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Sample Search Cartography
Sample Search Heraldry
Sample Search Treasure Binding
Sample Search Books of Hours
Sample Search Ethiopian Miniatures
Sample Search Islamic Science
Sample Search Gospels
Sample Search Music
Sample Search Islamic History
Sample Search Grisaille


Here you can explore digitized manuscripts, bindings, and single leaves from the collection of the Walters Art Museum. Located in Baltimore, Maryland, the Walters Art Museum houses a collection of more than 900 manuscripts from Europe, Byzantium, North Africa, South Asia, Ethiopia, and more. The Walters' digitization initiative is ongoing, and roughly a third of the collection has been digitized to date.

To find and view digitized manuscripts from the collection of the Walters Art Museum, search by entering terms into the search field, or refine your query using the menus. The sample searches provide some examples to get you started. More information about the types of information on this site and how to find it are available on the about page and the help page.


Manuscript Transcription

Are you up all night counting folios? We can make your transcription dreams come true!

The Walters has a manuscript transcription project on From the Page. We invite you to collaborate with us through this unique platform. Whether you're a student who wants to practice reading medieval Latin, a scholar researching a particular manuscript, or just looking for a fun project, we have the book for you! Any book currently on Ex Libris can be added to the transcription project, and we welcome your thoughts and suggestions. Please send all emails to mss-curator@thewalters.org.

Manuscript of the day

Abridgment of the Book of kings (Shahnama)


This is an illuminated and illustrated copy of an abridgment of Firdawsī's Shāhnāmah (Book of kings) entitled Tārīkh-i dilgushā-yi Shamshīrkhā...

Northwest India

13th century AH / 19th CE


Did you know?

The term Manuscript refers to a handwritten book in its entirety, including the binding and all of the pages in between.

The term Folio refers to those individual pages. Each full manuscript and all illuminated (illustrated) folios are tagged with a series of search terms including Culture, Time Period, and Subject. There is also a text box into which custom search terms can be entered.


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