Copyright ©
2018 for the individual papers
by the papers' authors. Copying permitted for private and academic purposes.
This volume is published and copyrighted by its editors.
IWSW 2018
International Workshop on Semantic Web
Proceedings of the 3rd International Workshop on Semantic Web 2018
co-located with 15th International Congress on Information (INFO 2018)
Havana, Cuba, March 7, 2018.
Edited by
University of Informatics Sciences,
Faculty 3, Havana, Cuba
Central University "Marta Abreu" of Las Villas,
Faculty of Information Sciences, Villa Clara, Cuba
Table of Contents
Full Papers
Similarity Detection among Academic Contents through Semantic Technologies and Text Mining
Victor Saquicela,
Fernando Baculima,
Gerardo Orellana,
Nelson Piedra,
Marcos Orellana,
Mauricio Espinoza
A Strategy for the Integration of Named Entity Extraction and Linking Results
Jose L. Martinez-Rodriguez,
Julio Hernandez,
Ivan Lopez-Arevalo,
Ana B. Rios-Alvarado
Using Linked Data to Ensure that Digital Information about Historical Figures of Loja Remains Accessible and Usable
Alexander Sánchez,
Nelson Piedra,
Juan Carlos Morocho
Metadata and Authority Systems for VLIRED Cuba
Marc Goovaerts,
Febe Angel Ciudad Ricardo,
Luis Carlos Álvarez Fernández,
Leandro Tabares-Martín,
Amed Abel Leiva Mederos,
Manuel Osvaldo Machado Rivero
Un Enfoque de Linked Data para Garantizar la Interoperabilidad Semántica e Integridad de Datos Académicos Universitarios
(A Linked Data Approach to Guarantee the Semantic Interoperability and Integrity of University Academic Data)
Efren Narvaez,
Nelson Piedra
Una Ontología para Representar la Información Geográfica en el Dominio Hídrico Ecuatoriano
(An Ontology to Represent Geographical Information in the Ecuadorian Hydric Domain)
Lucia Lupercio,
Mauricio Espinoza,
Fernando Baculima,
Victor Saquicela
Un Método Práctico para la Evaluación de Ontologías
(A Practical Method for the Evaluation of Ontologies)
Yoan Antonio López Rodríguez,
Yusniel Hidalgo-Delgado,
Nemury Silega Martínez
Aplicación de Métodos de Aprendizaje Automático en un Sistema basado en Ontología
(Application of Machine Learning Methods in a System Based on Ontology)
María-Isabel Castellanos,
Ariam Rivas,
Emilio Lucas
Método para la Indexación de Grafos RDF desde un SPARQL Endpoint
(A Method for Indexing RDF Graphs from a SPARQL Endpoint)
Alejandro Jesús Mariño-Molerio,
Juan Carlos Moreira de Lara,
Leduan Flores-Riera,
Yusniel Hidalgo-Delgado
Gestión del Conocimiento Ambiental en Proyectos Agropecuarios mediante un Sistema de Información basado en Ontología
(Environmental Knowledge Management in Agricultural Projects through an Information System based on Ontology)
María-Isabel Castellanos,
Lisandro Hernández,
Irlán Grangel,
Rosendo Moreno
Extensión del Framework OWLAPI para la Administración y Razonamiento sobre Grandes Ontologías
(An Extension of the OWLAPI Framework for Management and Reasoning on Large Ontologies)
Manuel E. Puebla-Martínez,
José M. Perea-Ortega,
Alfredo Simón-Cuevas
Ontologías en la Gestión de Redes basada en Políticas
(Ontologies for the Policies based Network Management)
Leandro Tabares-Martín
Aprendizaje Profundo para la Extracción de Aspectos: Tarea Esencial en la Creación y uso de las Ontologías
(Deep Learning for the Aspects Extraction: Essential Task in the Creation and Use of Ontologies)
Dionis López Ramos,
Leticia Arco García
2018-05-17: submitted by Yusniel Hidalgo Delgado,
metadata incl. bibliographic data published under Creative Commons CC0
2018-05-17: published on CEUR-WS.org
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