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naglly.com > xkcd日本語訳  > 私感で選ぶ、翻訳したXKCDコミックのベスト10話(2012年)






  • 奥深いもの
  • 単純に笑えるもの
  • XKCDっぽいなぁとしみじみ感じるもの
  • ツイート数、もしくは、はてなブックマーク数が多いもの


10位: Ablogalypse(ア「ブロガ」リプス)

©xkcd.com Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 2.5 License


Google trends search volume

In about six months, the word "Tumblr" will eclipse "Blog" in google popularity.

I doubt TV anchors will start talking about "reactions in the Tumblverse", but then again, I still can't believe we got them to say "Blogosphere".

Alt-text: Plus the reaction in the Tumblverse is always 'repeatedly get hit by a dog and fall down the stairs'.


9位: Felidae(ネコ科)



[Well-known felines:](よく知られているネコ科動物:)

縦軸: Genuses in order of which would win in a fight

横軸: Species sorted by coolness of name

[The OS X problem]
 (「OS X」の問題点)

Alt-text: 'Smilodon fatalis' narrowly edged out 'Tyrannosaurus rex' to win this year's Most Badass Latin Names competition, after edging out 'Dracorex hogwartsia' and 'Stygimoloch spinifer' (meaning 'horned dragon from the river of death') in the semifinals.
 (準決勝で『Dracorex hogwartsia』と『Stygimoloch spinifer』(『死の川の角ありドラゴン』を意味する)に勝利した後、『Smilodon fatalis』は、今年の「最悪なラテン語名大会」に勝つため、『Tyrannosaurus rex』に辛勝しました。)

 Mac OS Xが抱える、コードネーム命名枯渇問題をチャートで表現したコミック。みんながなんとなく気づいていた問題を分かりやすく図解しています。

8位: Visual Field(視野)


Visual Field(視野)

[Your Central Visual Field]

Look at the center with your eyes this far from the screen.(You can roll up a sheet of paper and cut it or zoom the page - so it matches this image.)


We only see at high resolution over a small area in the center of our vision where retinal cells are densest(the Fovea).

If you stare at the center of this chart, your eyes are seeing all these panels at roughly the same level of detail.

[Color vision:](色覚:)

We don't see much color outside the center of our vision. our brains keep track of what color things are and fill it in for us.

[Blue-sky sprites](青空のパターン)

These tiny, darting bright spots. visible against smooth blue backgrounds, are white cells moving in the blood vessels over the retina.


Some types of floaters are caused by breakdown of your eyeball goop as you age, but this type is some other kind of debris near the retina. I don't know what.

[Night vision](夜間視力)

Cone cells(sharp, central color vision) don't work in low light, but rod cells(monochrome, low-res, non-central) do. This is why you can walk around in dim light, but not read, it's also why you can sopt fainter stars by looking next to them.

Alt-text: I recently learned something that solved a mystery that had bugged me since childhood--why, when I looked at an analog clock, the hand would sometimes seem to take a couple seconds to start ticking. Google "stopped clock illusion".
 (僕は、最近、子供のときから僕を苦しめていたミステリーを解くためのヒントを学びました。僕がアナログ時計を見たとき、なぜ、針は動きはじめるまでに2秒掛かるように見えるのだろうか。「stopped clock illusion」をググれ。)


7位: Lakes and Oceans(湖と海)


Lakes and Oceans(湖と海)

[Depths and animal/ship/boat lengths are to scale; Horizontal distance is not.]

Fun fact: The Edmund Fitzgerand, the Kursk, and the lusitania all sank in water shallower than they were long.

Sperm whales dive this deep. They come up covered in wounds and sucker marks, so presumably there are big squid down here?
...Man, we know nothing about the ocean.

Kola borehole:Soviet project to try to drill through the earth's crust to the mantle just to see what would happen. Russians are awesome.

Mysterious door which James Cameron build his sub to reach and open. He will not say what the found within.

Alt-text: James Cameron has said that he didn't know its song would be so beautiful. He didn't close the door in time. He's sorry.


6位: Calendar of Meaningful Dates(意味深な日のカレンダー)


Calendar of Meaningful Dates(意味深な日のカレンダー)

Calendar of Meaningful Dates

Each date's size represents how often it is referred to by name (e.g. "october 17th") in English-language books since 2000
 (2000年以降、英語の書籍の中で名前が引用されている(例:「october 17th」)頻度をそれぞれの日付のサイズは意味します。)
(Source: Google ngrams corpus)
 (参照元:Google ngrams corpus)

Alt-text: In months other than September, the 11th is mentioned substantially less often than any other date. It's been that way since long before 9/11 and I have no idea why.

 Google社がスキャンした書籍500万冊をもとに構築された、5000億語からなるデータベース「Google Ngram Viewer」で調べた、2000年以降の日付の引用頻度を表すカレンダー。コミックで自らの発想を表現するために、時間を掛け、綿密に調べ上げるその姿勢に頭が下がります。

5位: Star Ratings(星のランク付け)


Star Ratings(星のランク付け)

[Understanding online star ratings]

★5つ:[Has only one review]

Alt-text: I got lost and wandered into the world's creepiest cemetery, where the headstones just had names and star ratings. Freaked me out. When I got home I tried to leave the cemetery a bad review on Yelp, but as my hand hovered over the 'one star' button I felt this distant chill ...


4位: The Universal Label(ユニバーサル・ラベル)


The Universal Label(ユニバーサル・ラベル)

Hydrogen, Time
 (成分: 水素、時間)

Alt-text: Works for any grocery or non-grocery. Even thyme is just H and time.


3位: 1000 Comics(1000コミック)


1000 Comics(1000コミック)

女: Woooo!

男: Wow- Just 24 to go until a big round-number milestone!

Alt-text: Thank you for making me feel less alone.


2位: Umwelt(環世界)

日本、Google chrome

日本、Internet Explorer / Safari



Alt-text: Umwelt is the idea that because their senses pick up on different things, different animals in the same ecosystem actually live in very different worlds. Everything about you shapes the world you inhabit--from your ideology to your glasses prescription to your web browser.




アメリカ、Safari / Internet Explorer


1位: Click and Drag(クリックとドラッグ)


Click and Drag(クリックとドラッグ)

From the stories

I expected the world to be sad

And it was

And I expect it

To be wonderful.

It was.

I just didn't expect it to be so big.

Alt-text: Click and drag.


 XKCDを解説するexplain xkcd wikiによると、この広大な空間は、2048x2048ピクセルを1エリアとして、横81エリア、縦32エリア、合計2592のエリアから構成されているそうです。いくらなんでもやり過ぎです。(もちろん良い意味で。)


 XKCDの作者、ランドール マンロー氏の著作本『ホワット・イフ?:野球のボールを光速で投げたらどうなるか』を紹介します。ウェブサイトに投稿された科学のおかしな質問を、XKCDばりの捻くれ方で回答し、それらを本にまとめたものです。こちらも面白いので是非に。

 この記事のカテゴリは、xkcd日本語訳 です。

