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In this Issue

Table of Contents

  1. The Faces of Eighteenth-Century Monstrosity
  2. Andrew Curran, Patrick Graille
  3. pp. 1-15
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  1. Exhibiting the Monster: Nicolas-Francois and Genevieve Regnault's Les Ecarts de la Nature
  2. Andrew Curran, Patrick Graille
  3. pp. 16-22
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  1. Monsters and the Problem of Naturalism in French Thought
  2. Alan Charles Kors
  3. pp. 23-47
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  1. Monsters and the Self in the Reve de d'Alembert
  2. Andrew Curran
  3. pp. 48-69
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  1. Portrait scientifique et litteraire de l'hybride au siecle des Lumieres
  2. Patrick Graille
  3. pp. 70-88
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  1. Therese philosophe: les charmes de l'impenetrable
  2. Anne Richardot
  3. pp. 89-99
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  1. Libertine Anatomies: Figures of Monstrosity in Sade's Justine ou les malheurs de la vertu
  2. Jean-Marc Kehres
  3. pp. 100-113
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  1. Perfectly Inhuman: Moral Monstrosity in Eighteenth-Century Discourse
  2. James A. Steintrager
  3. pp. 114-132
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  1. Monstrous Mothers, Monstrous Societies: Infanticide and the Rule of Law in Restoration and Eighteenth-Century England
  2. Marilyn Francus
  3. pp. 133-156
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  1. Deaf Men on Trial: Language and Deviancy in Late Eighteenth-Century France
  2. Sophia A. Rosenfeld
  3. pp. 157-175
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  1. Homo ferus: Between Monster and Model
  2. Julia V. Douthwaite
  3. pp. 176-202
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  1. Robespierre, monstre-cadavre du discours thermidorien
  2. Antoine de Baecque
  3. pp. 203-221
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  1. Deadly Fears: Dom Augustin Calmet's Vampires and the Rule Over Death
  2. Marie Hélène Huet
  3. pp. 222-232
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