Vol-807 urn:nbn:de:0074-807-1
Copyright © 2011 for the individual papers
by the papers' authors. Copying permitted only for private and academic purposes. This volume is published and copyrighted by its editors.
MediaEval 2011
Multimedia Benchmark Workshop
Working Notes Proceedings of the MediaEval 2011 Workshop,
The workshop was an official satellite event of Interspeech 2011.
Santa Croce in Fossabanda, Pisa, Italy, September 1-2, 2011.
Edited by
Martha Larson (1)
Adam Rae (2)
Claire-Helene Demarty (3)
Christoph Kofler (4)
Florian Metze (5)
Raphael Troncy (6)
Vasileios Mezaris (7)
Gareth J.F. Jones (8)
(1) Delft University of Technology, Netherlands
(2) Yahoo! Research, Spain
(3) Technicolor, France
(4) Delft University of Technology, Netherlands
(5) Carnegie Mellon University, USA
(6) Eurecom, France
(7) ITI - CERTH, Greece
(8) Dublin City University, Ireland
Table of Contents
Genre Tagging Task
Overview paper:
Working notes papers:
- UNED at MediaEval 2011: Can Delicious help us to improve automatic video tagging?
Juan Manuel Cigarran Recuero, Victor Fresno Fernandez, Ana Garcia-Serrano, David Hernandez Aranda, Ruben Granados
- Brno University of Technology at MediaEval 2011 Genre Tagging Task
Michal Hradis, Ivo Reznicek, Kamil Behun
- Audio-Visual content description for video genre classification in the context of social media
Bogdan Ionescu, Klaus Seyerlehner, Constantin Vertan, Patrick Lambert
Genre tagging of videos based on information retrieval and semantic similarity using WordNet
Jose Perea-Ortega, Arturo Montejo-Raez, Manuel Diaz-Galiano, Maria Teresa Martin-Valdivia
LIA @ MediaEval 2011: Compact representation of heterogeneous descriptors for video genre classification
Mickael Rouvier, Georges Linares
TUD-MIR at MediaEval 2011 Genre Tagging Task: Query expansion from a limited number of labeled videos
Stevan Rudinac, Martha Larson, Alan Hanjalic
TUB @ MediaEval 2011 Genre Tagging Task: Prediction using bag-of--words approaches
Sebastian Schmiedeke, Pascal Kelm, Thomas Sikora
KIT at MediaEval 2011 - Content-based genre classification on web-videos
Tomas Semela, Hazim Kemal Ekenel
UAB at MediaEval 2011: Genre Tagging Task
Richa Tiwari, Chengcui Zhang, Manuel Montes
TUD-MM at MediaEval 2011 Genre Tagging Task: Video search reranking for genre tagging
Peng Xu, David Tax, Alan Hanjalic
Rich Speech Retrieval Task
Overview paper:
Working notes papers:
Spoken Web Search Task
Overview paper:
Working notes papers:
Telefonica System for the Spoken Web Search Task at Mediaeval 2011
Xavier Anguera
Phone recognition for Spoken Web Search
Etienne Barnard, Marelie Davel, Charl van Heerden, Neil Kleynhans, Kalika Bali
- SWS task: Articulatory phonetic units and sliding DTW
Gautam Varma Mantena, Bajibabu Bollepalli, Kishore Prahallad
Irisa MediaEval 2011 Spoken Web Search System
Armando Muscariello, Guillaume Gravier
BUT-HCTLab approaches for Spoken Web Search - MediaEval 2011
Igor Szoke, Javier Tejedor, Michal Fapso, Jose Colas
Affect Task: Violent Scenes Detection Task
Overview paper:
Working notes papers:
Technicolor and INRIA/IRISA at MediaEval 2011: learning temporal modality integration with Bayesian Networks
Cedric Penet, Claire-Helene Demarty, Guillaume Gravier, Patrick Gros
Automatic Violence Scenes Detection: A multi-modal approach
Gabin Gninkoun, Mohammad Soleymani
MediaEval 2011 Affect Task: Violent Scene Detection combining audio and visual Features with SVM
Esra Acar, Stephan Spiegel, Sahin Albayrak
LIG at MediaEval 2011 affect task: use of a generic method
Bahjat Safadi, Georges Quenot
Real-time entropic unsupervised violent scenes detection in Hollywood movies - DYNI @ MediaEval Affect Task 2011
H. Glotin, J. Razik, S. Paris, J.-M. Prevot
NII, Japan at MediaEval 2011 Violent Scenes Detection Task
Vu Lam, Duy-Dinh Le, Shin'ichi Satoh, Duc Anh Duong
Social Event Detection
Overview paper:
Working notes papers:
MediaEval Benchmark: Social Event Detection in collaborative photo collections
Markus Brenner, Ebroul Izquierdo
Leveraging linked data in Social Event Detection
Timo Hintsa, Sari Vainikainen, Magnus Melin
EURECOM @ MediaEval 2011 Social Event Detection Task
Xueliang Liu, Benoit Huet, Raphael Troncy
Mediaeval benchmark: Social Event Detection using LDA and external resources
Mohamed Morchid, Georges Linares
CERTH @ MediaEval 2011 Social Event Detection Task
Symeon Papadopoulos, Christos Zigkolis, Yiannis Kompatsiaris, Athena Vakali
NTNU@MediaEval 2011 Social Event Detection Task
Massimiliano Ruocco, Heri Ramampiaro
Social Event Detection with clustering and filtering
Yanxiang Wang, Lexing Xie, Hari Sundaram
Placing Task
Overview paper:
Working notes papers:
The 2011 ICSI Video Location Estimation System
Jaeyoung Choi, Howard Lei, Gerald Friedland
TALP at MediaEval 2011 Placing Task: Georeferencing Flickr videos with geographical knowledge and information retrieval
Daniel Ferres, Horacio Rodriguez
WISTUD at MediaEval 2011: Placing Task
Claudia Hauff, Geert-Jan Houben
Placing media items using the Xtrieval Framework
Fabian Krippner, Gerald Meier, Jens Hartmann, Robert Knauf
RECOD Working Notes for Placing Task MediaEval 2011
Lin Tzy Li, Jurandy Almeida, Ricardo da S. Torres
Ghent University at the 2011 Placing Task
Olivier Van Laere, Steven Schockaert, Bart Dhoedt
07-Nov-2011: submitted by Martha Larson
09-Nov-2011: published on CEUR-WS.org