... Rural Settlements in Sutculer and Factors Affecting Them Sevil SARGIN Süleyman Demirel Üniver... more ... Rural Settlements in Sutculer and Factors Affecting Them Sevil SARGIN Süleyman Demirel Üniversitesi, Fen Edebiyat Fakültesi, Coğrafya Bölümü, Isparta. ÖZET Isparta ilinin güneyinde bulunan Sütçüler ilçesi, çok dağlık, arazinin eğim değerleri yüksek ve ormanlık bir alandır. ...
Bu calismada Turkiye’de modern anlamda universitelerin kurulus sureci, bu surece etki eden sosyo ... more Bu calismada Turkiye’de modern anlamda universitelerin kurulus sureci, bu surece etki eden sosyo ekonomik faktorler ve universitelerin bolgesel dagilimi vurgulanmistir. Turkiye’nin cesitli bolgelerinde yeni universitelerin kurulmasinda, egitim hizmetinin her bir bolgeye tasinmasi ve yerinde yuksek ogretim hizmeti verilmesi yaninda, universitelerin bolgeler arasi gelismislik farkini azaltacak bir faktor olarak gorulmesinin de onemli etkisi olmaktadir. Ozellikle son 25 yildir universitelerin ulkenin az gelismis orta buyuklukteki sehirlerinde kurulmasi egilimi, bu gercegi yansitmaktadir. Ayrica her bir sehrin ileri gelen idari ve sivil orgutlerinin sehirlerinde bir universite kurulmasi yonundeki israrci talepleri, buyuk olcude ogrencisi, ogretim elemanlari ve diger calisanlari ile universitenin onemli bir ekonomik girdi olarak gorulmesinden kaynaklanmaktadir
Cruise tourism is an important tourism activity that is included in the category of sea-based tou... more Cruise tourism is an important tourism activity that is included in the category of sea-based tourism, and has been continuously increasing especially after World War II. In terms of cruise tourism, there are many destination areas in the world, especially the Caribbean, the Mediterranean Basin and the Pacific coast. The Mediterranean Basin in which Turkey is also located has many significant destination areas in cruise tourism. In this sense, our country has important ports such as Istanbul (Galataport), Antalya, Marmaris and Kuşadası. In this study, the spatial effects of the reconstructed Galataport cruise port are emphasized and the spatial change occurring around the port is examined. The construction of Istanbul Galataport cruise port, which is the working area, started in 2015 and is
Ozet Bu calisma, Isparta ve yoresinde, fiziki cevre faktorlerinin yerlesim birimleri uzerindeki e... more Ozet Bu calisma, Isparta ve yoresinde, fiziki cevre faktorlerinin yerlesim birimleri uzerindeki etkilerini konu almaktadir. Genellikle, yerkuresi uzerindeki tum alanlar; sel, kuraklik, heyelan, kaya dusmesi deprem, tayfun ve volkanizma gibi dogal afetlerle karsi karsiya kalmaktadir. Yerlesim alanlarindaki tehlikeler kendiliginden onlenemez. Ancak, can ve mal kaybina yuksek derecede maruz kalabilecek yerlesim yerleri ve bu yorelerdeki arazi sartlari, onceden arastirilirsa ve tehlikenin turune bagli olarak, bir takim on hazirliklar yapilirsa, muhtemel bir tehlikenin boyutlarini azaltmak mumkun olabilir. Ornegin, Isparta ve yoresinde Senirkent ve Sutculer sel felaketine karsi hassas olan yerlerdir. Dogal felaketleri kontrol etmenin pek cok yollari vardir. Bunlar; insanlari egitmek, yerlesim alanlarini mikro boyutta bolgelendirmek ve muhtemel tehlikelere karsi her zaman hazir olmaktir. Anahtar kelimeler ; yerlesme, fiziki cevre, heyelan, seller, deprem. Summary This study concerns with ...
... yüzyılın başında Isparta kentinde mevcut 28 mahalleden Temel, Emre, Çavuş ve Zemyan mahallele... more ... yüzyılın başında Isparta kentinde mevcut 28 mahalleden Temel, Emre, Çavuş ve Zemyan mahalleleri Rumların yoğun olduğu, Acemler mahallesi ise Ermenilerin yoğun olduğu mahalleleri temsil ediyorlardı (Böcüzade,1983). ... Evlerin duvarlarında ahşap dolaplar ve raflar vardır. ...
... Yukarıda vurgulandığı gibi özellikle Hrıstiyanlık dinine inanlar için kutsal mekanlar sayılan... more ... Yukarıda vurgulandığı gibi özellikle Hrıstiyanlık dinine inanlar için kutsal mekanlar sayılan Efes, znik, stanbul gibi merkezlerde, bu inancı taşıyan ... yılları arasında çok sayıda tur operatörü, basın mensubu ve konu ile ilgili uzmanların katılımı ile “nanç Turizmi” turları düzenlenmiştir. ...
ÖZET Konya ilinin batı sınırını oluşturan Akşehir ovası, Türkiye'nin önemli tarım alanlarınd... more ÖZET Konya ilinin batı sınırını oluşturan Akşehir ovası, Türkiye'nin önemli tarım alanlarından birisidir. Büyük bölümü çok değerli alüvyal ve kolüvyal topraklarla kaplı olan Akşehir ovası, kaynağını Sultan Dağlarından alan akarsuların ve zengin yeraltı su şebekesinin de olumlu etkileri ...
Bulletin of Geography. Socio-economic Series, 2014
In this study, orcharding activity in the Isparta Province, Turkey, is analysed. Until a few year... more In this study, orcharding activity in the Isparta Province, Turkey, is analysed. Until a few years ago, the economy of Isparta was associated with hand carpet weaving, rose-growing and rose-oil extraction. However, over the last few years orcharding has attracted attention as the most important economic activity in Isparta. This is especially visible in the districts of Eğirdir, Gelendost, Senirkent and Yalvac where many kinds of fruits, specifically apples and cherries, are grown for the market. Physical geography features of Isparta have an important potential for developing orcharding. Suitable climatic conditions, fertile soils and fresh water resources, both surface and underground, are distinctive elements of this potential. In addition, irrigation projects, modern agricultural techniques, quality and resistible fruit types, appropriate fertilisation, pruning and disinfecting are human activities effecting the development of orcharding. Moreover, establishing modern and high c...
Süleyman Demirel Üniversitesi Fen Edebiyat Fakültesi Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi , 2014
Isparta is one of the leading provinces in Turkey where cold stores are dense. The most important... more Isparta is one of the leading provinces in Turkey where cold stores are dense. The most important reason for this is that the geographical features of Isparta are suitable to grow several kinds of fruit such as apple, cherry and plum. Especially, apple is economically a suitable fruit to store in cold stores. Thus, apple cultivation in Isparta is very effective on becoming dense of cold stores in Isparta Province. And also, building new and modern cold stores in Isparta is effective on development of apple growth activities. It is known that storability of a fruit in cold stores for a long time increases the commercial value of it. Increasing value of a fruit especially raises the income of rural settler dealing with orcharding activities and therefore, cold stores become an effective factor for rural development. In this study the concept of cold store, development of cold storing in Turkey and the worldare basically emphasized. And then the development process of cold storing in I...
Cultural heritage is the whole of the values that convey the traces of material and unmaterial ri... more Cultural heritage is the whole of the values that convey the traces of material and unmaterial riches of the past to today. Traditional houses having historical and cultural importance are at the leading of these values. One of the ways adopted in our country for the protection of traditional houses is to protect and reuse these houses by providing functions such as cafes, restaurants, associations, hotels, museums and so on. This practice which is seen in many cities of Turkey such as Kütahya, Safranbolu, Beypazarı, İbradı, Taraklı is also seen in Antakya. Antakya city has hosted to many civilizations from antiquity to today. The city, which has deep traces of different cultures, has historical and cultural values. One of these values is the Antakya houses, which have a history of nearly 200 years. Inrecent years, traditional Antakya houses have been bought by both official and semi-official institutions and by civilian people and have been used for purposes such as cafes, restaurants and hotels outside the housing function. This process has begun in the 2000s and accelerated after 2010. The research area is located between the Asi River and the Habib-i Neccar Mountain. Antakya city was built in this area that is called Old Antakya. Of the total 355 houses protected in this area, 63 have undergone functional transformation. Ulucami, Zenginler and Güllübahçe neighborhoods are the areas where the functional transformations of houses are most concentrated. In these three neighborhoods 38 traditional houses have undergone functional transformation. Today, advertisements for sale/rent in the majority of these protected houses indicate that the functional transformation may further increase. It is very important for this transformation to continue in a healthy way, to protect historical houses, to transfer them to future generations, both in terms of promotion and preservation of national cultures and tourism.
Konya ilinin bati sinirini olusturan Aksehir ovasi, Turkiye’nin onemli tarim alanlarindan birisid... more Konya ilinin bati sinirini olusturan Aksehir ovasi, Turkiye’nin onemli tarim alanlarindan birisidir. Buyuk bolumu cok degerli aluvyal ve koluvyal topraklarla kapli olan Aksehir ovasi, kaynagini Sultan Daglarindan alan akarsularin ve zengin yeralti su sebekesinin de olumlu etkileri ile her zaman zengin bir tarimsal potansiyele sahip olmustur. Buna bagli olarak Aksehir ovasi uzerinde bircok kir yerlesmesi kurulmus, yurutulen tarim faaliyetleri gunumuze kadar kesintisiz surdurulmustur. Ova uzerinde mevcut kir yerlesmelerinin organizasyonu ve her turlu hizmeti de Aksehir sehri tarafindan karsilanmistir. Boylece Aksehir kirlari ve Aksehir sehri birbirine siki bir sekilde baglanmis ve birbirinin gelisimini desteklemistir. Ancak gecen yuzyil icerisinde yapilan idari degisikliklere bagli olarak Aksehir ilcesinin idari sinirlari surekli kuculmus, koy sayisi da azalmistir. Bu mekânsal kuculme dogal olarak nufus yonunden de kuculmeye sebep olmustur. Ancak nufusun azalmasinda, ulkenin hemen her...
In Turkey, the Police Department is responsible for urban crimes and General Command of Gendarmer... more In Turkey, the Police Department is responsible for urban crimes and General Command of Gendarmerie for rural crimes. Urban criminal records, for which the Directorate General of Security is responsible, are classified under two headings: crimes against property and crimes against life. The present study first evaluated total criminal data and carried out a dispersion analysis of crime rates per 100 000 people for individual cities. The rate of crimes against property per 100 000 people was then evaluated for individual cities. Classified under crimes against property, theft, seizure, and other crimes were assessed separately and mapped for individual cities. Thus, regions in which crimes against property are concentrated were determined. It was determined that the rates of concentration have increased more in industrialized and urbanized regions. Maps showing the dispersion of crimes against property across cities show that crime rates in Turkey increase from east to west and from ...
Value is a subjective concept that answers the private reasons of making choices of individuals b... more Value is a subjective concept that answers the private reasons of making choices of individuals between the various alternatives in their lives. In this study, determining of two universities's female and male students's value understandings is aimed. This study is limited by 294 students who received education on 'Turkish Teaching" at University of Marmara in Istanbul and University of East Mediterranean in Northern Cyprus. Descriptive model is preferred as method in this research. Rokeach Values Survey was used to collect the data in the study. The Rokeach values Survey is a 36 item questionnaire that was designed to measure specific belief systems or value orientations which relate to 18 end states of existence (terminal values) followed by 18 modes of conduct (instrumental values). Terminal values are family security, a world at peace, wisdom, salvation, a sense of accomplishment, inner harmony, social recognition, freedom, a world of beauty, true friendship, pl...
... Rural Settlements in Sutculer and Factors Affecting Them Sevil SARGIN Süleyman Demirel Üniver... more ... Rural Settlements in Sutculer and Factors Affecting Them Sevil SARGIN Süleyman Demirel Üniversitesi, Fen Edebiyat Fakültesi, Coğrafya Bölümü, Isparta. ÖZET Isparta ilinin güneyinde bulunan Sütçüler ilçesi, çok dağlık, arazinin eğim değerleri yüksek ve ormanlık bir alandır. ...
Bu calismada Turkiye’de modern anlamda universitelerin kurulus sureci, bu surece etki eden sosyo ... more Bu calismada Turkiye’de modern anlamda universitelerin kurulus sureci, bu surece etki eden sosyo ekonomik faktorler ve universitelerin bolgesel dagilimi vurgulanmistir. Turkiye’nin cesitli bolgelerinde yeni universitelerin kurulmasinda, egitim hizmetinin her bir bolgeye tasinmasi ve yerinde yuksek ogretim hizmeti verilmesi yaninda, universitelerin bolgeler arasi gelismislik farkini azaltacak bir faktor olarak gorulmesinin de onemli etkisi olmaktadir. Ozellikle son 25 yildir universitelerin ulkenin az gelismis orta buyuklukteki sehirlerinde kurulmasi egilimi, bu gercegi yansitmaktadir. Ayrica her bir sehrin ileri gelen idari ve sivil orgutlerinin sehirlerinde bir universite kurulmasi yonundeki israrci talepleri, buyuk olcude ogrencisi, ogretim elemanlari ve diger calisanlari ile universitenin onemli bir ekonomik girdi olarak gorulmesinden kaynaklanmaktadir
Cruise tourism is an important tourism activity that is included in the category of sea-based tou... more Cruise tourism is an important tourism activity that is included in the category of sea-based tourism, and has been continuously increasing especially after World War II. In terms of cruise tourism, there are many destination areas in the world, especially the Caribbean, the Mediterranean Basin and the Pacific coast. The Mediterranean Basin in which Turkey is also located has many significant destination areas in cruise tourism. In this sense, our country has important ports such as Istanbul (Galataport), Antalya, Marmaris and Kuşadası. In this study, the spatial effects of the reconstructed Galataport cruise port are emphasized and the spatial change occurring around the port is examined. The construction of Istanbul Galataport cruise port, which is the working area, started in 2015 and is
Ozet Bu calisma, Isparta ve yoresinde, fiziki cevre faktorlerinin yerlesim birimleri uzerindeki e... more Ozet Bu calisma, Isparta ve yoresinde, fiziki cevre faktorlerinin yerlesim birimleri uzerindeki etkilerini konu almaktadir. Genellikle, yerkuresi uzerindeki tum alanlar; sel, kuraklik, heyelan, kaya dusmesi deprem, tayfun ve volkanizma gibi dogal afetlerle karsi karsiya kalmaktadir. Yerlesim alanlarindaki tehlikeler kendiliginden onlenemez. Ancak, can ve mal kaybina yuksek derecede maruz kalabilecek yerlesim yerleri ve bu yorelerdeki arazi sartlari, onceden arastirilirsa ve tehlikenin turune bagli olarak, bir takim on hazirliklar yapilirsa, muhtemel bir tehlikenin boyutlarini azaltmak mumkun olabilir. Ornegin, Isparta ve yoresinde Senirkent ve Sutculer sel felaketine karsi hassas olan yerlerdir. Dogal felaketleri kontrol etmenin pek cok yollari vardir. Bunlar; insanlari egitmek, yerlesim alanlarini mikro boyutta bolgelendirmek ve muhtemel tehlikelere karsi her zaman hazir olmaktir. Anahtar kelimeler ; yerlesme, fiziki cevre, heyelan, seller, deprem. Summary This study concerns with ...
... yüzyılın başında Isparta kentinde mevcut 28 mahalleden Temel, Emre, Çavuş ve Zemyan mahallele... more ... yüzyılın başında Isparta kentinde mevcut 28 mahalleden Temel, Emre, Çavuş ve Zemyan mahalleleri Rumların yoğun olduğu, Acemler mahallesi ise Ermenilerin yoğun olduğu mahalleleri temsil ediyorlardı (Böcüzade,1983). ... Evlerin duvarlarında ahşap dolaplar ve raflar vardır. ...
... Yukarıda vurgulandığı gibi özellikle Hrıstiyanlık dinine inanlar için kutsal mekanlar sayılan... more ... Yukarıda vurgulandığı gibi özellikle Hrıstiyanlık dinine inanlar için kutsal mekanlar sayılan Efes, znik, stanbul gibi merkezlerde, bu inancı taşıyan ... yılları arasında çok sayıda tur operatörü, basın mensubu ve konu ile ilgili uzmanların katılımı ile “nanç Turizmi” turları düzenlenmiştir. ...
ÖZET Konya ilinin batı sınırını oluşturan Akşehir ovası, Türkiye'nin önemli tarım alanlarınd... more ÖZET Konya ilinin batı sınırını oluşturan Akşehir ovası, Türkiye'nin önemli tarım alanlarından birisidir. Büyük bölümü çok değerli alüvyal ve kolüvyal topraklarla kaplı olan Akşehir ovası, kaynağını Sultan Dağlarından alan akarsuların ve zengin yeraltı su şebekesinin de olumlu etkileri ...
Bulletin of Geography. Socio-economic Series, 2014
In this study, orcharding activity in the Isparta Province, Turkey, is analysed. Until a few year... more In this study, orcharding activity in the Isparta Province, Turkey, is analysed. Until a few years ago, the economy of Isparta was associated with hand carpet weaving, rose-growing and rose-oil extraction. However, over the last few years orcharding has attracted attention as the most important economic activity in Isparta. This is especially visible in the districts of Eğirdir, Gelendost, Senirkent and Yalvac where many kinds of fruits, specifically apples and cherries, are grown for the market. Physical geography features of Isparta have an important potential for developing orcharding. Suitable climatic conditions, fertile soils and fresh water resources, both surface and underground, are distinctive elements of this potential. In addition, irrigation projects, modern agricultural techniques, quality and resistible fruit types, appropriate fertilisation, pruning and disinfecting are human activities effecting the development of orcharding. Moreover, establishing modern and high c...
Süleyman Demirel Üniversitesi Fen Edebiyat Fakültesi Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi , 2014
Isparta is one of the leading provinces in Turkey where cold stores are dense. The most important... more Isparta is one of the leading provinces in Turkey where cold stores are dense. The most important reason for this is that the geographical features of Isparta are suitable to grow several kinds of fruit such as apple, cherry and plum. Especially, apple is economically a suitable fruit to store in cold stores. Thus, apple cultivation in Isparta is very effective on becoming dense of cold stores in Isparta Province. And also, building new and modern cold stores in Isparta is effective on development of apple growth activities. It is known that storability of a fruit in cold stores for a long time increases the commercial value of it. Increasing value of a fruit especially raises the income of rural settler dealing with orcharding activities and therefore, cold stores become an effective factor for rural development. In this study the concept of cold store, development of cold storing in Turkey and the worldare basically emphasized. And then the development process of cold storing in I...
Cultural heritage is the whole of the values that convey the traces of material and unmaterial ri... more Cultural heritage is the whole of the values that convey the traces of material and unmaterial riches of the past to today. Traditional houses having historical and cultural importance are at the leading of these values. One of the ways adopted in our country for the protection of traditional houses is to protect and reuse these houses by providing functions such as cafes, restaurants, associations, hotels, museums and so on. This practice which is seen in many cities of Turkey such as Kütahya, Safranbolu, Beypazarı, İbradı, Taraklı is also seen in Antakya. Antakya city has hosted to many civilizations from antiquity to today. The city, which has deep traces of different cultures, has historical and cultural values. One of these values is the Antakya houses, which have a history of nearly 200 years. Inrecent years, traditional Antakya houses have been bought by both official and semi-official institutions and by civilian people and have been used for purposes such as cafes, restaurants and hotels outside the housing function. This process has begun in the 2000s and accelerated after 2010. The research area is located between the Asi River and the Habib-i Neccar Mountain. Antakya city was built in this area that is called Old Antakya. Of the total 355 houses protected in this area, 63 have undergone functional transformation. Ulucami, Zenginler and Güllübahçe neighborhoods are the areas where the functional transformations of houses are most concentrated. In these three neighborhoods 38 traditional houses have undergone functional transformation. Today, advertisements for sale/rent in the majority of these protected houses indicate that the functional transformation may further increase. It is very important for this transformation to continue in a healthy way, to protect historical houses, to transfer them to future generations, both in terms of promotion and preservation of national cultures and tourism.
Konya ilinin bati sinirini olusturan Aksehir ovasi, Turkiye’nin onemli tarim alanlarindan birisid... more Konya ilinin bati sinirini olusturan Aksehir ovasi, Turkiye’nin onemli tarim alanlarindan birisidir. Buyuk bolumu cok degerli aluvyal ve koluvyal topraklarla kapli olan Aksehir ovasi, kaynagini Sultan Daglarindan alan akarsularin ve zengin yeralti su sebekesinin de olumlu etkileri ile her zaman zengin bir tarimsal potansiyele sahip olmustur. Buna bagli olarak Aksehir ovasi uzerinde bircok kir yerlesmesi kurulmus, yurutulen tarim faaliyetleri gunumuze kadar kesintisiz surdurulmustur. Ova uzerinde mevcut kir yerlesmelerinin organizasyonu ve her turlu hizmeti de Aksehir sehri tarafindan karsilanmistir. Boylece Aksehir kirlari ve Aksehir sehri birbirine siki bir sekilde baglanmis ve birbirinin gelisimini desteklemistir. Ancak gecen yuzyil icerisinde yapilan idari degisikliklere bagli olarak Aksehir ilcesinin idari sinirlari surekli kuculmus, koy sayisi da azalmistir. Bu mekânsal kuculme dogal olarak nufus yonunden de kuculmeye sebep olmustur. Ancak nufusun azalmasinda, ulkenin hemen her...
In Turkey, the Police Department is responsible for urban crimes and General Command of Gendarmer... more In Turkey, the Police Department is responsible for urban crimes and General Command of Gendarmerie for rural crimes. Urban criminal records, for which the Directorate General of Security is responsible, are classified under two headings: crimes against property and crimes against life. The present study first evaluated total criminal data and carried out a dispersion analysis of crime rates per 100 000 people for individual cities. The rate of crimes against property per 100 000 people was then evaluated for individual cities. Classified under crimes against property, theft, seizure, and other crimes were assessed separately and mapped for individual cities. Thus, regions in which crimes against property are concentrated were determined. It was determined that the rates of concentration have increased more in industrialized and urbanized regions. Maps showing the dispersion of crimes against property across cities show that crime rates in Turkey increase from east to west and from ...
Value is a subjective concept that answers the private reasons of making choices of individuals b... more Value is a subjective concept that answers the private reasons of making choices of individuals between the various alternatives in their lives. In this study, determining of two universities's female and male students's value understandings is aimed. This study is limited by 294 students who received education on 'Turkish Teaching" at University of Marmara in Istanbul and University of East Mediterranean in Northern Cyprus. Descriptive model is preferred as method in this research. Rokeach Values Survey was used to collect the data in the study. The Rokeach values Survey is a 36 item questionnaire that was designed to measure specific belief systems or value orientations which relate to 18 end states of existence (terminal values) followed by 18 modes of conduct (instrumental values). Terminal values are family security, a world at peace, wisdom, salvation, a sense of accomplishment, inner harmony, social recognition, freedom, a world of beauty, true friendship, pl...
Papers by Sevil SARGIN