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In this Issue

Table of Contents

  1. Supplemental Security Income for Children, Maternal Labor Supply, and Family Well-Being: Evidence from Birth Weight Eligibility Cutoffs
  2. Melanie Guldi, Amelia Hawkins, Jeffrey Hemmeter, Lucie Schmidt
  3. pp. 975-1010
  4. restricted access
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  1. Who Benefits from Cash-for-Care? Effects of a Home Care Subsidy on Maternal Employment, Childcare Choices, and Children's Development
  2. Matthias Collischon, Daniel Kuehnle, Michael Oberfichtner
  3. pp. 1011-1051
  4. open access
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  1. School Schedule and the Gender Pay Gap
  2. Emma Duchini, Clémentine Van Effenterre
  3. pp. 1052-1089
  4. restricted access
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  1. Hassles and Environmental Health Screenings: Evidence from Lead Tests in Illinois
  2. Ludovica Gazze
  3. pp. 1090-1121
  4. restricted access
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  1. Whose Help Is on the Way? The Importance of Individual Police Officers in Law Enforcement Outcomes
  2. Emily K. Weisburst
  3. pp. 1122-1149
  4. restricted access
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  1. There's Always Room for Improvement: The Persistent Benefits of a Large-Scale Teacher Evaluation System
  2. Simon Briole, Eric Maurin
  3. pp. 1150-1179
  4. restricted access
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  1. Are Two Teachers Better Than One? The Effect of Coteaching on Students with and without Disabilities
  2. Nathan Jones, Marcus A. Winters
  3. pp. 1180-1206
  4. restricted access
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  1. School Choice and Educational Mobility: Lessons from Secondary School Applications in Ghana
  2. Kehinde F. Ajayi
  3. pp. 1207-1243
  4. open access
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  1. Does Federally Funded Job Training Work? Nonexperimental Estimates of WIA Training Impacts Using Longitudinal Data on Workers and Firms
  2. Fredrik Andersson, Harry J. Holzer, Julia I. Lane, David Rosenblum, Jeffrey Smith
  3. pp. 1244-1283
  4. open access
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  1. Do Microcredentials Help New Workers Enter the Market? Evidence from an Online Labor Platform
  2. Otto Kässi, Vili Lehdonvirta
  3. pp. 1284-1318
  4. open access
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