Broad expertise and PhD on human-animal-technology-interaction, animal behaviour, wellbeing and health technologies. Currently studying health business management and focusing my expertise more strongly on human individuals and their wellbeing. Working with new projects focusing on human-technology-nature-based-solutions and their interaction and interdependencies. Happy to engage with likeminded and enthusiastic new science and industry people, keen on exploring interlinkages between human-technologies-virtual nature and naturebased solutions. Supervisors: Tuula Jyske and Eija Metsälä
An implantable wireless, inductively powered ECG-monitoring device has been tested both in vitro ... more An implantable wireless, inductively powered ECG-monitoring device has been tested both in vitro and in vivo. Measurements were done in saline, on the body surface and in cows. Measurement results are reported and some considerations about the device suitability for a long-time monitoring are made.
Karkearehun ruokintapaikkojen määrä on usein pihatoissa rajoitettu, eivätkä kaikki lehmät mahdu s... more Karkearehun ruokintapaikkojen määrä on usein pihatoissa rajoitettu, eivätkä kaikki lehmät mahdu syömään samanaikaisesti. Lehmillä on kuitenkin luontainen taipumus syödä yhtä aikaa, varsinkin uuden rehun jaon jälkeen ruokintapöydällä on tungosta. Tutkimme ruokintapöytäpaikkojen rajoittamista MTT:n Minkiön pihatossa. Selvitimme myös lehmän poikimakerran ja väkirehunruokintatason nostamisen vaikutukset lehmien tuotantoon, syöntiin ja käyttäytymiseen. Kokeessamme oli 36 ayrshire-lehmää, joista 12 oli ensikoita. Lehmillä oli puolet koeajasta oma ja puolet ajasta kahden muun lehmän kesken jaettu säilörehun syöntipaikka. Jaetulla paikalla oli 1 ensikko, 1 kaksi ja 1 kolme kertaa poikinut lehmä. Kaikilla ruokintapaikoilla oli tarjolla hyvälaatuista säilörehua vapaasti. Väkirehuruokintatasoja oli kaksi; puolella lehmistä oli koko kokeen ajan rehuannoksen kuiva-aineesta 45 % ja puolella 57 % väkirehua. Väkirehu tarjottiin väkirehukioskeista sekä lypsypaikalta. Koe toteutettiin kahdessa 4 viik...
We developed a method for studying the synchrony of behaviour based on calculations of overdisper... more We developed a method for studying the synchrony of behaviour based on calculations of overdispersion of a binomial process. The lying behaviour of cows was investigated under two different housing units inside the same barn. The first unit housed 30 cows undergoing conventional milking and the second unit housed 27 cows undergoing automatic milking. The lying behaviour of the cows was observed over 3 weeks in 12 periods of 6 h each. Every 5 min, we counted the number of cows lying down in the cubicles. As external cues, like feeding and conventional milking, can promote synchrony in dairy cows, we expected that cows conventionally milked would show more behavioural synchrony than automatically milked cows. Cows lied down synchronously in both units (overdispersion 1.67,P< 0.01). Lying synchrony tended to be slightly bigger in automatically than in conventionally milked cows (overdispersion 1.76v. 1.58,P= 0.09), although the proportion of cows lying down was on average greater in...
There is a need to distinguish sick individuals automatically in large dairy barns but we lack of... more There is a need to distinguish sick individuals automatically in large dairy barns but we lack of knowledge of which behavioural features change in disease outbreaks. To study this, we induced acute endotoxin mastitis in one quarter of six dairy cows and filmed their behaviour ...
An implantable wireless, inductively powered ECG-monitoring device has been tested both in vitro ... more An implantable wireless, inductively powered ECG-monitoring device has been tested both in vitro and in vivo. Measurements were done in saline, on the body surface and in cows. Measurement results are reported and some considerations about the device suitability for a long-time monitoring are made.
Karkearehun ruokintapaikkojen määrä on usein pihatoissa rajoitettu, eivätkä kaikki lehmät mahdu s... more Karkearehun ruokintapaikkojen määrä on usein pihatoissa rajoitettu, eivätkä kaikki lehmät mahdu syömään samanaikaisesti. Lehmillä on kuitenkin luontainen taipumus syödä yhtä aikaa, varsinkin uuden rehun jaon jälkeen ruokintapöydällä on tungosta. Tutkimme ruokintapöytäpaikkojen rajoittamista MTT:n Minkiön pihatossa. Selvitimme myös lehmän poikimakerran ja väkirehunruokintatason nostamisen vaikutukset lehmien tuotantoon, syöntiin ja käyttäytymiseen. Kokeessamme oli 36 ayrshire-lehmää, joista 12 oli ensikoita. Lehmillä oli puolet koeajasta oma ja puolet ajasta kahden muun lehmän kesken jaettu säilörehun syöntipaikka. Jaetulla paikalla oli 1 ensikko, 1 kaksi ja 1 kolme kertaa poikinut lehmä. Kaikilla ruokintapaikoilla oli tarjolla hyvälaatuista säilörehua vapaasti. Väkirehuruokintatasoja oli kaksi; puolella lehmistä oli koko kokeen ajan rehuannoksen kuiva-aineesta 45 % ja puolella 57 % väkirehua. Väkirehu tarjottiin väkirehukioskeista sekä lypsypaikalta. Koe toteutettiin kahdessa 4 viik...
We developed a method for studying the synchrony of behaviour based on calculations of overdisper... more We developed a method for studying the synchrony of behaviour based on calculations of overdispersion of a binomial process. The lying behaviour of cows was investigated under two different housing units inside the same barn. The first unit housed 30 cows undergoing conventional milking and the second unit housed 27 cows undergoing automatic milking. The lying behaviour of the cows was observed over 3 weeks in 12 periods of 6 h each. Every 5 min, we counted the number of cows lying down in the cubicles. As external cues, like feeding and conventional milking, can promote synchrony in dairy cows, we expected that cows conventionally milked would show more behavioural synchrony than automatically milked cows. Cows lied down synchronously in both units (overdispersion 1.67,P< 0.01). Lying synchrony tended to be slightly bigger in automatically than in conventionally milked cows (overdispersion 1.76v. 1.58,P= 0.09), although the proportion of cows lying down was on average greater in...
There is a need to distinguish sick individuals automatically in large dairy barns but we lack of... more There is a need to distinguish sick individuals automatically in large dairy barns but we lack of knowledge of which behavioural features change in disease outbreaks. To study this, we induced acute endotoxin mastitis in one quarter of six dairy cows and filmed their behaviour ...
Dairy cow behaviour in relation to health, welfare and milking, 2014
Animal welfare includes both physiological and mental health and is affected by several external ... more Animal welfare includes both physiological and mental health and is affected by several external and internal factors. In dairy cows, human care and the ability of the cows to cope with daily challenges are the most significant factors. The research presented in this dissertation focused on cow behaviour and aspects impacting on behavioural changes during mastitis and milking. To deepen knowledge of the relationship between the behaviour and health of cows and associated detection methods, we experimentally manipulated the health status of dairy cows through mastitis induction. Moreover, we tested and validated a thermal infrared camera for recording the udder skin temperature, which could be helpful in the case of early mastitis detection. Furthermore, we examined the relationship between cow behaviour and milking in herringbone and automatic milking systems. We established that cow behaviour changed during mastitis. The most apparent changes were in lying, eating and stepping behaviour. It was shown that inflammation affected the cow health status, which changed the behavioural priorities. In contrast to our expectations, visual signs in the udder and changes in milk composition occurred only 2 hours post-challenge, while clinical and behavioural changes were first recorded 4 hours post-challenge. However, changes in lying and restlessness behaviours were promising indicators for detecting signs in cows exposed to mastitis. The transient increase in body temperature of cows with experimentally-induced clinical mastitis was successfullydetected by udder skin temperaturedetection with the help of a thermal camera.
Papers by Jutta Kauppi