Computational thinking is one of the biggest buzzwords in education nowadays. It has even been ca... more Computational thinking is one of the biggest buzzwords in education nowadays. It has even been called the 5th C of 21st-century skills. The reason for its emerging popularity is that it is engaging. If given an opportunity, we all would like to play with a data set rather than listening to someone telling us about the data set. Computational thinking as a term was popularized in 2006 by Jeanette Wing and became linked with twenty-first-century skills. Wing argued that computational thinking is "everywhere" and "for everyone." Computational thinking is said to be an approach in which one breaks down problems into distinct parts, looks for similarities, identifies the relevant information and opportunities for simplification, and creates a plan for a solution. This broad problem-solving technique includes the following four elements:
DOAJ (DOAJ: Directory of Open Access Journals), Nov 1, 2019
History is a record of past events, activities, situations, and processes. As a subject, it helps... more History is a record of past events, activities, situations, and processes. As a subject, it helps students in understanding not only who they are and where they came from, but it also offers them an opportunity to make informed decisions about present issues and future developments. History also teaches responsible citizenship, and develops critical thinking and problem-solving skills. Historians believe that the study of history sensitizes an individual to the universality of the human experience as well as to the peculiarities that distinguish cultures and societies from one another (Daniels, 1981; Voss, 1998). As one of the disciplines among social sciences, history, thus, represents accounts of multi-layered and multifaceted human experiences across time and space constructed by historians through working on both primary and secondary sources.
The textbook is a major educational tool for the students in India occupying most of the
educatio... more The textbook is a major educational tool for the students in India occupying most of the educational space in schools. With a wide reach and potential to shape the minds of the younger generation, textbooks profoundly influence children on what they learn and how they see the world. Textbooks, are not just pedagogic tools but also a crucial disseminator of what people want to pass on to the next generation all over the world. As a result, textbook content is a hotly debated topic around the world. Among all disciplines, history textbooks invite most contestations and controversies. Some of the most virulent debates on textbooks throughout the world revolve around history textbooks. This is because, unlike mathematics, science, or geography, history deals with issues of nationality, culture, and ultimately, identity. It is history that, to a large extent, defines who we are, where we come from and where we might be going. This is possibly why, in a diverse country like ours, the issue of history textbooks becomes a hotbed of contestations and divergent interpretations. Various debates and controversies erupting regularly over historical distortions, writing and rewriting of history textbooks, attest to this. Therefore, textbook content is critical and has a direct effect on students’ educational progress. This paper looks at various such issues and concerns raised in letters by various stakeholders on history textbooks of NCERT from 2005 till 2020 and attempts to highlight public discourse on history textbooks in India and their implications for future history textbook writing.
Education for the visually impaired is made available through the medium of sound and touch. In I... more Education for the visually impaired is made available through the medium of sound and touch. In India educational resources for visually impaired are not many and most of the available materials are not actually accessible to them. The vast majority of visually impaired students are thus excluded from the mainstream. With a view of helping the visually impaired students have access to knowledge and information, a project was undertaken by the National Council of Educational Research and Training(NCERT).The intention was to make the textbooks accessible to these students and by converting the printed textbooks into audio books. Some organisations working in this area in India have already converted textbooks including NCERT textbooks for higher classes from IX to XII, while textbooks in Braille are available for all classes. Since audio books were not available for the Upper Primary classes, conversion of the NCERT textbooks for classes VI-VIII into audio books, was taken up for enha...
History is a record of past events, activities, situations, and processes. As a subject, it helps... more History is a record of past events, activities, situations, and processes. As a subject, it helps students in understanding not only who they are and where they came from, but it also offers them an opportunity to make informed decisions about present issues and future developments. History also teaches responsible citizenship, and develops critical thinking and problem-solving skills. Historians believe that the study of history sensitizes an individual to the universality of the human experience as well as to the peculiarities that distinguish cultures and societies from one another (Daniels, 1981; Voss, 1998). As one of the disciplines among social sciences, history, thus, represents accounts of multi-layered and multifaceted human experiences across time and space constructed by historians through working on both primary and secondary sources.
Computational thinking is one of the biggest buzzwords in education nowadays. It has even been ca... more Computational thinking is one of the biggest buzzwords in education nowadays. It has even been called the 5th C of 21st-century skills. The reason for its emerging popularity is that it is engaging. If given an opportunity, we all would like to play with a data set rather than listening to someone telling us about the data set. Computational thinking as a term was popularized in 2006 by Jeanette Wing and became linked with twenty-first-century skills. Wing argued that computational thinking is "everywhere" and "for everyone." Computational thinking is said to be an approach in which one breaks down problems into distinct parts, looks for similarities, identifies the relevant information and opportunities for simplification, and creates a plan for a solution. This broad problem-solving technique includes the following four elements:
MIER Journal of Educational Studies Trends & Practices
In recent years, the weight of students' school bag has become an increasing concern to peopl... more In recent years, the weight of students' school bag has become an increasing concern to people with an interest or involvement in education at primary and secondary level. Parents, in particular, have given voice to this concern both as individuals and through their representative organisations. In addition, school authorities and teachers, health professionals and, indeed students themselves have increasingly voiced their unease regarding the heavy loads, which must be carried to and from school on a daily basis. Heavy school bags can be a burden, which tire students unnecessarily. There are also many researches, which have revealed strong correlation between school bag weight and physical problems among all students that can result in serious consequences in the future. So what are the factors, which contribute to the increased burden and weight on school children? Is it the number of textbooks, workbooks and copies , the size and weight of individual textbooks, the additional...
MIER Journal of Educational Studies Trends & Practices
History is constructed by people who study the past. It is created through working on both primar... more History is constructed by people who study the past. It is created through working on both primary and secondary sources that historians use to learn about people, events, and everyday life in the past. Just like detectives, historians look at clues, sift through evidence, and make their own interpretations. Historical knowledge is, therefore, the outcome of a process of enquiry. During last century, the teaching of history has changed considerably. The use of sources, viz. textual, visual, and oral, in school classrooms in many parts of the world has already become an essential part of teaching history. However, in India, it is only a recent phenomenon. Introducing students to primary sources and making them a regular part of classroom lessons help students develop critical thinking and deductive reasoning skills. These will be useful throughout their lives. This paper highlights the benefits of using primary source materials in a history classroom and provides the teacher, with pr...
Computational thinking is one of the biggest buzzwords in education nowadays. It has even been ca... more Computational thinking is one of the biggest buzzwords in education nowadays. It has even been called the 5th C of 21st-century skills. The reason for its emerging popularity is that it is engaging. If given an opportunity, we all would like to play with a data set rather than listening to someone telling us about the data set. Computational thinking as a term was popularized in 2006 by Jeanette Wing and became linked with twenty-first-century skills. Wing argued that computational thinking is "everywhere" and "for everyone." Computational thinking is said to be an approach in which one breaks down problems into distinct parts, looks for similarities, identifies the relevant information and opportunities for simplification, and creates a plan for a solution. This broad problem-solving technique includes the following four elements:
The Sustainable Development Goal-4 (SDG-4) of the United Nations observes that education is the f... more The Sustainable Development Goal-4 (SDG-4) of the United Nations observes that education is the force multiplier which enables self-reliance, boosts economic growth by enhancing skills and improves people's lives by opening up opportunities for better livelihood. The SDG-4 emphasizes on achieving universal quality education. India has already made remarkable progress in universalizing elementary education. Now, the country is striving towards achieving universal secondary education. We know that the secondary education is a period, wherein students focus on their abilities and skills to pursue higher order skills and prepare themselves for the world of work and excellence in academics. In today's competitive world, children need to have opportunities to understand the basics and acquire the skills which are needed globally. This warrants for ensuring that every child develops skills and competencies required for effective functioning in the new century. This is possible only if all learners are provided equal opportunities for learning and the emphasis is shifted from memorization to developing competencies.
Voices of Voices of Teachers and Teacher Educators, Volume VII Issue II, NCERT, 2019
राष्ट्ी्य िैशक्षक अनुसनधान एवं प्रशिक्षण परररि् ने हाल ही मि ें 'प्रारंशभक सतर पर सीखने के प्रशतफ... more राष्ट्ी्य िैशक्षक अनुसनधान एवं प्रशिक्षण परररि् ने हाल ही मि ें 'प्रारंशभक सतर पर सीखने के प्रशतफल' िीर्यक से एक ऐसा िसतावेज तै्यार शक्या शजसमि ेंप्रारंशभक सतर के समिसत पाठ््यि्या्य क्षेत्रों के सीखने के प्रशतफलों को उनकी पाठ््यि्या्य समबनधी अपेक्षाओं और शिक्षणिास्ती्य प्रशक्र्याओं के साथ प्रसतुत शक्या ग्या ह।ै इस िसतावेज का मिुख्य उद््े्य शवद्ाल्यों मि ेंसीखने की गुणवत्ा को बढ़ाना व शिक्षकों को इस ्योग्य बनाना ह ैशक शिक्षक शबना शवलमब सभी शवद्ाशथ्य्यों के शलए सीखने के कौिलों को अशधक उप्युति रूप से सुशनशश्चत करते हुए सुधारातमिक किमि उठा सकें। सीखने के ्ये प्रशतफल न केवल प्रत्येक कक्षा के शिक्षकों को सीखने-शसखाने पर ध्यान केंशद्रत करने मि ेंसहा्यता करेंगे, बश्क ्ये अशभभावक/संरक्षक, समिुिा्य के सिस्यों और राज्य पिाशधकारर्यों को पूरे िेि के शवद्ाल्यों मि ेंशिक्षा की गुणवत्ा सुशनशश्चत करने मि ेंउनकी भूशमिका-शनवा्यह मि ें सहा्यक होंगे ताशक शवशभनन पाठ््यि्या्य क्षेत्र से अपेक्षाओं की पूशत्य हो सके। इस लेख मि ेंउचि प्राथशमिक सतर पर सामिाशजक शवज्ान शवर्य के अंतग्यत आने वाले ऐसे ही एक शवर्य 'इशतहास' से सीखने के एक प्रशतफल को उिाहरण के तौर पर लेते हुए ्यह शिखाने का प्र्यास शक्या ग्या ह ैशक कक्षा मि ेंसीखने-शसखाने की प्रशक्र्या के िौरान सतत और व्यापक मिू््यांकन का उप्योग करते हुए कैसे बचिे उन प्रशतफलों की प्राशप् कर सकते ह ैजो उनसे अपेशक्षत ह।ैं
History is a record of past events, activities, situations, and processes constructed by historia... more History is a record of past events, activities, situations, and processes constructed by historians using both primary, and secondary sources. The use of archaeological and historical evidence is now firmly part of the teaching-learning of history in many countries. However, in India, it is only a recent phenomenon. Today we observe that historical resources are getting destroyed, sometimes due to intentional vandalism other times due to the casual approach of people. It is common knowledge that more people are ‘aware’ about archaeology, and the more they appreciate cultural heritage, the more monuments and archaeological sites and objects will be saved. As archaeologists world over nowadays are striving to share information with the students and public in general about archaeology, and seeking their support in protecting and identifying archaeological resources, it is important to understand what Indian students know, perceive, and feel about these pressing and important issues. The paper is the outcome of a research study conducted to understand the perceptions, knowledge and attitude about archaeology amongst higher secondary students of history in schools affiliated to different school boards in India. To find out whether the history curriculum across the boards promotes sensitivity towards preservation of cultural heritage and also ascertain the views of teachers, archaeologists and other stakeholders on the use/relevance of archaeology in school.
History is a written record of human experiences across time and space. The learners of history n... more History is a written record of human experiences across time and space. The learners of history need to relate various kind of available sources to understand historical events and concepts. It is however observed that the classroom teaching in history is blended with a collection of facts, rote memorisation leading to boredom, leaving very little space for critical thinking among students. It is pertinent for teachers to evolve effective ways of learning history to generate and retain interest in the subject. How we can make the teaching-learning of history effective in schools, is a question frequently asked in different forums. This paper is the outcome of an educational intervention, with an objective to explore the effectiveness of integrating student-centred measures in a social science classroom at the elementary stage as a medium to enhance critical thinking skills and student engagement.
Computational thinking is one of the biggest buzzwords in education nowadays. It has even been ca... more Computational thinking is one of the biggest buzzwords in education nowadays. It has even been called the 5th C of 21st-century skills. The reason for its emerging popularity is that it is engaging. If given an opportunity, we all would like to play with a data set rather than listening to someone telling us about the data set. Computational thinking as a term was popularized in 2006 by Jeanette Wing and became linked with twenty-first-century skills. Wing argued that computational thinking is "everywhere" and "for everyone." Computational thinking is said to be an approach in which one breaks down problems into distinct parts, looks for similarities, identifies the relevant information and opportunities for simplification, and creates a plan for a solution. This broad problem-solving technique includes the following four elements:
DOAJ (DOAJ: Directory of Open Access Journals), Nov 1, 2019
History is a record of past events, activities, situations, and processes. As a subject, it helps... more History is a record of past events, activities, situations, and processes. As a subject, it helps students in understanding not only who they are and where they came from, but it also offers them an opportunity to make informed decisions about present issues and future developments. History also teaches responsible citizenship, and develops critical thinking and problem-solving skills. Historians believe that the study of history sensitizes an individual to the universality of the human experience as well as to the peculiarities that distinguish cultures and societies from one another (Daniels, 1981; Voss, 1998). As one of the disciplines among social sciences, history, thus, represents accounts of multi-layered and multifaceted human experiences across time and space constructed by historians through working on both primary and secondary sources.
The textbook is a major educational tool for the students in India occupying most of the
educatio... more The textbook is a major educational tool for the students in India occupying most of the educational space in schools. With a wide reach and potential to shape the minds of the younger generation, textbooks profoundly influence children on what they learn and how they see the world. Textbooks, are not just pedagogic tools but also a crucial disseminator of what people want to pass on to the next generation all over the world. As a result, textbook content is a hotly debated topic around the world. Among all disciplines, history textbooks invite most contestations and controversies. Some of the most virulent debates on textbooks throughout the world revolve around history textbooks. This is because, unlike mathematics, science, or geography, history deals with issues of nationality, culture, and ultimately, identity. It is history that, to a large extent, defines who we are, where we come from and where we might be going. This is possibly why, in a diverse country like ours, the issue of history textbooks becomes a hotbed of contestations and divergent interpretations. Various debates and controversies erupting regularly over historical distortions, writing and rewriting of history textbooks, attest to this. Therefore, textbook content is critical and has a direct effect on students’ educational progress. This paper looks at various such issues and concerns raised in letters by various stakeholders on history textbooks of NCERT from 2005 till 2020 and attempts to highlight public discourse on history textbooks in India and their implications for future history textbook writing.
Education for the visually impaired is made available through the medium of sound and touch. In I... more Education for the visually impaired is made available through the medium of sound and touch. In India educational resources for visually impaired are not many and most of the available materials are not actually accessible to them. The vast majority of visually impaired students are thus excluded from the mainstream. With a view of helping the visually impaired students have access to knowledge and information, a project was undertaken by the National Council of Educational Research and Training(NCERT).The intention was to make the textbooks accessible to these students and by converting the printed textbooks into audio books. Some organisations working in this area in India have already converted textbooks including NCERT textbooks for higher classes from IX to XII, while textbooks in Braille are available for all classes. Since audio books were not available for the Upper Primary classes, conversion of the NCERT textbooks for classes VI-VIII into audio books, was taken up for enha...
History is a record of past events, activities, situations, and processes. As a subject, it helps... more History is a record of past events, activities, situations, and processes. As a subject, it helps students in understanding not only who they are and where they came from, but it also offers them an opportunity to make informed decisions about present issues and future developments. History also teaches responsible citizenship, and develops critical thinking and problem-solving skills. Historians believe that the study of history sensitizes an individual to the universality of the human experience as well as to the peculiarities that distinguish cultures and societies from one another (Daniels, 1981; Voss, 1998). As one of the disciplines among social sciences, history, thus, represents accounts of multi-layered and multifaceted human experiences across time and space constructed by historians through working on both primary and secondary sources.
Computational thinking is one of the biggest buzzwords in education nowadays. It has even been ca... more Computational thinking is one of the biggest buzzwords in education nowadays. It has even been called the 5th C of 21st-century skills. The reason for its emerging popularity is that it is engaging. If given an opportunity, we all would like to play with a data set rather than listening to someone telling us about the data set. Computational thinking as a term was popularized in 2006 by Jeanette Wing and became linked with twenty-first-century skills. Wing argued that computational thinking is "everywhere" and "for everyone." Computational thinking is said to be an approach in which one breaks down problems into distinct parts, looks for similarities, identifies the relevant information and opportunities for simplification, and creates a plan for a solution. This broad problem-solving technique includes the following four elements:
MIER Journal of Educational Studies Trends & Practices
In recent years, the weight of students' school bag has become an increasing concern to peopl... more In recent years, the weight of students' school bag has become an increasing concern to people with an interest or involvement in education at primary and secondary level. Parents, in particular, have given voice to this concern both as individuals and through their representative organisations. In addition, school authorities and teachers, health professionals and, indeed students themselves have increasingly voiced their unease regarding the heavy loads, which must be carried to and from school on a daily basis. Heavy school bags can be a burden, which tire students unnecessarily. There are also many researches, which have revealed strong correlation between school bag weight and physical problems among all students that can result in serious consequences in the future. So what are the factors, which contribute to the increased burden and weight on school children? Is it the number of textbooks, workbooks and copies , the size and weight of individual textbooks, the additional...
MIER Journal of Educational Studies Trends & Practices
History is constructed by people who study the past. It is created through working on both primar... more History is constructed by people who study the past. It is created through working on both primary and secondary sources that historians use to learn about people, events, and everyday life in the past. Just like detectives, historians look at clues, sift through evidence, and make their own interpretations. Historical knowledge is, therefore, the outcome of a process of enquiry. During last century, the teaching of history has changed considerably. The use of sources, viz. textual, visual, and oral, in school classrooms in many parts of the world has already become an essential part of teaching history. However, in India, it is only a recent phenomenon. Introducing students to primary sources and making them a regular part of classroom lessons help students develop critical thinking and deductive reasoning skills. These will be useful throughout their lives. This paper highlights the benefits of using primary source materials in a history classroom and provides the teacher, with pr...
Computational thinking is one of the biggest buzzwords in education nowadays. It has even been ca... more Computational thinking is one of the biggest buzzwords in education nowadays. It has even been called the 5th C of 21st-century skills. The reason for its emerging popularity is that it is engaging. If given an opportunity, we all would like to play with a data set rather than listening to someone telling us about the data set. Computational thinking as a term was popularized in 2006 by Jeanette Wing and became linked with twenty-first-century skills. Wing argued that computational thinking is "everywhere" and "for everyone." Computational thinking is said to be an approach in which one breaks down problems into distinct parts, looks for similarities, identifies the relevant information and opportunities for simplification, and creates a plan for a solution. This broad problem-solving technique includes the following four elements:
The Sustainable Development Goal-4 (SDG-4) of the United Nations observes that education is the f... more The Sustainable Development Goal-4 (SDG-4) of the United Nations observes that education is the force multiplier which enables self-reliance, boosts economic growth by enhancing skills and improves people's lives by opening up opportunities for better livelihood. The SDG-4 emphasizes on achieving universal quality education. India has already made remarkable progress in universalizing elementary education. Now, the country is striving towards achieving universal secondary education. We know that the secondary education is a period, wherein students focus on their abilities and skills to pursue higher order skills and prepare themselves for the world of work and excellence in academics. In today's competitive world, children need to have opportunities to understand the basics and acquire the skills which are needed globally. This warrants for ensuring that every child develops skills and competencies required for effective functioning in the new century. This is possible only if all learners are provided equal opportunities for learning and the emphasis is shifted from memorization to developing competencies.
Voices of Voices of Teachers and Teacher Educators, Volume VII Issue II, NCERT, 2019
राष्ट्ी्य िैशक्षक अनुसनधान एवं प्रशिक्षण परररि् ने हाल ही मि ें 'प्रारंशभक सतर पर सीखने के प्रशतफ... more राष्ट्ी्य िैशक्षक अनुसनधान एवं प्रशिक्षण परररि् ने हाल ही मि ें 'प्रारंशभक सतर पर सीखने के प्रशतफल' िीर्यक से एक ऐसा िसतावेज तै्यार शक्या शजसमि ेंप्रारंशभक सतर के समिसत पाठ््यि्या्य क्षेत्रों के सीखने के प्रशतफलों को उनकी पाठ््यि्या्य समबनधी अपेक्षाओं और शिक्षणिास्ती्य प्रशक्र्याओं के साथ प्रसतुत शक्या ग्या ह।ै इस िसतावेज का मिुख्य उद््े्य शवद्ाल्यों मि ेंसीखने की गुणवत्ा को बढ़ाना व शिक्षकों को इस ्योग्य बनाना ह ैशक शिक्षक शबना शवलमब सभी शवद्ाशथ्य्यों के शलए सीखने के कौिलों को अशधक उप्युति रूप से सुशनशश्चत करते हुए सुधारातमिक किमि उठा सकें। सीखने के ्ये प्रशतफल न केवल प्रत्येक कक्षा के शिक्षकों को सीखने-शसखाने पर ध्यान केंशद्रत करने मि ेंसहा्यता करेंगे, बश्क ्ये अशभभावक/संरक्षक, समिुिा्य के सिस्यों और राज्य पिाशधकारर्यों को पूरे िेि के शवद्ाल्यों मि ेंशिक्षा की गुणवत्ा सुशनशश्चत करने मि ेंउनकी भूशमिका-शनवा्यह मि ें सहा्यक होंगे ताशक शवशभनन पाठ््यि्या्य क्षेत्र से अपेक्षाओं की पूशत्य हो सके। इस लेख मि ेंउचि प्राथशमिक सतर पर सामिाशजक शवज्ान शवर्य के अंतग्यत आने वाले ऐसे ही एक शवर्य 'इशतहास' से सीखने के एक प्रशतफल को उिाहरण के तौर पर लेते हुए ्यह शिखाने का प्र्यास शक्या ग्या ह ैशक कक्षा मि ेंसीखने-शसखाने की प्रशक्र्या के िौरान सतत और व्यापक मिू््यांकन का उप्योग करते हुए कैसे बचिे उन प्रशतफलों की प्राशप् कर सकते ह ैजो उनसे अपेशक्षत ह।ैं
History is a record of past events, activities, situations, and processes constructed by historia... more History is a record of past events, activities, situations, and processes constructed by historians using both primary, and secondary sources. The use of archaeological and historical evidence is now firmly part of the teaching-learning of history in many countries. However, in India, it is only a recent phenomenon. Today we observe that historical resources are getting destroyed, sometimes due to intentional vandalism other times due to the casual approach of people. It is common knowledge that more people are ‘aware’ about archaeology, and the more they appreciate cultural heritage, the more monuments and archaeological sites and objects will be saved. As archaeologists world over nowadays are striving to share information with the students and public in general about archaeology, and seeking their support in protecting and identifying archaeological resources, it is important to understand what Indian students know, perceive, and feel about these pressing and important issues. The paper is the outcome of a research study conducted to understand the perceptions, knowledge and attitude about archaeology amongst higher secondary students of history in schools affiliated to different school boards in India. To find out whether the history curriculum across the boards promotes sensitivity towards preservation of cultural heritage and also ascertain the views of teachers, archaeologists and other stakeholders on the use/relevance of archaeology in school.
History is a written record of human experiences across time and space. The learners of history n... more History is a written record of human experiences across time and space. The learners of history need to relate various kind of available sources to understand historical events and concepts. It is however observed that the classroom teaching in history is blended with a collection of facts, rote memorisation leading to boredom, leaving very little space for critical thinking among students. It is pertinent for teachers to evolve effective ways of learning history to generate and retain interest in the subject. How we can make the teaching-learning of history effective in schools, is a question frequently asked in different forums. This paper is the outcome of an educational intervention, with an objective to explore the effectiveness of integrating student-centred measures in a social science classroom at the elementary stage as a medium to enhance critical thinking skills and student engagement.
This is a dictionary in History for school children. It carries entries from ancient, medieval an... more This is a dictionary in History for school children. It carries entries from ancient, medieval and modern periods of Indian history covering classes VI-XII History textbooks. It provides a detailed explanation of various terms and concepts in simple language. It is a trilingual dictionary where all terms and concepts are explained in three languages- English, Hindi and Urdu, together to facilitate better learning.
Papers by seema shukla ojha
educational space in schools. With a wide reach and potential to shape the minds of the
younger generation, textbooks profoundly influence children on what they learn and how
they see the world. Textbooks, are not just pedagogic tools but also a crucial disseminator
of what people want to pass on to the next generation all over the world. As a result,
textbook content is a hotly debated topic around the world. Among all disciplines, history
textbooks invite most contestations and controversies. Some of the most virulent debates on
textbooks throughout the world revolve around history textbooks. This is because, unlike
mathematics, science, or geography, history deals with issues of nationality, culture, and
ultimately, identity. It is history that, to a large extent, defines who we are, where we come
from and where we might be going. This is possibly why, in a diverse country like ours, the
issue of history textbooks becomes a hotbed of contestations and divergent interpretations.
Various debates and controversies erupting regularly over historical distortions, writing and
rewriting of history textbooks, attest to this. Therefore, textbook content is critical and has a
direct effect on students’ educational progress. This paper looks at various such issues and
concerns raised in letters by various stakeholders on history textbooks of NCERT from 2005
till 2020 and attempts to highlight public discourse on history textbooks in India and their
implications for future history textbook writing.
educational space in schools. With a wide reach and potential to shape the minds of the
younger generation, textbooks profoundly influence children on what they learn and how
they see the world. Textbooks, are not just pedagogic tools but also a crucial disseminator
of what people want to pass on to the next generation all over the world. As a result,
textbook content is a hotly debated topic around the world. Among all disciplines, history
textbooks invite most contestations and controversies. Some of the most virulent debates on
textbooks throughout the world revolve around history textbooks. This is because, unlike
mathematics, science, or geography, history deals with issues of nationality, culture, and
ultimately, identity. It is history that, to a large extent, defines who we are, where we come
from and where we might be going. This is possibly why, in a diverse country like ours, the
issue of history textbooks becomes a hotbed of contestations and divergent interpretations.
Various debates and controversies erupting regularly over historical distortions, writing and
rewriting of history textbooks, attest to this. Therefore, textbook content is critical and has a
direct effect on students’ educational progress. This paper looks at various such issues and
concerns raised in letters by various stakeholders on history textbooks of NCERT from 2005
till 2020 and attempts to highlight public discourse on history textbooks in India and their
implications for future history textbook writing.