52°North Initiative for Geospatial Open Source Software GmbH, 2010 - 2015: Research assistant and project leader in several projects, such as GeoViQua (FP7), GLUES (BMBF), ConnectinGEO (H2020), as well as consultant and software developer.
Sensor Web, Web-based Geoprocessing, and Simulation Lab (SWSL), 2009/10: Work on an implementation of sensor catalogue services, combining SIR (Sensor Instance Registry) and CSW-ebRIM Catalogue Service in the EC Project GENESIS as a student assistant.
SensorWeb & Simulation Lab (SWSL), 2008/09: Work with the EC project OSIRIS as a student assistant. Implementation of a visualization for moving sensors in a forest fire szenario based on the 52°North products OX-Framework and SOSmobile.
Internship at Statistics Sweden (Statistiska Centralbyrån, department for regional and environmental statistics), the Swedish administrative agency for statistics: Project work on analysis and visualization of communal commuter data.
Internship at Carmenta AB (R&D dept.) in May and June 2009: Evaluation of OpenStreetMap and implementation of a converter for using the data in Carmenta Engine.
Winner of 52°North Student Innovation Prize for Geoinformatics 2010 with the proposal sos4R — Accessing a Sensor Observation Service from R. Check out the sos4R website for development blog and downloads.