Is-suġġerimenti se jintwerew wara li tibda tikteb fil-kaxxa tat-tiftix. Uża l-buttuni tal-vleġġa 'l fuq u tal-vleġġa 'l isfel biex tiċċekkja. Uża l-buttuna enter biex tagħżel. Jekk l-għażla tiegħek tkun frażi, dik il-frażi se tiġi mfittxija. Jekk is-suġġeriment ikun link, il-brawżer se jiftaħ dik il-paġna.
Istruzzjonijiet • Host
Kif toħloq u tibgħat tweġibiet ta' malajr lill-klijenti
Save time sending common messages to guests by creating quick reply templates. Your templates can be personalized with shortcodes that dynamically fill in guest, reservation, and listing details.
The benefit of quick replies
Having a set of customized quick replies can make hosting more efficient. Both you and your Co-Hosts can set up your own quick replies. And for even more convenience, suggested quick replies use AI to suggest one of your existing quick replies to help answer common guest questions.
You can use scheduled messaging to send your quick replies automatically, based on a trigger, like a new reservation, check-in, or checkout.
Kif toħloq tweġiba ta' malajr
Κіf toħloq twеġіbа tа' mаlајr b'kоmрјutеr
Ikklikkja fuq Messaġġi u mbagħad ikklikkja fuq Menù
Minn Settings ikklikkja fuq Tweġibiet ta' malajr
Ikklikkja fuq + Tweġiba ġdida
Agħti isem lill-mudell biex tagħrfu
Ikteb il-messaġġ u uża x-shortcodes biex tippersonalizzah
Agħżel ilsien il-messaġġ tiegħek mis-settings
Ikklikkja fuq Issejvja
L-ilsien li tagħżel għall-mudell jagħmel differenza għal kif ix-shortcodes jinqalbu għal dak l-ilsien.
Use quick replies to save time
Different guests often ask Hosts the same questions: What’s the wifi password? How do I use the hot tub? Where’s a great place to eat nearby?
You can reuse your answers—and respond rapidly every time—by setting up quick replies in the Messages tab.
Quick replies are short message templates that address specific topics. You create them ahead of time to send when you’re chatting with a guest. You can personalize these messages by inserting shortcodes. These placeholders pull information from both your listing and your guest’s reservation, like your house rules and their name and check-in date.
You can also schedule them to share information automatically at specific moments, like the day before check-in.
Shortcodes are placeholders that dynamically fill in guest, reservation, and listing details when the message is sent to the guest. You’ll need to have the corresponding information completed in your listings, including some of the optional info areas, otherwise the shortcode will display as unavailable in the message. Here’s the full list:
Guest’s first name
Guest’s last name
Guest’s phone number
Check-in date
Check-in time
Checkout date
Checkout time
Total trip price
Average nightly price
Cleaning fee
Listing name
Listing address
Listing city
Wi-fi name
Wi-fi password
Confirmation code
Check-in Instructions
House Rules
House Manual
Getting around
Guest Access
Guest Interaction
Guest city
Guest country
Number of guests
Number of nights
Number of bathrooms
Number of bedrooms
Number of beds
Primary host first name
Primary host last name
Kif tuża tweġiba ta' malajr
Κіf tuża twеġіbа tа' mаlајr b'kоmрјutеr
Ikklikkja fuq Messaġġi u agħżel it-taħdita mal-klijent
Agħżel l-ikona tat-tweġiba ta' malajr ħdejn il-kaxxa fejn tikteb il-messaġġ
Agħżel it-tweġiba li tixtieq u mbagħad ikklikkja fuq Uża dit-tweġiba
Agħmel bidliet oħra u mbagħad ikklikkja fuq Ibgħat
Kif tibdel tweġiba ta' malajr
Κіf tibdel twеġіbа tа' mаlајr b'kоmрјutеr
Ikklikkja fuq Messaġġi u mbagħad ikklikkja fuq Menù
Minn Settings ikklikkja fuq Tweġibiet ta' malajr
Agħżel il-messaġġ li tixtieq tibdel
Agħmel il-bidliet tiegħek imbagħad ikklikkja fuq Issejvja
Kif tħassar tweġiba ta' malajr
Κіf tħаѕѕаr twеġіbа tа' mаlајr b'kоmрјutеr
Ikklikkja fuq Messaġġi u mbagħad ikklikkja fuq Menù
Minn Settings ikklikkja fuq Tweġibiet ta' malajr
Agħżel il-messaġġ li tixtieq tħassar
Niżżel il-paġna 'l isfel imbagħad ikklikkja fuq Ħassar il-mudell
Il-Hosts jistgħu jiffrankaw il-ħin billi joħolqu messaġġi li jintbagħtu awtomatikament meta jseħħu xi sitwazzjonijiet, bħal pereżempju bookings ġodda, checkin jew checkout.