Juan Rulfo and Machado de Assis: Toward an Integrated New Narrative
- Hispania
- Johns Hopkins University Press
- Volume 99, Number 4, December 2016
- pp. 576-588
- 10.1353/hpn.2016.0104
- Article
- Additional Information
Despite apparent connections between Brazilian and Spanish American narratives, comparative scholarship has only recently begun to investigate actively these important points of contact. In this study, we introduce a vital crossover between the two traditions, involving Juan Rulfo and Joaquim Maria Machado de Assis. Rulfo’s outspoken affinity for Brazilian literature, especially his reading of Memórias póstumas de Brás Cubas, reveals potential ties between not only Machado’s novel and Pedro Páramo, but also the broader literary histories of Spanish America and Brazil. As we address this specific case of possible influence and reception, we hope to promote not only comparative studies on Latin American authors, but also collaborative work between scholars in an effort to move Spanish American and Brazilian scholarship toward a more inclusive dialogue.