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"मोड्युल:Mapframe" के अवतरणसभमे अन्तर

Content deleted Content added
adjust while condition
(३४ मध्यस्थ संशोधन सभ ८ सँ बेसी प्रयोक्तासभ नै देखाएल)
पङ्क्त्ति १:
-- Note: Originally written on English Wikipedia at https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Module:Mapframe
--Parameter for cleaned-up parent.args (whitespace trimmed, blanks removed)
local Args = {}
local defaults = {
##### Localisation (L10n) settings #####
display = 'inline'
Replace values in quotes ("") with localised values
local L10n = {}
-- Modue dependencies
local transcluder -- local copy of https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Module:Transcluder loaded lazily
-- "Module:No globals" should not be used, at least until all other modules which require this module are not using globals.
-- Template parameter names (unnumbered versions only)
-- Specify each as either a single string, or a table of strings (aliases)
-- Aliases are checked left-to-right, i.e. `{ "one", "two" }` is equivalent to using `{{{one| {{{two|}}} }}}` in a template
L10n.para = {
display = "display",
type = "type",
id = { "id", "ids" },
from = "from",
raw = "raw",
title = "title",
description = "description",
strokeColor = { "stroke-color", "stroke-colour" },
strokeWidth = "stroke-width",
strokeOpacity = "stroke-opacity",
fill = "fill",
fillOpacity = "fill-opacity",
coord = "coord",
marker = "marker",
markerColor = { "marker-color", "marker-colour" },
markerSize = "marker-size",
radius = { "radius", "radius_m" },
radiusKm = "radius_km",
radiusFt = "radius_ft",
radiusMi = "radius_mi",
edges = "edges",
text = "text",
icon = "icon",
zoom = "zoom",
frame = "frame",
plain = "plain",
frameWidth = "frame-width",
frameHeight = "frame-height",
frameCoordinates = { "frame-coordinates", "frame-coord" },
frameLatitude = { "frame-lat", "frame-latitude" },
frameLongitude = { "frame-long", "frame-longitude" },
frameAlign = "frame-align",
switch = "switch",
overlay = "overlay",
overlayBorder = "overlay-border",
overlayHorizontalAlignment = "overlay-horizontal-alignment",
overlayVerticalAlignment = "overlay-vertical-alignment",
overlayHorizontalOffset = "overlay-horizontal-offset",
overlayVerticalOffset = "overlay-vertical-offset"
-- Names of other templates this module can extract coordinates from
function setCleanArgs(argsTable)
L10n.template = {
coord = { -- The coord template, as well as templates with output that contains {{coord}}
"Coord", "Coord/sandbox",
"NRHP row", "NRHP row/sandbox",
"WikidataCoord", "WikidataCoord/sandbox", "Wikidatacoord", "Wikidata coord"
-- Error messages
L10n.error = {
badDisplayPara = "Invalid display parameter",
noCoords = "Coordinates must be specified on Wikidata or in |" .. ( type(L10n.para.coord)== 'table' and L10n.para.coord[1] or L10n.para.coord ) .. "=",
wikidataCoords = "Coordinates not found on Wikidata",
noCircleCoords = "Circle centre coordinates must be specified, or available via Wikidata",
negativeRadius = "Circle radius must be a positive number",
noRadius = "Circle radius must be specified",
negativeEdges = "Circle edges must be a positive number",
noSwitchPara = "Found only one switch value in |" .. ( type(L10n.para.switch)== 'table' and L10n.para.switch[1] or L10n.para.switch ) .. "=",
oneSwitchLabel = "Found only one label in |" .. ( type(L10n.para.switch)== 'table' and L10n.para.switch[1] or L10n.para.switch ) .. "=",
noSwitchLists = "At least one parameter must have a SWITCH: list",
switchMismatches = "All SWITCH: lists must have the same number of values",
-- "%s" and "%d" tokens will be replaced with strings and numbers when used
oneSwitchValue = "Found only one switch value in |%s=",
fewerSwitchLabels = "Found %d switch values but only %d labels in |" .. ( type(L10n.para.switch)== 'table' and L10n.para.switch[1] or L10n.para.switch ) .. "=",
noNamedCoords = "No named coordinates found in %s"
-- Other strings
L10n.str = {
-- valid values for display parameter, e.g. (|display=inline) or (|display=title) or (|display=inline,title) or (|display=title,inline)
inline = "inline",
title = "title",
dsep = ",", -- separator between inline and title (comma in the example above)
-- valid values for type paramter
line = "line", -- geoline feature (e.g. a road)
shape = "shape", -- geoshape feature (e.g. a state or province)
shapeInverse = "shape-inverse", -- geomask feature (the inverse of a geoshape)
data = "data", -- geoJSON data page on Commons
point = "point", -- single point feature (coordinates)
circle = "circle", -- circular area around a point
named = "named", -- all named coordinates in an article or section
-- Keyword to indicate a switch list. Must NOT use the special characters ^$()%.[]*+-?
switch = "SWITCH",
-- valid values for icon, frame, and plain parameters
affirmedWords = ' '..table.concat({
}, ' ')..' ',
declinedWords = ' '..table.concat({
}, ' ')..' '
-- Default values for parameters
L10n.defaults = {
display = L10n.str.inline,
text = "Map",
frameWidth = "300",
frameHeight = "200",
frameAlign = "right",
markerColor = "5E74F3",
markerSize = nil,
strokeColor = "#ff0000",
strokeWidth = 6,
edges = 32, -- number of edges used to approximate a circle
overlayBorder = "1px solid white",
overlayHorizontalAlignment = "right",
overlayHorizontalOffset = "0",
overlayVerticalAlignment = "bottom",
overlayVerticalOffset = "0"
-- #### End of L10n settings ####
Utility methods
local util = {}
Looks up a parameter value based on the id (a key from the L10n.para table) and
optionally a suffix, for parameters that can be suffixed (e.g. type2 is type
with suffix 2).
@param {table} args key-value pairs of parameter names and their values
@param {string} param_id id for parameter name (key from the L10n.para table)
@param {string} [suffix] suffix for parameter name
@returns {string|nil} parameter value if found, or nil if not found
function util.getParameterValue(args, param_id, suffix)
suffix = suffix or ''
if type( L10n.para[param_id] ) ~= 'table' then
return args[L10n.para[param_id]..suffix]
for _i, paramAlias in ipairs(L10n.para[param_id]) do
if args[paramAlias..suffix] then
return args[paramAlias..suffix]
return nil
Trim whitespace from args, and remove empty args. Also fix control characters.
@param {table} argsTable
@returns {table} trimmed args table
function util.trimArgs(argsTable)
local cleanArgs = {}
for key, val in pairs(argsTable) do
if type(key) == 'string' and type(val) == 'string' then
val = val:match('^%s*(.-)%s*$')
if val ~= '' then
-- control characters inside json need to be escaped, but stripping them is simpler
cleanArgs[key] = val
-- See also T214984
-- However, *don't* strip control characters from wikitext (text or description parameters) or you'll break strip markers
-- Alternatively it might be better to only strip control char from raw parameter content
if util.matchesParam('text', key) or util.matchesParam('description', key, key:gsub('^%D+(%d+)$', '%1') ) then
cleanArgs[key] = val
cleanArgs[key] = val:gsub('%c',' ')
Line २१ ⟶ २११:
function makeContent(args)
Check if a parameter name matches an unlocalized parameter key
if args.raw then
@param {string} key - the unlocalized parameter name to search through
return args.raw
@param {string} name - the localized parameter name to check
@param {string|nil} - an optional suffix to apply to the value(s) from the localization key
@returns {boolean} true if the name matches the parameter, false otherwise
function util.matchesParam(key, name, suffix)
local param = L10n.para[key]
suffix = suffix or ''
if type(param) == 'table' then
for _, v in pairs(param) do
if (v .. suffix) == name then return true end
return false
return ((param .. suffix) == name)
local content = {};
Check if a value is affirmed (one of the values in L10n.str.affirmedWords)
local contentIndex = '';
@param {string} val Value to be checked
while args['type'..contentIndex] or args['from'..contentIndex] do
@returns {boolean} true if affirmed, false otherwise
local contentArgs = {}
for k, v in pairs(args) do
function util.isAffirmed(val)
if string.match(k, '.*'..contentIndex) then
if not(val) then return false end
contentArgs[string.gsub(k, contentIndex, '')] = v
return string.find(L10n.str.affirmedWords, ' '..val..' ', 1, true ) and true or false
Check if a value is declined (one of the values in L10n.str.declinedWords)
@param {string} val Value to be checked
@returns {boolean} true if declined, false otherwise
function util.isDeclined(val)
if not(val) then return false end
return string.find(L10n.str.declinedWords , ' '..val..' ', 1, true ) and true or false
Check if the name of a template matches the known coord templates or wrappers
(in L10n.template.coord). The name is normalised when checked, so e.g. the names
"Coord", "coord", and " Coord" all return true.
@param {string} name
@returns {boolean} true if it is a coord template or wrapper, false otherwise
function util.isCoordTemplateOrWrapper(name)
name = mw.text.trim(name)
local inputTitle = mw.title.new(name, 'Template')
if not inputTitle then
return false
-- Create (or reuse) mw.title objects for each known coord template/wrapper.
-- Stored in L10n.template.title so that they don't need to be recreated
-- each time this function is called
if not L10n.template.titles then
L10n.template.titles = {}
for _, v in pairs(L10n.template.coord) do
table.insert(L10n.template.titles, mw.title.new(v, 'Template'))
for _, templateTitle in pairs(L10n.template.titles) do
if mw.title.equals(inputTitle, templateTitle) then
return true
return false
Recursively extract coord templates which have a name parameter.
@param {string} wikitext
@returns {table} table sequence of coord templates
function util.extractCoordTemplates(wikitext)
local output = {}
local templates = mw.ustring.gmatch(wikitext, '{%b{}}')
local subtemplates = {}
for template in templates do
local templateName = mw.ustring.match(template, '{{([^}|]+)')
local nameParam = mw.ustring.match(template, "|%s*name%s*=%s*[^}|]+")
if util.isCoordTemplateOrWrapper(templateName) then
if nameParam then table.insert(output, template) end
elseif mw.ustring.find(mw.ustring.sub(template, 2), "{{") then
local subOutput = util.extractCoordTemplates(mw.ustring.sub(template, 2))
for _, t in pairs(subOutput) do
table.insert(output, t)
-- ensure coords are not using title display
for k, v in pairs(output) do
output[k] = mw.ustring.gsub(v, "|%s*display%s*=[^|}]+", "|display=inline")
return output
Gets all named coordiates from a page or a section of a page.
@param {string|nil} page Page name, or name#section, to get named coordinates
from. If the name is omitted, i.e. #section or nil or empty string, then
the current page will be used.
@returns {table} sequence of {coord, name, description} tables where coord is
the coordinates in a format suitable for #util.parseCoords, name is a string,
and description is a string (coordinates in a format suitable for displaying
to the reader). If for some reason the name can't be found, the description
is nil and the name contains display-format coordinates.
@throws {L10n.error.noNamedCoords} if no named coordinates are found.
function util.getNamedCoords(page)
if transcluder == nil then
-- load [[Module:Transcluder]] lazily so it is only transcluded on pages that
-- actually use named coordinates
transcluder = require("Module:Transcluder")
local parts = mw.text.split(page or "", "#", true)
local name = parts[1] == "" and mw.title.getCurrentTitle().prefixedText or parts[1]
local section = parts[2]
local pageWikitext = transcluder.get(section and name.."#"..section or name)
local coordTemplates = util.extractCoordTemplates(pageWikitext)
if #coordTemplates == 0 then error(string.format(L10n.error.noNamedCoords, page or name), 0) end
local frame = mw.getCurrentFrame()
local sep = "________"
local expandedContent = frame:preprocess(table.concat(coordTemplates, sep))
local expandedTemplates = mw.text.split(expandedContent, sep)
local namedCoords = {}
for _, expandedTemplate in pairs(expandedTemplates) do
local coord = mw.ustring.match(expandedTemplate, "<span class=\"geo%-dec\".->(.-)</span>")
if coord then
local name = (
-- name specified by a wrapper template, e.g [[Article|Name]]
mw.ustring.match(expandedTemplate, "<span class=\"mapframe%-coord%-name\">(.-)</span>") or
-- name passed into coord template
mw.ustring.match(expandedTemplate, "<span class=\"fn org\">(.-)</span>") or
-- default to the coordinates if the name can't be retrieved
local description = name ~= coord and coord
local coord = mw.ustring.gsub(coord, "[° ]", "_")
table.insert(namedCoords, {coord=coord, name=name, description=description})
if #namedCoords == 0 then error(string.format(L10n.error.noNamedCoords, page or name), 0) end
return namedCoords
Parse coordinate values from the params passed in a GeoHack url (such as
//tools.wmflabs.org/geohack/geohack.php?pagename=Example&params=1_2_N_3_4_W_ or
//tools.wmflabs.org/geohack/geohack.php?pagename=Example&params=1.23_S_4.56_E_ )
or non-url string in the same format (such as `1_2_N_3_4_W_` or `1.23_S_4.56_E_`)
@param {string} coords string containing coordinates
@returns {number, number} latitude, longitude
function util.parseCoords(coords)
local coordsPatt
if mw.ustring.find(coords, "params=", 1, true) then
-- prevent false matches from page name, e.g. ?pagename=Lorem_S._Ipsum
coordsPatt = 'params=([_%.%d]+[NS][_%.%d]+[EW])'
-- not actually a geohack url, just the same format
coordsPatt = '[_%.%d]+[NS][_%.%d]+[EW]'
local parts = mw.text.split((mw.ustring.match(coords, coordsPatt) or ''), '_')
local lat_d = tonumber(parts[1])
--contentArgs['type'] = Args['type'..contentIndex]
local lat_m = tonumber(parts[2]) -- nil if coords are in decimal format
--todo: Add other relevant args
local lat_s = lat_m and tonumber(parts[3]) -- nil if coords are either in decimal format or degrees and minutes only
local lat = lat_d + (lat_m or 0)/60 + (lat_s or 0)/3600
if parts[#parts/2] == 'S' then
lat = lat * -1
local long_d = tonumber(parts[1+#parts/2])
if contentIndex == '' then
local long_m = tonumber(parts[2+#parts/2]) -- nil if coords are in decimal format
contentIndex = 1
local long_s = long_m and tonumber(parts[3+#parts/2]) -- nil if coords are either in decimal format or degrees and minutes only
local long = long_d + (long_m or 0)/60 + (long_s or 0)/3600
if parts[#parts] == 'W' then
long = long * -1
return lat, long
Get coordinates from a Wikidata item
@param {string} item_id Wikidata item id (Q number)
@returns {number, number} latitude, longitude
@throws {L10n.error.noCoords} if item_id is invalid or the item does not exist
@throws {L10n.error.wikidataCoords} if the the item does not have a P625
statement (coordinates), or it is set to "no value"
function util.wikidataCoords(item_id)
if not (item_id and mw.wikibase.isValidEntityId(item_id) and mw.wikibase.entityExists(item_id)) then
error(L10n.error.noCoords, 0)
local coordStatements = mw.wikibase.getBestStatements(item_id, 'P625')
if not coordStatements or #coordStatements == 0 then
error(L10n.error.wikidataCoords, 0)
local hasNoValue = ( coordStatements[1].mainsnak and (coordStatements[1].mainsnak.snaktype == 'novalue' or coordStatements[1].mainsnak.snaktype == 'somevalue') )
if hasNoValue then
error(L10n.error.wikidataCoords, 0)
local wdCoords = coordStatements[1]['mainsnak']['datavalue']['value']
return tonumber(wdCoords['latitude']), tonumber(wdCoords['longitude'])
Creates a polygon that approximates a circle
@param {number} lat Latitude
@param {number} long Longitude
@param {number} radius Radius in metres
@param {number} n Number of edges for the polygon
@returns {table} sequence of {latitude, longitude} table sequences, where
latitude and longitude are both numbers
function util.circleToPolygon(lat, long, radius, n) -- n is number of edges
-- Based on https://github.com/gabzim/circle-to-polygon, ISC licence
local function offset(cLat, cLon, distance, bearing)
local lat1 = math.rad(cLat)
local lon1 = math.rad(cLon)
local dByR = distance / 6378137 -- distance divided by 6378137 (radius of the earth) wgs84
local lat = math.asin(
math.sin(lat1) * math.cos(dByR) +
math.cos(lat1) * math.sin(dByR) * math.cos(bearing)
local lon = lon1 + math.atan2(
math.sin(bearing) * math.sin(dByR) * math.cos(lat1),
math.cos(dByR) - math.sin(lat1) * math.sin(lat)
return {math.deg(lon), math.deg(lat)}
local coordinates = {};
local i = 0;
while i < n do
offset(lat, long, radius, (2*math.pi*i*-1)/n)
i = i + 1
table.insert(coordinates, offset(lat, long, radius, 0))
return coordinates
Get the number of key-value pairs in a table, which might not be a sequence.
@param {table} t
@returns {number} count of key-value pairs
function util.tableCount(t)
local count = 0
for k, v in pairs(t) do
count = count + 1
return count
For a table where the values are all tables, returns either the util.tableCount
of the subtables if they are all the same, or nil if they are not all the same.
@param {table} t
@returns {number|nil} count of key-value pairs of subtable, or nil if subtables
have different counts
function util.subTablesCount(t)
local count = nil
for k, v in pairs(t) do
if count == nil then
count = util.tableCount(v)
elseif count ~= util.tableCount(v) then
return nil
return count
Splits a list into a table sequence. The items in the list may be separated by
commas, or by semicolons (if items may contain commas), or by "###" (if items
may contain semicolons).
@param {string} listString
@returns {table} sequence of list items
function util.tableFromList(listString)
if type(listString) ~= "string" or listString == "" then return nil end
local separator = (mw.ustring.find(listString, "###", 0, true ) and "###") or
(mw.ustring.find(listString, ";", 0, true ) and ";") or ","
local pattern = "%s*"..separator.."%s*"
return mw.text.split(listString, pattern)
-- Boolean in outer scope indicating if Kartographer should be able to
-- automatically calculate coordinates (see phab:T227402)
local coordsDerivedFromFeatures = false;
Make methods: These take in a table of arguments, and return either a string
or a table to be used in the eventual output.
local make = {}
content[contentIndex] = makeContentJson(contentArgs)
Makes content to go inside the maplink or mapframe tag.
@param {table} args
contentIndex = contentIndex + 1
@returns {string} tag content
function make.content(args)
if util.getParameterValue(args, 'raw') then
coordsDerivedFromFeatures = true -- Kartographer should be able to automatically calculate coords from raw geoJSON
return util.getParameterValue(args, 'raw')
local content = {}
--Single item, no array needed
if #content==1 then
local argsExpanded = {}
return content[1]
for k, v in pairs(args) do
local index = string.match( k, '^[^0-9]+([0-9]*)$' )
if index ~= nil then
local indexNumber = ''
if index ~= '' then
indexNumber = tonumber(index)
indexNumber = 1
if argsExpanded[indexNumber] == nil then
argsExpanded[indexNumber] = {}
argsExpanded[indexNumber][ string.gsub(k, index, '') ] = v
for contentIndex, contentArgs in pairs(argsExpanded) do
local argType = util.getParameterValue(contentArgs, "type")
-- Kartographer automatically calculates coords if geolines/shapes are used (T227402)
if not coordsDerivedFromFeatures then
coordsDerivedFromFeatures = ( argType == L10n.str.line or argType == L10n.str.shape ) and true or false
if argType == L10n.str.named then
local namedCoords = util.getNamedCoords(util.getParameterValue(contentArgs, "from"))
local typeKey = type(L10n.para.type) == "table" and L10n.para.type[1] or L10n.para.type
local coordKey = type(L10n.para.coord) == "table" and L10n.para.coord[1] or L10n.para.coord
local titleKey = type(L10n.para.title) == "table" and L10n.para.title[1] or L10n.para.title
local descKey = type(L10n.para.description) == "table" and L10n.para.description[1] or L10n.para.description
for _, namedCoord in pairs(namedCoords) do
contentArgs[typeKey] = "point"
contentArgs[coordKey] = namedCoord.coord
contentArgs[titleKey] = namedCoord.name
contentArgs[descKey] = namedCoord.description
content[#content+1] = make.contentJson(contentArgs)
content[#content + 1] = make.contentJson(contentArgs)
--Single item, no array needed
if #content==1 then return content[1] end
--Multiple items get placed in a FeatureCollection
Line ६० ⟶ ५८३:
function makeCoordsText(args)
Make coordinates from the coord arg, or the id arg, or the current page's
local coords
Wikidata item.
@param {table} args
@param {boolean} [plainOutput]
@returns {Mixed} Either:
{number, number} latitude, longitude if plainOutput is true; or
{table} table sequence of longitude, then latitude (gives the required format
for GeoJSON when encoded)
function make.coords(args, plainOutput)
local coords, lat, long
local frame = mw.getCurrentFrame()
if argsutil.getParameterValue(args, 'coord') then
coords = argsframe:preprocess( util.getParameterValue(args, 'coord') )
lat, long = util.parseCoords(coords)
coordslat, long = frame:preprocessutil.wikidataCoords('{{WikidataCoord|display=|'.util.getParameterValue(args., 'id or args.ids') or mw.wikibase.getEntityIdForCurrentPage())..'}}')
if plainOutput then
return lat, long
return {[0] = long, [1] = lat}
return frame:preprocess('[{{#invoke:coordinates|coord2text|'..coords..'|long}}, {{#invoke:coordinates|coord2text|'..coords..'|lat}}]')
function makeContentJson(args)
Makes a table of coordinates that approximate a circle.
@param {table} args
@returns {table} sequence of {latitude, longitude} table sequences, where
latitude and longitude are both numbers
@throws {L10n.error.noCircleCoords} if centre coordinates are not specified
@throws {L10n.error.noRadius} if radius is not specified
@throws {L10n.error.negativeRadius} if radius is negative or zero
@throws {L10n.error.negativeEdges} if edges is negative or zero
function make.circleCoords(args)
local lat, long = make.coords(args, true)
local radius = util.getParameterValue(args, 'radius')
if not radius then
radius = util.getParameterValue(args, 'radiusKm') and tonumber(util.getParameterValue(args, 'radiusKm'))*1000
if not radius then
radius = util.getParameterValue(args, 'radiusMi') and tonumber(util.getParameterValue(args, 'radiusMi'))*1609.344
if not radius then
radius = util.getParameterValue(args, 'radiusFt') and tonumber(util.getParameterValue(args, 'radiusFt'))*0.3048
local edges = util.getParameterValue(args, 'edges') or L10n.defaults.edges
if not lat or not long then
error(L10n.error.noCircleCoords, 0)
elseif not radius then
error(L10n.error.noRadius, 0)
elseif tonumber(radius) <= 0 then
error(L10n.error.negativeRadius, 0)
elseif tonumber(edges) <= 0 then
error(L10n.error.negativeEdges, 0)
return util.circleToPolygon(lat, long, radius, tonumber(edges))
Makes JSON data for a feature
@param contentArgs args for this feature. Keys must be the non-suffixed version
of the parameter names, i.e. use type, stroke, fill,... rather than type3,
stroke3, fill3,...
@returns {string} JSON encoded data
function make.contentJson(contentArgs)
local data = {}
if util.getParameterValue(contentArgs, 'type') == L10n.str.point or util.getParameterValue(contentArgs, 'type') == L10n.str.circle then
if args.type == 'point' then
local isCircle = util.getParameterValue(contentArgs, 'type') == L10n.str.circle
data.type = "Feature"
data.geometry = {
type = isCircle and "LineString" or "Point",
coordinates = makeCoordsTextisCircle and make.circleCoords(argscontentArgs) or make.coords(contentArgs)
data.properties = {
title = argsutil.getParameterValue(contentArgs, 'title') or mw.getCurrentFrame():getParent():getTitle(),
["marker-symbol"] = args.marker or "marker",
["marker-color"] = "5E74F3"
if isCircle then
-- TODO: This is very similar to below, should be extracted into a function
data.properties.stroke = util.getParameterValue(contentArgs, 'strokeColor') or L10n.defaults.strokeColor
data.properties["stroke-width"] = tonumber(util.getParameterValue(contentArgs, 'strokeWidth')) or L10n.defaults.strokeWidth
local strokeOpacity = util.getParameterValue(contentArgs, 'strokeOpacity')
if strokeOpacity then
data.properties['stroke-opacity'] = tonumber(strokeOpacity)
local fill = util.getParameterValue(contentArgs, 'fill')
if fill then
data.properties.fill = fill
local fillOpacity = util.getParameterValue(contentArgs, 'fillOpacity')
data.properties['fill-opacity'] = fillOpacity and tonumber(fillOpacity) or 0.6
else -- is a point
local markerSymbol = util.getParameterValue(contentArgs, 'marker') or L10n.defaults.marker
-- allow blank to be explicitly specified, for overriding infoboxes or other templates with a default value
if markerSymbol ~= "blank" then
data.properties["marker-symbol"] = markerSymbol
data.properties["marker-color"] = util.getParameterValue(contentArgs, 'markerColor') or L10n.defaults.markerColor
data.properties["marker-size"] = util.getParameterValue(contentArgs, 'markerSize') or L10n.defaults.markerSize
data.type = "ExternalData"
if argsutil.getParameterValue(contentArgs, 'type') == "L10n.str.data" or argsutil.getParameterValue(contentArgs, 'from') then
data.service = "page"
elseif argsutil.getParameterValue(contentArgs, 'type') == "L10n.str.line" then
data.service = "geoline"
elseif argsutil.getParameterValue(contentArgs, 'type') == "L10n.str.shape" then
data.service = "geoshape"
elseif argsutil.getParameterValue(contentArgs, 'type') == "shape-inverse"L10n.str.shapeInverse then
data.service = "geomask"
if argsutil.getParameterValue(contentArgs, 'id or args.ids') or (not (argsutil.getParameterValue(contentArgs, 'from')) and mw.wikibase.getEntityIdForCurrentPage()) then
data.ids = argsutil.getParameterValue(contentArgs, 'id or args.ids') or mw.wikibase.getEntityIdForCurrentPage()
data.title = argsutil.getParameterValue(contentArgs, 'from')
data.properties = {
stroke = util.getParameterValue(contentArgs, 'strokeColor') or L10n.defaults.strokeColor,
stroke = args["stroke-color"] or args["stroke-colour"] or "#ff0000",
["stroke-width"] = tonumber(args["stroke-width"]util.getParameterValue(contentArgs, 'strokeWidth')) or 6L10n.defaults.strokeWidth
local strokeOpacity = util.getParameterValue(contentArgs, 'strokeOpacity')
if strokeOpacity then
data.properties['stroke-opacity'] = tonumber(strokeOpacity)
local fill = util.getParameterValue(contentArgs, 'fill')
if fill and (data.service == "geoshape" or data.service == "geomask") then
data.properties.fill = fill
local fillOpacity = util.getParameterValue(contentArgs, 'fillOpacity')
if fillOpacity then
data.properties['fill-opacity'] = tonumber(fillOpacity)
data.properties.title = argsutil.getParameterValue(contentArgs, 'title') or mw.getCurrentFrame():getParent():getTitletitle.getCurrentTitle().text
if argsutil.getParameterValue(contentArgs, 'description') then
data.properties.description = argsutil.getParameterValue(contentArgs, 'description')
Line ११९ ⟶ ७३१:
function makeTagAttribs(args, isTitle)
Makes attributes for the maplink or mapframe tag.
@param {table} args
@param {boolean} [isTitle] Tag is to be displayed in the title of page rather
than inline
@returns {table<string,string>} key-value pairs of attribute names and values
function make.tagAttribs(args, isTitle)
local attribs = {}
if argsutil.getParameterValue(args, 'zoom') then
attribs.zoom = argsutil.getParameterValue(args, 'zoom')
if util.isDeclined(util.getParameterValue(args, 'icon')) then
attribs.class = "no-icon"
if util.getParameterValue(args, 'type') == L10n.str.point and not coordsDerivedFromFeatures then
local lat, long = make.coords(args, 'plainOutput')
attribs.latitude = tostring(lat)
attribs.longitude = tostring(long)
if util.isAffirmed(util.getParameterValue(args, 'frame')) and not(isTitle) then
attribs.width = util.getParameterValue(args, 'frameWidth') or L10n.defaults.frameWidth
attribs.height = util.getParameterValue(args, 'frameHeight') or L10n.defaults.frameHeight
if util.getParameterValue(args, 'frameCoordinates') then
local frameLat, frameLong = util.parseCoords(util.getParameterValue(args, 'frameCoordinates'))
attribs.latitude = frameLat
attribs.longitude = frameLong
if util.getParameterValue(args, 'frameLatitude') then
attribs.latitude = util.getParameterValue(args, 'frameLatitude')
if util.getParameterValue(args, 'frameLongitude') then
attribs.longitude = util.getParameterValue(args, 'frameLongitude')
if not attribs.latitude and not attribs.longitude and not coordsDerivedFromFeatures then
local success, lat, long = pcall(util.wikidataCoords, util.getParameterValue(args, 'id') or mw.wikibase.getEntityIdForCurrentPage())
if success then
attribs.latitude = tostring(lat)
attribs.longitude = tostring(long)
if util.getParameterValue(args, 'frameAlign') then
attribs.align = util.getParameterValue(args, 'frameAlign')
if util.isAffirmed(util.getParameterValue(args, 'plain')) then
attribs.frameless = "1"
attribs.text = util.getParameterValue(args, 'text') or L10n.defaults.text
attribs.text = util.getParameterValue(args, 'text') or L10n.defaults.text
-- todo: all the others
return attribs
function makeTitleOutput(args, tagContent)
Makes maplink wikitext that will be located in the top-right of the title of the
local titleTag = mw.text.tag('maplink', makeTagAttribs(args, true), tagContent)
page (the same place where coords with |display=title are positioned).
@param {table} args
@param {string} tagContent Content for the maplink tag
@returns {string}
function make.titleOutput(args, tagContent)
local titleTag = mw.text.tag('maplink', make.tagAttribs(args, true), tagContent)
local spanAttribs = {
style = "font-size: small;",
Line १३८ ⟶ ८०३:
function makeInlineOutput(args, tagContent)
Makes maplink or mapframe wikitext that will be located inline.
@param {table} args
@param {string} tagContent Content for the maplink tag
@returns {string}
function make.inlineOutput(args, tagContent)
local tagName = 'maplink'
if argsutil.getParameterValue(args, 'frame') then
tagName = 'mapframe'
return mw.text.tag(tagName, makeTagAttribsmake.tagAttribs(args), tagContent)
Makes the HTML required for the swicther to work, including the templatestyles
@param {table} params table sequence of {map, label} tables
@param {string} params{}.map Wikitext for mapframe map
@param {string} params{}.label Label text for swicther option
@param {table} options
@param {string} options.alignment "left" or "center" or "right"
@param {boolean} options.isThumbnail Display in a thumbnail
@param {string} options.width Width of frame, e.g. "200"
@param {string} [options.caption] Caption wikitext for thumnail
@retruns {string} swicther HTML
function make.switcherHtml(params, options)
options = options or {}
local frame = mw.getCurrentFrame()
local styles = frame:extensionTag{
name = "templatestyles",
args = {src = "Template:Maplink/styles-multi.css"}
local container = mw.html.create("div")
if options.alignment == "left" or options.alignment == "right" then
else -- alignment is "center"
for i = 1, #params do
:css("display", "none")
if not options.isThumbnail then
return styles .. tostring(container)
local classlist = container:getAttr("class")
classlist = mw.ustring.gsub(classlist, "%a*"..options.alignment, "")
container:attr("class", classlist)
local outerCountainer = mw.html.create("div")
if options.alignment == "left" or options.alignment == "right" then
else -- alignment is "center"
:css("width", options.width.."px")
:node(options.caption and mw.html.create("div")
return styles .. tostring(outerCountainer)
Makes the HTML required for an overlay map to work
@param {string} overlayMap wikitext for the overlay map
@param {string} baseMap wikitext for the base map
@param {table} options various styling/display options
@param {string} options.align "left" or "center" or "right"
@param {string|number} options.width Width of the base map, e.g. "300"
@param {string|number} options.width Height of the base map, e.g. "200"
@param {string} options.border Border style for the overlayed map, e.g. "1px solid white"
@param {string} options.horizontalAlignment Horizontal alignment for overlay map, "left" or "right"
@param {string|number} options.horizontalOffset Horizontal offset in pixels from the alignment edge, e.g "10"
@param {string} options.verticalAlignment Vertical alignment for overlay map, "top" or "bottom"
@param {string|number} options.verticalOffset Vertical offset in pixels from the alignment edge, e.g. is "10"
@param {boolean} options.isThumbnail Display in a thumbnail
@param {string} [options.caption] Caption wikitext for thumnail
@retruns {string} HTML for basemap with overlay
function make.overlayHtml(overlayMap, baseMap, options)
options = options or {}
local containerFloatClass = "float"..(options.align or "none")
if options.align == "center" then
containerFloatClass = "center"
local containerStyle = {
position = "relative",
width = options.width .. "px",
height = options.height .. "px",
overflow = "hidden" -- mobile/minerva tends to add scrollbars for a couple of pixels
if options.align == "center" then
containerStyle["margin-left"] = "auto"
containerStyle["margin-right"] = "auto"
local container = mw.html.create("div")
local overlayStyle = {
position = "absolute",
["z-index"] = "1",
border = options.border or "1px solid white"
if options.horizontalAlignment == "right" then
overlayStyle.right = options.horizontalOffset .. "px"
overlayStyle.left = options.horizontalOffset .. "px"
if options.verticalAlignment == "bottom" then
overlayStyle.bottom = options.verticalOffset .. "px"
overlayStyle.top = options.verticalOffset .. "px"
local overlayDiv = mw.html.create("div")
if not options.isThumbnail then
return tostring(container)
local classlist = container:getAttr("class")
classlist = mw.ustring.gsub(classlist, "%a*"..options.align, "")
container:attr("class", classlist)
local outerCountainer = mw.html.create("div")
if options.align == "left" or options.align == "right" then
else -- alignment is "center"
:css("width", options.width.."px")
:node(options.caption and mw.html.create("div")
return tostring(outerCountainer)
Package to be exported, i.e. methods which will available to templates and
other modules.
local p = {}
-- Entry point for templates
function p.main(frame)
local parent = frame.getParent(frame)
-- Check for overlay option
Args = setCleanArgs(parent.args)
local overlay = util.getParameterValue(parent.args, 'overlay')
local tagContenthasOverlay = makeContentoverlay and mw.text.trim(Argsoverlay) ~= ""
-- Check for switch option
local switch = util.getParameterValue(parent.args, 'switch')
local isMulti = switch and mw.text.trim(switch) ~= ""
-- Create output by choosing method to suit options
local output
if hasOverlay then
output = p.withOverlay(parent.args)
elseif isMulti then
output = p.multi(parent.args)
output = p._main(parent.args)
-- Preprocess output before returning it
return frame:preprocess(output)
-- Entry points for modules
local display = mw.text.split(Args.display or defaults.display, '%s*,%s*')
function p._main(_args)
local displayInTitle = display[1] == 'title' or display[2] == 'title'
local args = util.trimArgs(_args)
local displayInline = display[1] == 'inline' or display[2] == 'inline'
local tagContent = make.content(args)
local display = mw.text.split(util.getParameterValue(args, 'display') or L10n.defaults.display, '%s*' .. L10n.str.dsep .. '%s*')
local displayInTitle = display[1] == L10n.str.title or display[2] == L10n.str.title
local displayInline = display[1] == L10n.str.inline or display[2] == L10n.str.inline
local output
if displayInTitle and displayInline then
output = makeTitleOutputmake.titleOutput(Argsargs, tagContent) .. makeInlineOutputmake.inlineOutput(Argsargs, tagContent)
elseif displayInTitle then
output = makeTitleOutputmake.titleOutput(Argsargs, tagContent)
elseif displayInline then
output = makeInlineOutputmake.inlineOutput(Argsargs, tagContent)
error( 'Invalid display parameter'L10n.error.badDisplayPara)
return output
-- return output -- temporary for testing, to see the JSON being produce
function p.multi(_args)
return frame:preprocess(output)
local args = util.trimArgs(_args)
if not args[L10n.para.switch] then error(L10n.error.noSwitchPara, 0) end
local switchParamValue = util.getParameterValue(args, 'switch')
local switchLabels = util.tableFromList(switchParamValue)
if #switchLabels == 1 then error(L10n.error.oneSwitchLabel, 0) end
local mapframeArgs = {}
local switchParams = {}
for name, val in pairs(args) do
-- Copy to mapframeArgs, if not the switch labels or a switch parameter
if val ~= switchParamValue and not string.match(val, "^"..L10n.str.switch..":") then
mapframeArgs[name] = val
-- Check if this is a param to switch. If so, store the name and switch
-- values in switchParams table.
local switchList = string.match(val, "^"..L10n.str.switch..":(.+)")
if switchList ~= nil then
local values = util.tableFromList(switchList)
if #values == 1 then
error(string.format(L10n.error.oneSwitchValue, name), 0)
switchParams[name] = values
if util.tableCount(switchParams) == 0 then
error(L10n.error.noSwitchLists, 0)
local switchCount = util.subTablesCount(switchParams)
if not switchCount then
error(L10n.error.switchMismatches, 0)
elseif switchCount > #switchLabels then
error(string.format(L10n.error.fewerSwitchLabels, switchCount, #switchLabels), 0)
-- Ensure a plain frame will be used (thumbnail will be built by the
-- make.switcherHtml function if required, so that switcher options are
-- inside the thumnail)
mapframeArgs.plain = "yes"
local switcher = {}
for i = 1, switchCount do
local label = switchLabels[i]
for name, values in pairs(switchParams) do
mapframeArgs[name] = values[i]
table.insert(switcher, {
map = p._main(mapframeArgs),
label = "Show "..label
return make.switcherHtml(switcher, {
alignment = args["frame-align"] or "right",
isThumbnail = (args.frame and not args.plain) and true or false,
width = args["frame-width"] or L10n.defaults.frameWidth,
caption = args.text
function p.withOverlay(_args)
-- Get and trim wikitext for overlay map
local overlayMap = _args.overlay
if type(overlayMap) == 'string' then
overlayMap = overlayMap:match('^%s*(.-)%s*$')
local isThumbnail = (util.getParameterValue(_args, "frame") and not util.getParameterValue(_args, "plain")) and true or false
-- Get base map using the _main function, as a plain map
local args = util.trimArgs(_args)
args.plain = "yes"
local basemap = p._main(args)
-- Extract overlay options from args
local overlayOptions = {
width = util.getParameterValue(args, "frameWidth") or L10n.defaults.frameWidth,
height = util.getParameterValue(args, "frameHeight") or L10n.defaults.frameHeight,
align = util.getParameterValue(args, "frameAlign") or L10n.defaults.frameAlign,
border = util.getParameterValue(args, "overlayBorder") or L10n.defaults.overlayBorder,
horizontalAlignment = util.getParameterValue(args, "overlayHorizontalAlignment") or L10n.defaults.overlayHorizontalAlignment,
horizontalOffset = util.getParameterValue(args, "overlayHorizontalOffset") or L10n.defaults.overlayHorizontalOffset,
verticalAlignment = util.getParameterValue(args, "overlayVerticalAlignment") or L10n.defaults.overlayVerticalAlignment,
verticalOffset = util.getParameterValue(args, "overlayVerticalOffset") or L10n.defaults.overlayVerticalOffset,
isThumbnail = isThumbnail,
caption = util.getParameterValue(args, "text") or L10n.defaults.text
-- Make the HTML for the overlaying maps
return make.overlayHtml(overlayMap, basemap, overlayOptions)