MoveIt is open source and released under the BSD License v3 . Each individual file in the MoveIt source code should contain a copy of the license.
Source Code
MoveIt code is hosted on GitHub in the moveit organization in the following repos:
moveit - Main repo of MoveIt, contains the following packages:
moveit - Metapackage
moveit_core - Core functionality including RobotModel, RobotState, collision checking
moveit_ros_planning - planning components, execution manager, plugin loaders
moveit_ros_move_group - The move_group
main node for using MoveIt via ROS messages
moveit_ros_planning_interface - Python and ROS msg interfaces to communicate with move_group
moveit_ros_perception - Octomap and other perception plugins
moveit_ros_manipulation - High level pick and place pipeline
moveit_ros_robot_interaction - Interactive marker tools for Rviz
moveit_ros_visualization - Rviz tools
moveit_ros_warehouse - Database plugins for storing scene and configuration data
moveit_ros_benchmarks - Benchmarking using PlannerArena
moveit_ros - Metapackage
moveit_planners - Metapackage
moveit_planners_ompl - Open Motion Planning Library plugin
moveit_commander - terminal-based control interface using Python-like syntax
moveit_setup_assistant - GUI for quickly setting up MoveIt
moveit_plugins - plugins for controller managers
chomp_motion_planner - Gradient Optimization Techniques for Efficient Motion Planning
chomp_interface - adapter for using CHOMP with MoveIt
moveit2 - The beta version of MoveIt for ROS 2
moveit_msgs - ROS messages
moveit_task_constructor - An approach to hierarchical, multi-stage manipulation planning
moveit_grasps - A geometric-based grasp generation library for manipulation
moveit_visual_tools - display and debugging data in Rviz
moveit_resources - large file assets such as testing robots
moveit_calibration - hand-eye calibration routines with GUI
moveit_advanced - Experimental advanced capabilities
moveit_ci - script to run with Travis for continuous integration
rqt_moveit - Plugin for the GUI framework of ROS, RQT
srdfdom - Semantic Robot Description Format used exclusively by MoveIt
Dependencies maintained by the MoveIt team:
The following repos are where documentation can be found:
Code Health
We use Travis continuous integration combined with the moveit_ci for testing pull requests and overall code health. Travis status badges should be visible on the of every MoveIt repository.
To see an overview of the activity for MoveIt check our Open HUB Project Summary .
ROS Noetic Code API
Move Group Interface
MoveIt ROS
This API is meant for advanced developers. Most users should use the Move Group interface (above).
Planning - The planning components in MoveIt ROS, especially the planning scene, kinematics and monitors
Move Group - The move_group_node
Perception - The perception components in MoveIt ROS
Robot Interaction - The Interactivity components in MoveIt ROS
MoveIt Core
This API is meant for advanced developers. Most users should use the Move Group interface (above).
Core - The core components in MoveIt for kinematics, planning scene, constraints, motion planning, collision checking and plugin interfaces
MoveIt OMPL Interface
This API is meant for advanced developers. Most users should use the Move Group interface (above).
OMPL Interface - The set of classes that allow MoveIt to talk with OMPL.