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Last updated: September 29, 2023

MASTG-TECH-0082: Get Loaded Native Libraries

Using Objection

You can use the list_frameworks command in objection to list all the application's bundles that represent Frameworks.

...itudehacks.DVIAswiftv2.develop on (iPhone: 13.2.3) [usb] # ios bundles list_frameworks
Executable      Bundle                                     Version    Path
--------------  -----------------------------------------  ---------  -------------------------------------------
Bolts           org.cocoapods.Bolts                        1.9.0      ...8/DVIA-v2.app/Frameworks/Bolts.framework
RealmSwift      org.cocoapods.RealmSwift                   4.1.1      ...A-v2.app/Frameworks/RealmSwift.framework

Using Frida

In Frida REPL process related information can be obtained using the Process command. Within the Process command the function enumerateModules lists the libraries loaded into the process memory.

[iPhone::com.iOweApp]-> Process.enumerateModules()
        "base": "0x10008c000",
        "name": "iOweApp",
        "path": "/private/var/containers/Bundle/Application/F390A491-3524-40EA-B3F8-6C1FA105A23A/iOweApp.app/iOweApp",
        "size": 49152
        "base": "0x1a1c82000",
        "name": "Foundation",
        "path": "/System/Library/Frameworks/Foundation.framework/Foundation",
        "size": 2859008
        "base": "0x1a16f4000",
        "name": "libobjc.A.dylib",
        "path": "/usr/lib/libobjc.A.dylib",
        "size": 200704


Similarly, information related to various threads can be obtained.

        "context": {
        "id": 1287,
        "state": "waiting"


The Process command exposes multiple functions which can be explored as per needs. Some useful functions are findModuleByAddress, findModuleByName and enumerateRanges besides others.