Parenting patterns is a pattern of interaction between children and parents in educating, guiding... more Parenting patterns is a pattern of interaction between children and parents in educating, guiding, disciplining and protecting children. Difficult food intake attitude is the behavior of children who refuse to eat. They just want to eat certain foods only. The purpose of this study is to know the correlation between parenting parents and difficult food intake in toddler age (1-3 years) in early childhood education Dewi Sartika Kelurahan Losari Singosari Malang. The methods of this research used quantitative and analytic with cross sectional. The sampling technique used total number of 34 elderly people and children. Analysis of this research used Contigency Coefficient test. The results obtained are permissive parenting as much as 20 (58.8%), authoritarian as much as 10 (29.4%), and democratic as much as 4 (11.8%). While difficult food intake attitude in toddler age is as much as 21 (61,8%), and do not experience difficulty in food intake as much as 13 (38,2%). Based on statistical test, p value is 0,007 (p value <0,05) so that there is a relationship between parenting methods of parents with difficult behavior to eat in children toddler age (1-3 years). It is recommended for their parents in caring for his son to be more attentive to the health and diet of the child so that the bad behavior to eat can be prevented and children's health be optimized in accordance with the age of the child.
Parenting patterns is a pattern of interaction between children and parents in educating, guiding... more Parenting patterns is a pattern of interaction between children and parents in educating, guiding, disciplining and protecting children. Difficult food intake attitude is the behavior of children who refuse to eat. They just want to eat certain foods only. The purpose of this study is to know the correlation between parenting parents and difficult food intake in toddler age (1-3 years) in early childhood education Dewi Sartika Kelurahan Losari Singosari Malang. The methods of this research used quantitative and analytic with cross sectional. The sampling technique used total number of 34 elderly people and children. Analysis of this research used Contigency Coefficient test. The results obtained are permissive parenting as much as 20 (58.8%), authoritarian as much as 10 (29.4%), and democratic as much as 4 (11.8%). While difficult food intake attitude in toddler age is as much as 21 (61,8%), and do not experience difficulty in food intake as much as 13 (38,2%). Based on statistical test, p value is 0,007 (p value <0,05) so that there is a relationship between parenting methods of parents with difficult behavior to eat in children toddler age (1-3 years). It is recommended for their parents in caring for his son to be more attentive to the health and diet of the child so that the bad behavior to eat can be prevented and children's health be optimized in accordance with the age of the child.
Papers by vira vegas