Papers by H. Stella Kramarova
Musicologica Slovaca, 2023
The Brno Parish Church of St. James was under the supervision both of religious and secular autho... more The Brno Parish Church of St. James was under the supervision both of religious and secular authorities. That is reflected particularly in the extent of the primary sources for musical practice, personnel of choirs, and living conditions of musicians. This article focuses on sources of the financing of musical practice in this urban parish church at the close of the 18th century. In the 1790s the financial and social situation of church musicians was unfavourably influenced by the new order of worship, and the abolition of the brotherhoods and reassignment of parishioners to the newly established parishes – both of these measures ordered by the Emperor Joseph II. The church musicians turned to the magistracy, requesting
that the situation which had arisen be resolved. Based on source research, in the article we illustrate the extent of income loss that musicians suffered and the means by which they attempted to improve their arduous living conditions.
Musicologica Olomucensia, 2022
The study focuses on newly found sources documenting the financing of the liturgical and musical ... more The study focuses on newly found sources documenting the financing of the liturgical and musical practice of the Silesian pilgrimage church of the Assumption of the Virgin Mary in Hrabyně. It focuses on the heyday of Hrabyně in the 18th century, when the estate belonged to the Mitrovsky family, as well as on the establishment of foundations and the role of patrons. Financial donations and foundations not only ensured the activities of the chaplain and teacher, but also enabled the purchase of new musical instruments and the construction of an organ. No less important was the introduction of Marian devotions in front of the image of Our Lady of Hrabyně, during which the Salve Regina was sung at the donor’s request by six boys in the Czech language accompanied by the organ. Th e paper aims to highlight one of the aspects connected with the musical-liturgical practice of the pilgrimage site and thus lay a foundation for further research on the musical events of Silesian and Moravian pilgrimage sites.
Frühneuzeit-Info, 2022
The paper, based on correspondence between two canons of different monasteries, shows the importa... more The paper, based on correspondence between two canons of different monasteries, shows the importance and value of music at the end of the 17th century. Since the monasteries were far apart, the canons not only had to actively seek each other’s contact, they further had to negotiate the trade diplomatically, giving us a unique view into their lives. This essay sheds light on the interaction between Georg Pohl, abbot of Monastery of the Canons Regular on Piasek Island in Breslau, and Adam Scharrer, dean and later provost of Klosterneuburg monastery. Their correspondence made it possible to track the transfer of books and sheet music. In order to research the importance of music in Klosterneuburg, the attached index of the transferred sheet music is quintessential. This index offers valuable information about the music collection of Klosterneuburg monastery in the late 17th century. Due to the fact that most of the pieces are nowadays not part of the collection anymore, this 17th century record is a crucial
witness of the development of the monastery’s music collection.
Die Riesenorgel im Wiener Stephansdom, 2020
Der alltägliche Musikbetrieb in der Domkirche zu St. Stephan im 17. Jahrhundert ist sicherlich ei... more Der alltägliche Musikbetrieb in der Domkirche zu St. Stephan im 17. Jahrhundert ist sicherlich ein komplexes Thema. Wo es sonst an musikalischen Quellen mangelt, ermöglicht die überlieferte Instruktion von 1638 einen bedeutenden Einblick. Die Verordnung zeigt uns die rechtlichen Verhältnisse innerhalb der Dommusik und ihre Beziehung zum Magistrat der Stadt sowie zur Kirchenvorstehung; sie gibt Auskunft über Pflichten und Besoldung der Musiker sowie über Versorgung und Unterricht der Domsängerknaben. In Summe: Sie ist das Zeugnis eines regen und reichhaltigen Musikbetriebes am Stephansdom und zugleich Grundlage für die weitere Erforschung der Dommusik im 17. Jahrhundert.
MALÉ OSOBNOSTI VEĽKÝCH DEJÍN – VEĽKÉ OSOBNOSTI MALÝCH DEJÍN V. Príspevky k hudobnej regionalistike. Zborník príspevkov z muzikologickej konferencie Bratislava 28. – 29. novembra 2018, 2019
The more deeply in the past we are exploring the fates of prominent musicians of local significan... more The more deeply in the past we are exploring the fates of prominent musicians of local significance, the more the need for research integrity and taking into account the broader context. However, mapping of some aspects of socio-cultural nature and inter-regional links is often lost. Whether and to what extent is a suitable and currently applicable microhistorical approach (presented by French historians) in regional research in the Central European space will be the main aspect of the contribution. On the example of the Brno regenschori and composer Peregrina Gravani (1742-1815), the possibilities of this approach in musical-historical research will be outlined.
Musicologica Brunensia, 2019
This study deals with the living conditions and certainties of the singers and musicians who serv... more This study deals with the living conditions and certainties of the singers and musicians who served in the Vienna Cathedral of St. Stephen during the 18th century. The focus is on so-called adjunct positions, the occupation of vacant positions and events after the death of a musician. Furthermore, the supply and teaching of choral boys are explained. To the most important changes during the 18th century belonged the new order of worship. These prescriptions of Joseph II influenced the frequency of the figural music performances as well as the financing, which is illustrated by examples.
Musicologica Brunensia, 2019
The Cathedral of St. Stephen in the 18th century was one of the most important music institutions... more The Cathedral of St. Stephen in the 18th century was one of the most important music institutions in Vienna. Thanks to source research, it was possible to discover new insights into the music ensembles in St. Stephen's Cathedral. The contribution also brings new information about the music during the liturgical year and special occasions. It focuses on the purchase of musical instruments and compositions for the cathedral, too.
Jahrbuch Stift Klosterneuburg, Neue Folge, 2019
The article should give an insight into the circumstances and especially the church musicians of ... more The article should give an insight into the circumstances and especially the church musicians of the monastery in Klosterneuburg. In general, the duties of the musicians and their salary were treated. No less important was the identification of individual musicians. In selected cases were described their destinies in more detail. It was
especially focused on the second half of the 17th century.
Musicologica brunensia, 2018
The music inventory from 1763 is one of the most important sources of sacred music in Brno relate... more The music inventory from 1763 is one of the most important sources of sacred music in Brno related to the parish church St. James. The paper focuses on the methodological aspects as well as on the heuristic problems of working with this source. This is shown in the example of the records, which were registered between 1763 and 1781. In this time was Peregrin Gravani the chapel;master and he should buy and register all new music sheets in the inventory. Furthermore, the results of the concordance of the entries and the St. James music collection, as well as with the database RISM are presented.
Opus musicum, 2018
In the middle of the 18th century, Slezské Rudoltice was a significant location which was renowne... more In the middle of the 18th century, Slezské Rudoltice was a significant location which was renowned mainly thanks to Count Albert Josef Hodic. This study pays attention to sacred music played at his court. The inventory of the castle chapel, made in Slezské Rudoltice after Count Hodic died on 9 May 1778, has been the main source for the description of the sacred music. A transcription of the inventory is published with some compositions being successfully identified thanks to the RISM database. An outline of relations between castle musicians and the parish school in Rudoltice is also presented.
Musicologica Brunensia, 2016
The study contributes on music in pilgrimage Church of the Assumption of the Virgin Mary in Hraby... more The study contributes on music in pilgrimage Church of the Assumption of the Virgin Mary in Hrabyně turn of the 18th and 19th century. The paper focuses on sheet of music inventories and church musical instruments (1804, 1819 and 1832). It reflects the purpose of genesis the inventories and included information about music in church, too. Important part identifies composers from inventory in 1819. We concentrate on church's organ and their repair, too. The work contains information about school in Hrabyně and teachers, who were teaching there and composing for the church. Nevertheless, Hrabyně's inventories are compared with other locations in Silesia and Moravia and the study also marginally handles conditions of performing practice of figural music in village, which are illustrated on schoolmaster Schenk's memories.
The trend of rediscovery and usage of the earlier music traditions has been repeated several time... more The trend of rediscovery and usage of the earlier music traditions has been repeated several times in the history of music. Composers of the 20th centhury return to the music traditions of medieval and renaissance music at various levels. On the one hand, the do so practically by organizing performances, where ranaissance music pieces are performed using new music. On the other hand , they do it theoretically by studying the old music and compositional concepts or by attempting to integrate their own music into music history. One of the reused old techniques is hocket, which we can find in works written by contemporary composers such as Louis Andriessen or György Ligeti. Attention is pais also to hocket as a music form, thanks to Guillaume de Machaut's work Hoquetus David. His hocket has been remade to several arrangement and has become the inspiration for contemporary composers, for example Harrison Birtwistel.
Musicologica Brunensia, 2015
The focus of this paper is on musical culture of Krnov during Renaissance, because the musicologi... more The focus of this paper is on musical culture of Krnov during Renaissance, because the musicologists haven’t turned attention to this subject yet. The list of schoolmasters, organists and trumpeters was reconstructed on the basis of source research and literature. We have discovered the first mention of the organ and the reparations, too. There is also a part about composer Martin Kinner von Schefferstein.
Conference Presentations by H. Stella Kramarova
Die Stadtpfarrkirche St. Jakob in Brünn war nicht nur in eine bekannte Institution, an der sich l... more Die Stadtpfarrkirche St. Jakob in Brünn war nicht nur in eine bekannte Institution, an der sich lokale Musiker um eine Anstellung bewarben, sondern übte eine landesgrenzen-übergreifende Anziehungskraft auf Kirchenmusiker aus. So haben sich zahlreiche Bewerbungsbriefe von auswärtigen Musikern erhalten, die sich mit ihrem Gesuch an den Brünner Magistrat wandten. Diese stellen eine wertvolle Quellebasis dar, die unter verschiedenen Blickwinkeln untersucht werden kann. Der Beitrag wird vor allem den beinhalteten Informationen in der Bewerbungen gewidmet. Auf Grundlage ihrer Herkunfts-, Ausbildungs- und Wirkungsorte sollen die Verflechtungen zwischen Mähren, Schlesien, Slowakei und Niederösterreich veranschaulicht werden. Überdies wird gezeigt, welche Voraussetzungen für die Aufnahme als Kirchenmusiker an der Brünner Stadtpfarrkirche erfüllt werden mussten und ob bzw. wie ausschlaggebend die früheren Ausbildungs- und Wirkungsstätten der Kirchenmusiker für eine erfolgreiche Anstellung waren.
Instruktionen und Verordnungen bieten oft eine einzigartige Einsicht in Vorgänge und Verpflichtun... more Instruktionen und Verordnungen bieten oft eine einzigartige Einsicht in Vorgänge und Verpflichtungsaufteilungen innerhalb von Institutionen. Überdies geben sie auch Auskunft über finanzielle Angelegenheiten der Kirchenmusiker. Nicht anders ist es im Falle der Ordnung und Instruktion für Musikangestellten beim Dom zu St. Stephan in Wien, die aus dem Jahr 1638 stammt. Um die Regelungen interpretieren zu können, wird zuerst die Lage der Dommusik zu Beginn des 17. Jahrhunderts kurz geschildert, danach werden die in der Verordnung bestimmten Verhältnisse und die Struktur des Musikensembles behandelt. In der Instruktion wurden auch die üblichen Dienste geregelt, wodurch wichtige Informationen über den Kirchenmusikalltag im Wiener Stephansdom ermittelt werden können. Die in der Verordnung beinhalteten Einzelheiten ergänzen unseren Wissenstand über das Musikgeschehen in der Stadtpfarr- und Domkirche zu St. Stephan. All diese Aspekte sollen einen Beitrag zur soziogeschichtlichen Musikforschung im mitteleuropäischen Raum leisten.
International Conference on Sacred Music East and West: “Enlightenment & Illumination”. Prague, Czech Republic / 23-25 November 2018, 2018
In 1745, in the capital of Moravia, one of the last opulent baroque celebrations took place, but ... more In 1745, in the capital of Moravia, one of the last opulent baroque celebrations took place, but it was no longer of a purely religious character. It took place in the middle of the Seven-Year War, and so recalled the famous defense of the city in 1645. Contemporary accounts noted the sense of order and decency of the whole celebration. They illustrate a certain change in society which is subtly perceptible in the music. This is undoubtedly related to the transformation of the repertoire of the city theater, as well as to a different attitude on the part of state and city institutions towards itinerant musicians (1766). At the same time, when the altars of the parish church of St. James were completely refurbished, the City Council required the newly appointed master of music in the parish church, Peregrino Gravani, to regularly acquire sheet music in “the new style” (1763).
During the reforms of Emperor Joseph II, church music was influenced not only by the new liturgical order (1784), but also by the re-organization of pastoral care and the resulting foundation of new parishes. This article will focus on the relationship between Joseph's reforms and sacred music. Close attention will be paid to musical practice in the newly established parishes and cooperation with the musicians of the parish church of St. James.
Postgraduate Musicological Students Conference - presentation of contemporary research in the field of early music till 1800, 2017
The contribution is dedicated to church music in the parish town church of St. James. Especially ... more The contribution is dedicated to church music in the parish town church of St. James. Especially preserved music collection and solving methodological questions in the systematic processing of the collection. This is especially true with regard to the music inventory from 1763.
Józef Ignacy Schnabel i jego epoka w 250. rocznicę urodzin kompozytora / Joseph Ignaz Schnabel a jeho období v jubileu 250. narozenin skladatele, 2017., 2017
The paper contributes on music in the church of St. James in Brno, in the second half of the 18 c... more The paper contributes on music in the church of St. James in Brno, in the second half of the 18 century and on turn of the 18th and 19th century. The paper focuses on sheet of music inventory 1763 and church musical practice during leadership of Peregrin Gravani.
Výroční mezinárodní konference České společnosti pro hudební vědu, Praha, 27.11 - 28.11 2015., 2015
Ein Beitrag über eine tschechisch geschriebene Handbuch, von einem unbekannten Verfasser. Zusamme... more Ein Beitrag über eine tschechisch geschriebene Handbuch, von einem unbekannten Verfasser. Zusammen mit einem Vergleich von M Gugl's Fundamenta Partiturae in Compendium.
A contribution about a czech written manual, from an unknown author. Including the comparison with the Gugl's book Fundamenta Partiturae in Compendium data.
Papers by H. Stella Kramarova
that the situation which had arisen be resolved. Based on source research, in the article we illustrate the extent of income loss that musicians suffered and the means by which they attempted to improve their arduous living conditions.
witness of the development of the monastery’s music collection.
especially focused on the second half of the 17th century.
Conference Presentations by H. Stella Kramarova
During the reforms of Emperor Joseph II, church music was influenced not only by the new liturgical order (1784), but also by the re-organization of pastoral care and the resulting foundation of new parishes. This article will focus on the relationship between Joseph's reforms and sacred music. Close attention will be paid to musical practice in the newly established parishes and cooperation with the musicians of the parish church of St. James.
A contribution about a czech written manual, from an unknown author. Including the comparison with the Gugl's book Fundamenta Partiturae in Compendium data.
that the situation which had arisen be resolved. Based on source research, in the article we illustrate the extent of income loss that musicians suffered and the means by which they attempted to improve their arduous living conditions.
witness of the development of the monastery’s music collection.
especially focused on the second half of the 17th century.
During the reforms of Emperor Joseph II, church music was influenced not only by the new liturgical order (1784), but also by the re-organization of pastoral care and the resulting foundation of new parishes. This article will focus on the relationship between Joseph's reforms and sacred music. Close attention will be paid to musical practice in the newly established parishes and cooperation with the musicians of the parish church of St. James.
A contribution about a czech written manual, from an unknown author. Including the comparison with the Gugl's book Fundamenta Partiturae in Compendium data.
The paper deals with the current trend of the German language, with nominalization and compares it with this trend in czech language. For this purpose there are created two textcollections (czech and german) and used corpora COSMAS II, DWDS and InterCorp.
Oslavy vítězství nad švédským vojskem byly jednou z nejvýznamnějších událostí v barokním Brně. V této práci se zabýváme průběhem slavností, avšak stěžejním bodem této magisterské práce je překlad ve formě edice části tisku "Kurtz verfaste Nachtricht" z roku 1747 z německého originálu do češtiny. Práce obsahuje též překladatelské komentáře k německému i českému textu. Poslední část se zabývá překladem libreta a aspekty tohoto literárního žánru, který je úzce spojen s hudbou.
Diplomová práce se zabývá s nominalizací v německém jazyce a srovnává ji s tendencemi v současné češtině. Za tímto účelem byly vytvořeny dvě sbírky autentických textů a použity korpusy COSMAS II, DWDS a InterCorp.