. Zapf (Q96901921) - dates of birth and death based on Austrian church books
- Hermann Mattkey (Q96694727) - dates of birth and death based on Czech church books (German-language source with Czech metadata)
See also
For related Help pages, see:
- Help:Sources/Items not needing sources, more information on when items don't need sources
- Help:Statements, which explains what statements are and what rules they follow
- Help:Qualifiers, which explains what qualifiers are and what rules they follow
- Special:BookSources - search for book sources by ISBN (International Standard Book Number)
- Wikidata:Zotero, which explains how to use a tool which makes it easy to create items about articles, web pages, etc. with QuickStatements
- Wikidata SPARQL queries
For additional information and guidance see:
- Project chat, for discussing all and any aspects of Wikidata
- Wikidata:Glossary, the glossary of terms used in this and other Help pages
- Help:FAQ, frequently asked questions asked and answered by the Wikidata community
- Help:Contents, the Help portal featuring all the documentation available for Wikidata