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How I redesigned Amayu Health’s website for better trust and conversion

Understanding how information can be effectively communicated & shaped via conscious design in the mental healthcare industry

8 min readJul 8, 2024


Article thumbnail image

To begin, let me ask you a question. What is the first thought or emotion that pops up in your mind when I mention the word ‘Ketamine’?

Was it fear & concern, or maybe confusion as you lack clarity on what it is; maybe you remembered articles with headlines deeming it a ‘street party drug’ or ‘horse tranquilizer’?

Bottomline, there is a lot of stigma and misconception associated with psychedelic based treatments like Ketamine Therapy. This study will be tackling how to address such concerns effectively through conscious design.

“How might we foster trust in Amayu’s ketamine therapy service by creating transparency over their process and building a memorable & professional brand through their website”

Short on time? Check out the video for a brief overview of the website redesign —

sneak peak into the redesigned website
Act 1 — Defining the Problem


Amayu Health is Germany’s leading provider of medical ketamine-assisted therapy for severe mental health disorders. They provide ketamine treatment in their clinics under doctor supervision, in conjunction with psychological support from their therapists to facilitate long-lasting change in patients.

Status Quo

Amayu places itself as a revolutionising leader in the psychedelic-based therapeutic landscape for mental illnesses. However, their website’s current user experience is lacking and leaves a visiting user feeling unsure about their credibility & professional expertise.

Thus, in order to improve the current website in a way that it builds trust and leads to a better conversion rate i.e. more patients choose to book an initial consultation with Amayu, I conducted an audit to identify issues with the existing site.

UX Audit — Identifying the problem

UX Audit of current website with annotations

Core problems with the existing landing page:

  1. Missing branding elements — Looks basic, and with no brand recall it misses the opportunity to stand out from competitors and truly connect with the audience
  2. Lack of trust and credibility — Missing foundational trust markers like testimonials, trust badges and patient outcomes data
  3. Limited information — Lacks details and transparency regarding how the medical process is conducted and what patients should expect
  4. Unique value proposition isn’t highlighted — Doesn’t communicate why it is a better alternative to traditional therapies, and how Amayu’s holistic approach sets them apart as the best in the business
  5. Doesn’t address the stigma associated with Ketamine

Key Insights from audit — I listed a set of core elements I would work on while designing the new landing page:

  1. Trust: Incorporate social and research-based proof — this is the foundation of trust building when it comes to marketing a service.
  2. Brand Identity: Build a memorable experience that exudes a sense of professionalism, this helps build authenticity as an expert in the landscape.
  3. Transparency: Cleanly communicate core offerings, pricing, outcomes and the medical process involved.
  4. Highlight Safety: Emphasize how safety is ensured during treatment & raise awareness about ketamine treatments to break any stigma associated with it.

Understanding the Users’ Triggers

Ketamine therapy is useful for individuals struggling with severe or treatment-resistant mental health disorders. The core audience visiting Amayu’s website would fall under one of the following personas:

  • Individuals seeking relief from debilitating mental health disorders or chronic pain
  • Individuals who are not responding well to traditional first-line therapies and treatments
  • Individuals interested in exploring alternative therapies
  • Healthcare providers seeking alternate or adjunctive treatments for their patients

Understanding the fear triggers & desire triggers of these individuals would help us tailor a website that effectively connects with those seeking psychedelic-based therapy.

So I did a deep dive through reddit threads about ketamine therapy to understand users’ perception, conducted secondary research on user concerns by referring to research journals and studies online & also utilized Chat-GPT to understand these triggers better. Here is a summary of the core insights I derived—

Fear triggers & Desire triggers of the core audience

Now, by addressing these fear triggers with empathetic & informative copywriting and highlighting solutions that align with the desire triggers, our website can effectively resonate with the target audience, reassure and encourage them to consider ketamine-assisted therapy as a viable option for their needs.

Act 2 — Research & Exploration

Initial Analysis

Through my research I wanted to understand what other player in the market were offering, how they are presenting their services and what are ways in which I can foster trust in Amayu’s brand while also standing out as the best in the industry.

I explored 6 competitors, and conducted a competitive benchmarking analysis to understand where Amayu stands & what is currently working in this industry —

Summary of competitive benchmarking analysis

Some of the common features I observed, which could be included in the redesign —

  • Client stories for social proof on their efficacy and safety
  • Detailed step by step walkthrough of the medical process
  • Visuals of real humans commonly used more than illustrations
  • Supporting research data provided
  • Treatment schedule or break-down provided

Also, I realized Amayu has a few Unique Selling Points that aren’t emphasised in their website —

  1. A patient care app
  2. A holistic approach or care model that is integrated for long-term change
  3. Case studies specific to each mental health disorder
  4. Featured in PeakZone as the Top 2 German Healthtech Startups of 2023

Information Architecture

Before diving into the visuals for the website, I wanted to have a clear vision for the flow of the landing page.

I ideated and built my site’s structure using the AIDA and 5Ps (Pain, Promise, Proof, Proposition and Push) framework. The 5Ps framework helped shape the core story arc or information flow, while the AIDA framework helped set the main layout or order in which each section was presented to the audience.

This strategy maximises the impact on visitors thus improving user acquisition and conversion.

Breakdown of the Information Architecture

Getting into the details

Then I began creating a mood board to establish the design direction I aimed to achieve. I sought inspiration for various visual elements integral to web-design, including hero sections, bento grid layouts, carousels, and testimonials.

Moodboard for Amayu redesign

Since Amayu places itself as the leading provider of psychedelic based care in Germany, I wanted the designs to exude professionalism, create a sense of hope and also embody a native vibe. Thus, in the hopes of catering to the sensibilities of the German population I picked out the following colour palette —

The colour palette established for Amayu’s Brand

Design is an Iterative process!

The biggest misconception with seeking feedback is Critique = Criticizing. So I set my skeptical self aside and presented my preliminary work for review. This allowed me to continue my visual exploration & iterations based on the actionable feedback I received from my peers, my mentors Shajitha and Vidhunnan, along with the valuable insights shared by Abhinav and Jayneil in our Live Design Critique.

Screenshot of design iterations
Act 3 — Final Showcase

The anticipation is over! Get a taste of the experience, check out the interactive prototype below👇 or Click here

Amayu Landing Page Prototype

Section wise breakdown ✨

Summary of Micro-interactions

Subtle micro-interactions and animations help grab the users’ attention and they also add delight to the overall experience —

Micro-interactions part 1
Micro-interactions part 2
Micro-interactions part 3

Hero Section

The main goal of this section was to convey a sense of hope. And by presenting a promising research-based statistical figure we reel the users in with our first hook!

Hero section (annotated)

Overview Section

This section gives a brief intro to the clinic and their core offerings. It also effectively builds credibility by sharing research-backed proof about the unique therapeutic benefits of ketamine.

Intro section (annotated)


Sharing patient stories helps build a foundation of trust and credibility that Amayu’s treatment is indeed safe and effective. This social proof builds upon the research-based proof and helps reduce any fears or apprehensions users might have.

Testimonials section (annotated)

Value Proposition

This sections outlines how the solution provided by Amayu uniquely tackles the users’ problems. Emphasis is placed on their professional expertise and safety best practices to build on their credibility and brand image.

Value proposition section (annotated)

Amayu’s Approach Section

The main goal of this section is to provide complete transparency over the process followed at Amayu, in turn reducing fear and apprehensions to sign up for a free consultation.

Approach or process section (annotated)

CTA Banner & FAQs

This section acts as the final nudge towards conversion —

Final CTA & FAQs section (annotated)

Learning Outcomes 🧠

  1. Copywriting is key — It is an element that is just as important as the visuals, as it builds the core experience and personality of the brand.
  2. Marketing frameworks — Learning how to adopt the AIDA framework helped me craft an experience that effectively captured the users’ attention.
  3. Utilizing bento grids — Although this was my first time experimenting with this layout, learnt how they allow users to quickly grasp and digest information.
  4. Adding Micro-interactions — Add motion to draw attention, but don’t overdo it to the point it distracts users from the core flow. Keep it subtle.
  5. Utilizing AI — Embracing AI might not provide all the answers, but it sure helped me quickly validate my process and polish my content.

And that’s a wrap folks! Hope you’ve enjoyed this case study as much as I’ve enjoyed working on it! I’m thankful to my mentors (Shajitha Gajendran & Vidhunnan Murugan), Abhinav Chhikara, Jayneil Dalal and peers at 10kdesigners for their invaluable feedback and support. Their assistance was vital in bringing this project to life.

Feel free to connect with me on LinkedIn for suggestions, questions or potential collaborations. Currently exploring product design roles and freelance opportunities, excited to craft something amazing together!

