This article reviews some of the public events in the summer 2011 surrounding the fiftieth annive... more This article reviews some of the public events in the summer 2011 surrounding the fiftieth anniversary of the building of the Berlin Wall: various photographic exhibitions in galleries and public spaces and the film documentary, Bis and die Genze. Der private Blick auf die Mauer (2011), made up entirely of privately filmed home movies. The style of this year's commemoration lacked the mixture of euphoria, playfulness, and political pomp that marked the anniversary of the fall of the wall two years ago. Although the commemorations were surrounded by inevitable media buzz, they nevertheless managed to reveal a level of thoughtfulness that defies cynicism and was meaningful to many of the Berliners who have lived with the wall.
This article reviews some of the public events in the summer 2011 surrounding the fiftieth annive... more This article reviews some of the public events in the summer 2011 surrounding the fiftieth anniversary of the building of the Berlin Wall: various photographic exhibitions in galleries and public spaces and the film documentary, Bis and die Genze. Der private Blick auf die Mauer (2011), made up entirely of privately filmed home movies. The style of this year's commemoration lacked the mixture of euphoria, playfulness, and political pomp that marked the anniversary of the fall of the wall two years ago. Although the commemorations were surrounded by inevitable media buzz, they nevertheless managed to reveal a level of thoughtfulness that defies cynicism and was meaningful to many of the Berliners who have lived with the wall.
Papers by Mila Ganeva