Obtained the BS (Hon) degree in Electrical Engineering from Michigan State University, in 1993, the MS degree (1994) and the PhD degree (1999) from the University of Wisconsin - Madison. He is currently an Assoc. Professor at Middle East Technical University - Northern Cyprus Campus in the Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering. His main research is electric power systems and more specifically in the design of demand management contracts between electric utilities and their customers to avoid forced outages. He is also working on renewable energy integration into power systems and assessment of solar and wind energy resources. His most recent research is about interconnecting the power systems of neighboring countries to enhance renewable energy use.
Abstract Recently, power systems have witnessed a vast shift toward the integration of distribute... more Abstract Recently, power systems have witnessed a vast shift toward the integration of distributed generation systems (DGs), such as solar photovoltaic (PV) systems. The importance of planning DGs cannot be denied as they help to improve operations in the system and reduce the reliance on fossil fuel-based power generation methods. This paper proposes a new method for site and size selection of distributed PV systems considering system active power loss and nodal voltage profiles. The novelty of this work relies on nodal voltage magnitude deviations for PV siting and sizing criteria where PV DG sizes are weighted based on the voltage deviation index. This work includes a detailed case study performed on the Northern Cypriot power system with promising results that validate the proposed method against unweighted approaches.
In times of stress customers can help a utility by means of voluntary demand management programs ... more In times of stress customers can help a utility by means of voluntary demand management programs if they are offered the right incentives. The incentives offered can be optimized if the utility can estimate the outage or substitution costs of its customers. This paper illustrates how existing utility data can be used to predict customer demand management behavior. More specifically, it shows how estimated customer cost functions can be calibrated to help in designing efficient demand management contracts.
Energy Sources, Part A: Recovery, Utilization, And Environmental Effects, Nov 19, 2018
As a developing country, Turkey's sustainable development objectives converge on robust and susta... more As a developing country, Turkey's sustainable development objectives converge on robust and sustainable economic development. The increase in its energy and electricity demand is attributed to the growth of population, urbanization, and industrialization parallel to economic and social growth. Instead of fulfilling the obligation to protect the environment arising from international agreements and achieving desired sustainable development, the dependency on imported fossil fuel in electrical energy production and energy-intensive economic growth results in intensified CO 2 emission as well as ironically negative economic output. Therefore, Turkey is forced to exploit its indigenous sources such as coal (which unfortunately increases atmospheric Green House Gas "GHG" emissions) and renewable resources. However, high GHG emissionmainly CO 2-of Turkey's coal power plants impairs deployment of indigenous sources for power generation. Indeed, there is a necessity of technical approaches for higher heat extraction efficiencies and mitigation of high concentration of energy-related CO 2 emission. Admittedly, "Carbon Capture, Utilization, and Storage (CCUS)" employing conventional hydrothermal resources offers highly efficient heat extraction, geological CO 2 sequestration, and utilization of CO 2 for power generation rather than considering CO 2 as an effluent. Although there are research gaps and lack of field scale experiment, the economic and environmental viability of implementing CCUS in Turkey can be improved by pilot or field scale projects whereby the presence of these projects commences technological and experimental advances in capturing CO 2 either from geothermal power plants or indigenous coal power plants, transporting it to the proven geothermal geologic site, and generating power. Apart from this, the "CO 2-Plume Geothermal Systems (CPG)" compared to unconventional and conventional geothermal systems would commit vigorous potential for continual improvement in economic feasibility of CCUS without a guaranteed return on power generation investments in Turkey. Hence, legislations concerning incentives in CCUS would foster further improvements in the deployment of geothermal resources to pursue sustainable development in Turkey.
Islands are commonly isolated electricity systems that rely heavily on imported fossil fuels. Int... more Islands are commonly isolated electricity systems that rely heavily on imported fossil fuels. Interconnection with a mainland power system is a solution to offset the exposure to volatile fuel prices and increase the stability of the island grid. This paper presents and discusses the main results of a case study aiming to see the economic effects of a 200 MW HVDC connection between an island grid and a mainland grid. The purpose was to see how much of the island’s oil price scenarios can be overcome with this new interconnector. For this research, North Cyprus grid was modeled in MATPOWER software to do optimal power flow analysis. The results are used to compare fuel-based generation costs to importing electricity from the mainland. The analysis shows that this interconnector decreases the island’s generation costs by 28% to 78%, and with the possible renewable installations, this reduction can be increased further.
2017 4th International Conference on Electrical and Electronic Engineering (ICEEE)
Due to intermittent behavior of generated wind power, capacity factor of installed transmission l... more Due to intermittent behavior of generated wind power, capacity factor of installed transmission lines decreases, which in return increases the payback time and also limits the grid penetration of the wind power plant. One option to compensate this is by using fossil fuel back up, but it is not a sustainable option due to the increased greenhouse gas emissions associated with fossil fuels. Another option is to couple a concentrated Solar Power (CSP) plant, provided there are ample solar resources available. Additionally, in order to increase the capacity of the combined power plant, storage can be added to the CSP plant. In this paper, detailed modeling of solar resources at Bahçe Wind Farm located in the Bahçe district of Osmaniye province has been performed and a 50MW CSP plant to hybridize with wind plant has been proposed. Based on the simulation results, it is found that average capacity factor of connected transmission lines can increase by ∼ 34%, with approximately 11% of energy dumped under extreme circumstance.
2019 1st Global Power, Energy and Communication Conference (GPECOM), 2019
The massive inadequacy of energy because of overwhelming dependence on imported fuels has turned ... more The massive inadequacy of energy because of overwhelming dependence on imported fuels has turned into an essential barrier to socio-financial progression in Pakistan. This illustration makes dissemination in adjacent gas costs and limits possibilities in the present state of affairs of new modern technology. The current opening between the call for and creation of energy in Pakistan is about 5000- 8000 MW with a standard augmentation of 68 % as per annum. Except for irrigation and water supply, water resources are additionally used to provide power. Nationwide water sources have well off the potential for hydropower age, evaluated as 60000 MW, which might be monetarily tackled. Out of this broad hydropower capacity, 11 % has been developed up until now. Hydropower is the top of the line to be had a choice in the current situation of addressing difficulties of anticipated future quality needs of our nation as it is far economical, sustainable and indigenous, therefore can be the prevalent supply of power. In this paper, we are analyzing the contribution of hydropower, which can be more than 40% and at the same time reducing the share of oil and gas from 64 % to 11.8%, which is favorable for the sustainable development of Pakistan.
2018 IEEE International Energy Conference (ENERGYCON), 2018
The integration of renewable energy resources into our lives is vital for achieving a sustainable... more The integration of renewable energy resources into our lives is vital for achieving a sustainable energy development. Renewable energy generation is undoubtedly an effective alternative for conventional electrical energy generation techniques, which are one of the key contributions for the emission of greenhouse gases. However, the introduction of renewable energy sources into the power grid is associated with significant costs. Here, an optimal localization and sizing of solar photovoltaic power generation plants in a power network are analyzed. Genetic algorithms are used to solve the optimization problem.
2018 International Conference on Photovoltaic Science and Technologies (PVCon), 2018
Renewable energy resources such as solar resources are suitable alternatives for the use of fossi... more Renewable energy resources such as solar resources are suitable alternatives for the use of fossil fuels as they are abundant, can be harnessed in affordable ways and are considered environmentally friendly. However, renewable energy resources fluctuate with time which decreases the matching between the energy produced by the renewable energy system and the demand and also decreases the reliability of the power supply. There are several potential ways to increase the matching and reliability of renewable energy systems such as the hybridization of renewable energy resources and the integration of energy storage. A techno-economic analysis of different configurations of Photovoltaic, Hydrogen Fuel Cell (HFC) and Pumped Hydro Storage (PHS) is carried out where Middle East Technical University Northern Cyprus Campus (METU NCC) is the case study. The optimal configurations of the PV system with different energy storage system configurations for the university are found based on maximizing the renewable energy (RES) fraction with Levelized Cost of Electricity (LCOE) equals to the grid tariff. However, the objective of the optimization becomes the maximization of the RES fraction with the minimum LCOE if there is no a feasible configuration. The results show that the integration of HFC and PHS system with the PV system increases the RES fraction and the demand-supply fraction from 36.2% to 45.4% and from 23.9% to 35.1%, respectively. The proposed system consists of 2.57 MW PV, 1.16 MWh HFC and 4.14 MWh PHS where such a system has LCOE of 0.181 USD/kWh.
Loiy Al-Ghussain, Mohammad Abujubbeh, Murat Fahrioglu 1Sustainable Environment and Energy Systems... more Loiy Al-Ghussain, Mohammad Abujubbeh, Murat Fahrioglu 1Sustainable Environment and Energy Systems, Middle East Technical University Northern Cyprus Campus, Kalkanli, Guzelyurt via Mersin 10, 99738, Turkey 2Electrical and Electronic Engineering Department Middle East Technical University Northern Cyprus Campus, Kalkanli, Guzelyurt via Mersin 10, 99738, Turkey Corresponding author: Mohammad Abujubbeh, e-mail: mohammad.abujubbeh@metu.edu.tr
2019 1st Global Power, Energy and Communication Conference (GPECOM), 2019
Recently, societies are motivated to invest in renewable energy sources in order to mitigate the ... more Recently, societies are motivated to invest in renewable energy sources in order to mitigate the environmental impacts associated with fossil-fuel based energy generations and meet the vast proliferation in energy demand. Consequently, integrating renewables into power systems demonstrated a promising performance in hindering the impacts of climate change, especially in regions where renewable resources are abundant. Northern Cyprus is one of those regions where it enjoys the availability of abundant solar resources. However, integrating renewables requires optimized planning in order to achieve their maximum advantages. Therefore, in this work, we aim at determining the maximum allowable PV Penetration Level (PL) considering different PV PL's as percentages of the aggregated-demand in the Northern Cypriot power system and discuss the associated carbon-emissions reduction potential. Purposefully, the objective in this paper is two-folded. First, we use system total active power-loss as a criterion to identify the maximum allowable level of PV integration into system. Secondly, we present the possibility of reducing carbon emissions according to the different PV PL's. The novelty of this paper relies on employing Weighted Integration (WI) approach for PV plants' allocation into the power system. The analysis show that the maximum allowable PV PL is 50%. This work is beneficial for future renewable energy planning in the country and contributes to the movement of the country towards the development of an emission-free society.
EFFN-01 In order to harvest maximum energy under continuously changing temperature and irradiatio... more EFFN-01 In order to harvest maximum energy under continuously changing temperature and irradiation, Maximum Power Point Tracking (MPPT) circuits must be exploited for solar energy harvesting. Different MPPT algorithms are proposed in the literature to provide optimality under various conditions and increase the convergence speed, robustness and reliability of the system. Energy efficiency of these algorithms is less investigated. In this paper energy efficiency of two most commercially and commonly used MPPT algorithms is studied. Closed loop behaviour of fixed step size and adaptive step size perturb and observe algorithms is simulated assuming three different irradiation and temperature change scenarios. A new energy efficiency metric is introduced which separately considers energy efficiency during transition and in maximum power point. Adaptive algorithm is found to be in average 14.76% more energy efficient than fixed step size algorithm.
In an attempt to hinder the advancement in climate change impacts, concerned people are motivated... more In an attempt to hinder the advancement in climate change impacts, concerned people are motivated to invest in renewable energy systems. Follows, the proliferation in energy demand, especially in residential sector, is another concern because fossil-fuel sources are depleting as time progresses. Fortunately, renewable energy resources in some countries are available in abundance and can cover a large portion of residential sector's energy demand. Jordan, like many other parts of the world, enjoys a great potential of renewable energy resources. To tackle the aforementioned issues, in this study we aim at conducting a techno-economic feasibility assessment for an on-grid PV-Wind hybrid system in order to cover a typical household annual energy demand in Amman, Jordan. The analysis show that there is a great potential of supplying the household energy demand in most of the months annually and the system is able to generate excess energy that can be exported to the national grid, w...
This present study is aimed at minimizing the dependence on fossil fuels thus reducing greenhouse... more This present study is aimed at minimizing the dependence on fossil fuels thus reducing greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions and also to curb for the rising energy demands in Kenya. 23 locations are considered for their techno-economic potential of installation of a 10MW grid-connected photovoltaic (PV). The sites are scattered across the country yet are mostly concentrated in the Eastern region and are selected based on their accessibility to the power grid and availability of their meteorological parameters from the NASA Solar Energy Dataset. RETScreen software 4.0 version is employed for the analysis. The capacity factor, simple payback, equity payback, the net present value, annual life cycle savings, energy production cost, net annual greenhouse gas emission reduction and the equivalent barrels of crude oil not consumed are outlined. Energy accounting is performed and the results are used to conclude the feasibility of the PV investment. The average capacity factor of the PV power pla...
In this work, we consider the impact or sensitivity of loads to likely power system contingencies... more In this work, we consider the impact or sensitivity of loads to likely power system contingencies that would require the adoption of demand management programs and we establish a frame work for determining the most critical loads and ranking them. Moreover we develop a novel weighted average approach that can be modified to specific power system needs and determine the most effective load for a number of likely contingencies. The methodologies developed in this work are tested on a wide range of sample power system test cases with successful results Streszczenie. W artykule przedstawiono wyniki prac dotyczących badania wplywu oraz wrazliwości odbiornikow na mozliwe awarie w systemie energetyczny, ingerujące w zarządzanie dystrybucją mocy. Opracowany zostal system segregacji i oceny najbardziej wrazliwych odbiornikow. (Opracowanie rankingu odbiornikow pod wzgledem odporności na potencjalne problemy w systemie energetycznym)
Abstract Recently, power systems have witnessed a vast shift toward the integration of distribute... more Abstract Recently, power systems have witnessed a vast shift toward the integration of distributed generation systems (DGs), such as solar photovoltaic (PV) systems. The importance of planning DGs cannot be denied as they help to improve operations in the system and reduce the reliance on fossil fuel-based power generation methods. This paper proposes a new method for site and size selection of distributed PV systems considering system active power loss and nodal voltage profiles. The novelty of this work relies on nodal voltage magnitude deviations for PV siting and sizing criteria where PV DG sizes are weighted based on the voltage deviation index. This work includes a detailed case study performed on the Northern Cypriot power system with promising results that validate the proposed method against unweighted approaches.
In times of stress customers can help a utility by means of voluntary demand management programs ... more In times of stress customers can help a utility by means of voluntary demand management programs if they are offered the right incentives. The incentives offered can be optimized if the utility can estimate the outage or substitution costs of its customers. This paper illustrates how existing utility data can be used to predict customer demand management behavior. More specifically, it shows how estimated customer cost functions can be calibrated to help in designing efficient demand management contracts.
Energy Sources, Part A: Recovery, Utilization, And Environmental Effects, Nov 19, 2018
As a developing country, Turkey's sustainable development objectives converge on robust and susta... more As a developing country, Turkey's sustainable development objectives converge on robust and sustainable economic development. The increase in its energy and electricity demand is attributed to the growth of population, urbanization, and industrialization parallel to economic and social growth. Instead of fulfilling the obligation to protect the environment arising from international agreements and achieving desired sustainable development, the dependency on imported fossil fuel in electrical energy production and energy-intensive economic growth results in intensified CO 2 emission as well as ironically negative economic output. Therefore, Turkey is forced to exploit its indigenous sources such as coal (which unfortunately increases atmospheric Green House Gas "GHG" emissions) and renewable resources. However, high GHG emissionmainly CO 2-of Turkey's coal power plants impairs deployment of indigenous sources for power generation. Indeed, there is a necessity of technical approaches for higher heat extraction efficiencies and mitigation of high concentration of energy-related CO 2 emission. Admittedly, "Carbon Capture, Utilization, and Storage (CCUS)" employing conventional hydrothermal resources offers highly efficient heat extraction, geological CO 2 sequestration, and utilization of CO 2 for power generation rather than considering CO 2 as an effluent. Although there are research gaps and lack of field scale experiment, the economic and environmental viability of implementing CCUS in Turkey can be improved by pilot or field scale projects whereby the presence of these projects commences technological and experimental advances in capturing CO 2 either from geothermal power plants or indigenous coal power plants, transporting it to the proven geothermal geologic site, and generating power. Apart from this, the "CO 2-Plume Geothermal Systems (CPG)" compared to unconventional and conventional geothermal systems would commit vigorous potential for continual improvement in economic feasibility of CCUS without a guaranteed return on power generation investments in Turkey. Hence, legislations concerning incentives in CCUS would foster further improvements in the deployment of geothermal resources to pursue sustainable development in Turkey.
Islands are commonly isolated electricity systems that rely heavily on imported fossil fuels. Int... more Islands are commonly isolated electricity systems that rely heavily on imported fossil fuels. Interconnection with a mainland power system is a solution to offset the exposure to volatile fuel prices and increase the stability of the island grid. This paper presents and discusses the main results of a case study aiming to see the economic effects of a 200 MW HVDC connection between an island grid and a mainland grid. The purpose was to see how much of the island’s oil price scenarios can be overcome with this new interconnector. For this research, North Cyprus grid was modeled in MATPOWER software to do optimal power flow analysis. The results are used to compare fuel-based generation costs to importing electricity from the mainland. The analysis shows that this interconnector decreases the island’s generation costs by 28% to 78%, and with the possible renewable installations, this reduction can be increased further.
2017 4th International Conference on Electrical and Electronic Engineering (ICEEE)
Due to intermittent behavior of generated wind power, capacity factor of installed transmission l... more Due to intermittent behavior of generated wind power, capacity factor of installed transmission lines decreases, which in return increases the payback time and also limits the grid penetration of the wind power plant. One option to compensate this is by using fossil fuel back up, but it is not a sustainable option due to the increased greenhouse gas emissions associated with fossil fuels. Another option is to couple a concentrated Solar Power (CSP) plant, provided there are ample solar resources available. Additionally, in order to increase the capacity of the combined power plant, storage can be added to the CSP plant. In this paper, detailed modeling of solar resources at Bahçe Wind Farm located in the Bahçe district of Osmaniye province has been performed and a 50MW CSP plant to hybridize with wind plant has been proposed. Based on the simulation results, it is found that average capacity factor of connected transmission lines can increase by ∼ 34%, with approximately 11% of energy dumped under extreme circumstance.
2019 1st Global Power, Energy and Communication Conference (GPECOM), 2019
The massive inadequacy of energy because of overwhelming dependence on imported fuels has turned ... more The massive inadequacy of energy because of overwhelming dependence on imported fuels has turned into an essential barrier to socio-financial progression in Pakistan. This illustration makes dissemination in adjacent gas costs and limits possibilities in the present state of affairs of new modern technology. The current opening between the call for and creation of energy in Pakistan is about 5000- 8000 MW with a standard augmentation of 68 % as per annum. Except for irrigation and water supply, water resources are additionally used to provide power. Nationwide water sources have well off the potential for hydropower age, evaluated as 60000 MW, which might be monetarily tackled. Out of this broad hydropower capacity, 11 % has been developed up until now. Hydropower is the top of the line to be had a choice in the current situation of addressing difficulties of anticipated future quality needs of our nation as it is far economical, sustainable and indigenous, therefore can be the prevalent supply of power. In this paper, we are analyzing the contribution of hydropower, which can be more than 40% and at the same time reducing the share of oil and gas from 64 % to 11.8%, which is favorable for the sustainable development of Pakistan.
2018 IEEE International Energy Conference (ENERGYCON), 2018
The integration of renewable energy resources into our lives is vital for achieving a sustainable... more The integration of renewable energy resources into our lives is vital for achieving a sustainable energy development. Renewable energy generation is undoubtedly an effective alternative for conventional electrical energy generation techniques, which are one of the key contributions for the emission of greenhouse gases. However, the introduction of renewable energy sources into the power grid is associated with significant costs. Here, an optimal localization and sizing of solar photovoltaic power generation plants in a power network are analyzed. Genetic algorithms are used to solve the optimization problem.
2018 International Conference on Photovoltaic Science and Technologies (PVCon), 2018
Renewable energy resources such as solar resources are suitable alternatives for the use of fossi... more Renewable energy resources such as solar resources are suitable alternatives for the use of fossil fuels as they are abundant, can be harnessed in affordable ways and are considered environmentally friendly. However, renewable energy resources fluctuate with time which decreases the matching between the energy produced by the renewable energy system and the demand and also decreases the reliability of the power supply. There are several potential ways to increase the matching and reliability of renewable energy systems such as the hybridization of renewable energy resources and the integration of energy storage. A techno-economic analysis of different configurations of Photovoltaic, Hydrogen Fuel Cell (HFC) and Pumped Hydro Storage (PHS) is carried out where Middle East Technical University Northern Cyprus Campus (METU NCC) is the case study. The optimal configurations of the PV system with different energy storage system configurations for the university are found based on maximizing the renewable energy (RES) fraction with Levelized Cost of Electricity (LCOE) equals to the grid tariff. However, the objective of the optimization becomes the maximization of the RES fraction with the minimum LCOE if there is no a feasible configuration. The results show that the integration of HFC and PHS system with the PV system increases the RES fraction and the demand-supply fraction from 36.2% to 45.4% and from 23.9% to 35.1%, respectively. The proposed system consists of 2.57 MW PV, 1.16 MWh HFC and 4.14 MWh PHS where such a system has LCOE of 0.181 USD/kWh.
Loiy Al-Ghussain, Mohammad Abujubbeh, Murat Fahrioglu 1Sustainable Environment and Energy Systems... more Loiy Al-Ghussain, Mohammad Abujubbeh, Murat Fahrioglu 1Sustainable Environment and Energy Systems, Middle East Technical University Northern Cyprus Campus, Kalkanli, Guzelyurt via Mersin 10, 99738, Turkey 2Electrical and Electronic Engineering Department Middle East Technical University Northern Cyprus Campus, Kalkanli, Guzelyurt via Mersin 10, 99738, Turkey Corresponding author: Mohammad Abujubbeh, e-mail: mohammad.abujubbeh@metu.edu.tr
2019 1st Global Power, Energy and Communication Conference (GPECOM), 2019
Recently, societies are motivated to invest in renewable energy sources in order to mitigate the ... more Recently, societies are motivated to invest in renewable energy sources in order to mitigate the environmental impacts associated with fossil-fuel based energy generations and meet the vast proliferation in energy demand. Consequently, integrating renewables into power systems demonstrated a promising performance in hindering the impacts of climate change, especially in regions where renewable resources are abundant. Northern Cyprus is one of those regions where it enjoys the availability of abundant solar resources. However, integrating renewables requires optimized planning in order to achieve their maximum advantages. Therefore, in this work, we aim at determining the maximum allowable PV Penetration Level (PL) considering different PV PL's as percentages of the aggregated-demand in the Northern Cypriot power system and discuss the associated carbon-emissions reduction potential. Purposefully, the objective in this paper is two-folded. First, we use system total active power-loss as a criterion to identify the maximum allowable level of PV integration into system. Secondly, we present the possibility of reducing carbon emissions according to the different PV PL's. The novelty of this paper relies on employing Weighted Integration (WI) approach for PV plants' allocation into the power system. The analysis show that the maximum allowable PV PL is 50%. This work is beneficial for future renewable energy planning in the country and contributes to the movement of the country towards the development of an emission-free society.
EFFN-01 In order to harvest maximum energy under continuously changing temperature and irradiatio... more EFFN-01 In order to harvest maximum energy under continuously changing temperature and irradiation, Maximum Power Point Tracking (MPPT) circuits must be exploited for solar energy harvesting. Different MPPT algorithms are proposed in the literature to provide optimality under various conditions and increase the convergence speed, robustness and reliability of the system. Energy efficiency of these algorithms is less investigated. In this paper energy efficiency of two most commercially and commonly used MPPT algorithms is studied. Closed loop behaviour of fixed step size and adaptive step size perturb and observe algorithms is simulated assuming three different irradiation and temperature change scenarios. A new energy efficiency metric is introduced which separately considers energy efficiency during transition and in maximum power point. Adaptive algorithm is found to be in average 14.76% more energy efficient than fixed step size algorithm.
In an attempt to hinder the advancement in climate change impacts, concerned people are motivated... more In an attempt to hinder the advancement in climate change impacts, concerned people are motivated to invest in renewable energy systems. Follows, the proliferation in energy demand, especially in residential sector, is another concern because fossil-fuel sources are depleting as time progresses. Fortunately, renewable energy resources in some countries are available in abundance and can cover a large portion of residential sector's energy demand. Jordan, like many other parts of the world, enjoys a great potential of renewable energy resources. To tackle the aforementioned issues, in this study we aim at conducting a techno-economic feasibility assessment for an on-grid PV-Wind hybrid system in order to cover a typical household annual energy demand in Amman, Jordan. The analysis show that there is a great potential of supplying the household energy demand in most of the months annually and the system is able to generate excess energy that can be exported to the national grid, w...
This present study is aimed at minimizing the dependence on fossil fuels thus reducing greenhouse... more This present study is aimed at minimizing the dependence on fossil fuels thus reducing greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions and also to curb for the rising energy demands in Kenya. 23 locations are considered for their techno-economic potential of installation of a 10MW grid-connected photovoltaic (PV). The sites are scattered across the country yet are mostly concentrated in the Eastern region and are selected based on their accessibility to the power grid and availability of their meteorological parameters from the NASA Solar Energy Dataset. RETScreen software 4.0 version is employed for the analysis. The capacity factor, simple payback, equity payback, the net present value, annual life cycle savings, energy production cost, net annual greenhouse gas emission reduction and the equivalent barrels of crude oil not consumed are outlined. Energy accounting is performed and the results are used to conclude the feasibility of the PV investment. The average capacity factor of the PV power pla...
In this work, we consider the impact or sensitivity of loads to likely power system contingencies... more In this work, we consider the impact or sensitivity of loads to likely power system contingencies that would require the adoption of demand management programs and we establish a frame work for determining the most critical loads and ranking them. Moreover we develop a novel weighted average approach that can be modified to specific power system needs and determine the most effective load for a number of likely contingencies. The methodologies developed in this work are tested on a wide range of sample power system test cases with successful results Streszczenie. W artykule przedstawiono wyniki prac dotyczących badania wplywu oraz wrazliwości odbiornikow na mozliwe awarie w systemie energetyczny, ingerujące w zarządzanie dystrybucją mocy. Opracowany zostal system segregacji i oceny najbardziej wrazliwych odbiornikow. (Opracowanie rankingu odbiornikow pod wzgledem odporności na potencjalne problemy w systemie energetycznym)
Papers by Prof. Dr. Murat Fahrioglu