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Join U-Report, Your voice matters.
U-Report is a free SMS social monitoring tool for community participation, designed to address issues that the population cares about. Text message polls and alerts are sent out to U-Reporters and real-time responses from U-Reporters is collected. Results and ideas are shared back with the community and aggregated data is used by U-Report partners to improve their development programmes.

Issues U-Reporters address include health, education, water, sanitation and hygiene, youth unemployment, HIV/AIDS, disease outbreaks and more. Data received can be disaggregated by age, gender and location in real time. Registration is voluntary with SMS free to U-Reporters across all networks. 

U-Report relies on volunteer community members serving as U-Reporters to provide information on issues in their communities. U-Report allows citizens to speak-out on what is happening where they live, provides a forum to amplify their voices through local and national media, sends alerts to key stakeholders about the issues their constituents are facing, and feeds back useful information to the U-reporters, so they are empowered and equipped to work for change and improvements themselves.

See by the numbers how we are engaging youth voices for positive social change.