International Journal of Digital Content Technology and its Applications, 2011
Abstract The spontaneous learning method has already become a predominant tendency in today'... more Abstract The spontaneous learning method has already become a predominant tendency in today's learning. Therefore, we would like to further investigate what motivates students to take advantage of their free time to do their spontaneous learning. Thus, spontaneous ...
The Brain Computer Interface (BCI) is a user interface that helps people with severe physical dis... more The Brain Computer Interface (BCI) is a user interface that helps people with severe physical disabilities to communicate with others or to interact with their surroundings by using their brain waves to control devices. However, almost all conventional studies about stimulus-driven BCI focused on a visual modality. Until recently, there still haven't had useful tools to help blind people who suffer from severe physical disabilities (e.g., blind amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS)) to communicate independently. Although there are some initial results, the accuracy of contemporary auditory stimulation modality BCI system is very poor. In this paper, the authors proposed an auditory stimulation modality using shadowing tasks to develop an auditory brain computer interface system (aBCI) with the accuracy above 70% to achieve the preliminary practicality. This aBCI system will be the foundation of the subsequent practical aBCI system.
Computational Intelligence and Neuroscience, Aug 28, 2020
is study proposes a home care system (HCS) based on a brain-computer interface (BCI) with a smart... more is study proposes a home care system (HCS) based on a brain-computer interface (BCI) with a smartphone. e HCS provides daily help to motor-disabled people when a caregiver is not present. e aim of the study is twofold: (1) to develop a BCI-based home care system to help end-users control their household appliances, and (2) to assess whether the architecture of the HCS is easy for motor-disabled people to use. A motion-strip is used to evoke event-related potentials (ERPs) in the brain of the user, and the system immediately processes these potentials to decode the user's intentions. e system, then, translates these intentions into application commands and sends them via Bluetooth to the user's smartphone to make an emergency call or to execute the corresponding app to emit an infrared (IR) signal to control a household appliance. Fifteen healthy and seven motor-disabled subjects (including the one with ALS) participated in the experiment. e average online accuracy was 81.8% and 78.1%, respectively. Using component N2P3 to discriminate targets from nontargets can increase the efficiency of the system. Results showed that the system allows end-users to use smartphone apps as long as they are using their brain waves. More important, only one electrode O1 is required to measure EEG signals, giving the system good practical usability. e HCS can, thus, improve the autonomy and self-reliance of its end-users.
People with severe physical disabilities could operate computerized devices (such as: eye-tracker... more People with severe physical disabilities could operate computerized devices (such as: eye-tracker, visual stimulation BCI, etc.) based on brain activity and without muscle movement. But it's hard for the blind people with severe physical disabilities (e.g., blind amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS)) to use these computerized devices by their eyes. If these people could use their normal brain and auditory sensory to control external devices, it would save a lot of home care manpower. In this study, the authors designed a smartphone application which can receive the instruction from auditory Brain-Computer Interface (aBCI) system and then controls domestic devices. The aBCI system would transfer the specific components of event-related potentials (ERPs) of user's brain waves into control signals, and then manipulated the appliance that user wanted to operate and used its functions. Moreover, the contact function was also added into the aBCI system to help user make an emergency call. We experimented with the system and analyzed the experimental results, accuracy and efficiency, then we evaluated the practicability and gave suggestions for future works.
This study proposed an auditory stimulation protocol based on Shadowing Tasks to improve the soun... more This study proposed an auditory stimulation protocol based on Shadowing Tasks to improve the sound-evoked potential in an EEG and the efficiency of an auditory brain–computer interface system. We use stories as auditory stimulation to enhance users’ motivation and presented the sound stimuli via headphones to enable the user to concentrate better on the keywords in the stories. The protocol presents target stimuli with an oddball P300 paradigm. To decline mental workload, we shift the usual Shadowing Tasks paradigm: Instead of loudly repeating the auditory target stimuli, we ask subjects to echo the target stimuli mentally as it occurs. Twenty-four healthy participants, not one of whom underwent a BCI use or training phase before the experimental procedure, ran twenty trials each. We analyzed the effect of the auditory stimulation based on the Shadowing Tasks theory with the performance of the auditory BCI system. We also evaluated the judgment effectiveness of the three ERPs compon...
The modeling and simulation technology has been an influential technology in the research of mana... more The modeling and simulation technology has been an influential technology in the research of management science. The information technology and application has been more and more important in scientific research. In the following is to introduce some emerging trend and hot topics researches in modeling and management. The title and abstract are presenting here and the full paper can be tracked by Google scholar. These papers had been peer-reviewed by the scientific committee from an International Workshop on the Modeling and Management Science that was held in Zhengzhou University, during Dec. 9-11, 2011. Streszczenie. W artykule przedstawiono zestaw artykułów opracowanych w uczelniach chińskich a dotyczący modelowania I symulacji oraz wykorzystania technik informacyjnych w zarządzaniu. (Nowe kierunki i główne tematy badań nad modelowaniem oraz zarządzaniem)
This paper presents a neural network to solve the Hamiltonian Cycle Problem. The proposed neural ... more This paper presents a neural network to solve the Hamiltonian Cycle Problem. The proposed neural network contains two subnets: constraint network and goal network. The constraint network computes the gradient (updating) values of neurons in order to converge a minimum, and the goal network directs the computation towards an optimal solution. When the energy function traps into a spurious minimum, a heuristic control mechanism is aided the energy function to escape from the minimum in order to continuously search the global minimum. Applying the proposed neural network, we have successfully solved 100% of the Hamiltonian Cycle Problems with about 50% connection rate.
2020 IEEE Eurasia Conference on IOT, Communication and Engineering (ECICE), 2020
COVID-19 brings human catastrophe. Everyone worries about public sanitation. As the disease is hi... more COVID-19 brings human catastrophe. Everyone worries about public sanitation. As the disease is highly contagious, it has not only affected delivery services, but also numerous companies, shops, and schools to shut down temporarily. It has even generated a great depression in the economy from a state of panic. However, Taiwan has been effective in its fight against the pandemic. Taiwan's residents are wearing masks, cleaning their hands with alcohol-based sanitizers, and promoting the avoidance of crowded places. Under the situation, we developed the idea of constructing an artificial intelligence system to prevent COVID-19 spreading in schools. In the system, we combined a roll-call system based on facial recognition using a convolutional neural network with a GPS, an infrared thermal imager, and personal medical and travel records. Thus, a comprehensive system was constructed to help fight the disease in schools. It will not only be able to be applied in schools but also in numerous other places with Internet connected devices. The system would even be useful in the event of similar disease outbreaks against which we apply the proposed system in the fight against them.
... of the NSSL word learning system that applied discovery learning strategy in the ... the rese... more ... of the NSSL word learning system that applied discovery learning strategy in the ... the research also resulted in two different experimental methods: the automatic question generation studies designed ... designed the experiment for the purpose of evaluating the effectiveness of the ...
This paper proposes a new fuzzy ranking method to solve job scheduling problems. The proposed fuz... more This paper proposes a new fuzzy ranking method to solve job scheduling problems. The proposed fuzzy ranking method is based on the concept of the center of gravity method. For each job in a job scheduling problem, the profit is transfened into the membership value, and the deadline is transferred into the value of a fuzzy element X. Then, each job can be transferred into a fuzzy number, and we can find the centroid (center) of this fuzzy number by applying the proposed fuzzy ranking method. Based on these ranking values, a good job sequencing can be obtained. Simulation tests show that generated solutions by the ranking fuzzy number approach are better than by the traditional greedy algorithm for solving the complex job scheduling problems.
2019 IEEE 2nd International Conference on Knowledge Innovation and Invention (ICKII), 2019
This paper designs a multi-layer neural network to simulate semantic memory [1]–[2] for building ... more This paper designs a multi-layer neural network to simulate semantic memory [1]–[2] for building a hierarchical network model. The hierarchical network model [3] consists of nodes (concepts) and links, which connect between the nodes. Nevertheless, the distance (relevance) of link is defined by human and cannot be automatically adapted after the changing of environment. This study proposes an artificial neural network to learn the scenario examples, which generates the relevance (distance) between nodes in the hierarchical network. It can be also automatically adapted when the environment changes, which is similar to human memory re-encoding the semantic memory. There are three issues about the learning effect discussed: (1) different number of layers (three to six) suitable for the designed neural networks, (2) different activation functions (sigmoid, tanh(x), ReLU(x)) suitable for the neural unit, (3) the normalization and softmax [4] function suitable for the neural output and their effects on learning, and whether the distance generated by neural network automatically adjusts when the environment changes. The experimental results show that the proposed artificial neural network can successfully build the semantic memory hierarchical network model. When the environment changes, it can also re-learn automatically to adapt the network distance and generate a new semantic memory network model. We propose an innovative approach which could be widely applied to the fields of brain science, psychology and education.
This paper presented the technique of robot control by event-related potentials (ERPs) of brain w... more This paper presented the technique of robot control by event-related potentials (ERPs) of brain waves. Based on the proposed technique, severe physical disabilities can free browse outside world. A specific component of ERPs, N2P3, was found and used to control the movement of robot and the view of camera on the designed brain-computer interface (BCI). Users only required watching the stimuli of attended button on the BCI, the evoked potentials of brain waves of the target button, N2P3, had the greatest amplitude among all control buttons. An experimental scene had been constructed that the robot required walking to a specific position and move the view of camera to see the instruction of the mission, and then completed the task. Twelve volunteers participated in this experiment, and experimental results showed that the correct rate of BCI control achieved 80% and the average of execution time was 353 seconds for completing the mission. Four main contributions included in this resea...
2017 International Conference on Applied System Innovation (ICASI), 2017
As technology advances, crime scenes are no longer just simple traditional crime scenes. When fac... more As technology advances, crime scenes are no longer just simple traditional crime scenes. When facing a variety of criminal cases, crime scene investigators can no longer use traditional ways to collect evidence. The results showed that the accuracy of this identification system is over 70%, which means that this is an effective way to collect evidence in serial crime investigations.
Hybrid Taguchi genetic algorithm can be used to solve the global continuous optimization problems... more Hybrid Taguchi genetic algorithm can be used to solve the global continuous optimization problems. Aside from the global search capability of traditional genetic algorithm, it further combines Taguchi experimental method to explore the optimal feasibility ...
The research introduces the multiple criteria decision making (MCDM) method. Through domestic and... more The research introduces the multiple criteria decision making (MCDM) method. Through domestic and international literature review and the employment ofModifiedDelphiMethod (MDM) andAnalysis ofHierarchy Process (AHP), the study constructed the ÂÂChoice model of business adopting RFIDÂÂ. The model construction employed ÂÂLiterature Review MethodÂÂ to analyze the study results of related scholars and summarized the assessing model that is suitable for business to adopt information system.MDMis then employed to select the assessment criteria with high degree of consensus under professional consideration according to ÂÂexpert questionnaireÂÂ, and the multi-criteria decision-making tool-AHP is employed for professional assessment.At the same time, the inconsistency of expertsÂÂ opinions are reviewed and amended, and finally, the relative weight of various assessment criteria with advantage is obtained. Taiwan Sugar Corporation (TSC) is the empirical study case of the study, the Opt...
This study proposes a home care system (HCS) based on a brain-computer interface (BCI) with a sma... more This study proposes a home care system (HCS) based on a brain-computer interface (BCI) with a smartphone. The HCS provides daily help to motor-disabled people when a caregiver is not present. The aim of the study is two-fold: (1) to develop a BCI-based home care system to help end-users control their household appliances, and (2) to assess whether the architecture of the HCS is easy for motor-disabled people to use. A motion-strip is used to evoke event-related potentials (ERPs) in the brain of the user, and the system immediately processes these potentials to decode the user’s intentions. The system, then, translates these intentions into application commands and sends them via Bluetooth to the user’s smartphone to make an emergency call or to execute the corresponding app to emit an infrared (IR) signal to control a household appliance. Fifteen healthy and seven motor-disabled subjects (including the one with ALS) participated in the experiment. The average online accuracy was 81....
International Journal of Digital Content Technology and its Applications, 2011
Abstract The spontaneous learning method has already become a predominant tendency in today'... more Abstract The spontaneous learning method has already become a predominant tendency in today's learning. Therefore, we would like to further investigate what motivates students to take advantage of their free time to do their spontaneous learning. Thus, spontaneous ...
The Brain Computer Interface (BCI) is a user interface that helps people with severe physical dis... more The Brain Computer Interface (BCI) is a user interface that helps people with severe physical disabilities to communicate with others or to interact with their surroundings by using their brain waves to control devices. However, almost all conventional studies about stimulus-driven BCI focused on a visual modality. Until recently, there still haven't had useful tools to help blind people who suffer from severe physical disabilities (e.g., blind amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS)) to communicate independently. Although there are some initial results, the accuracy of contemporary auditory stimulation modality BCI system is very poor. In this paper, the authors proposed an auditory stimulation modality using shadowing tasks to develop an auditory brain computer interface system (aBCI) with the accuracy above 70% to achieve the preliminary practicality. This aBCI system will be the foundation of the subsequent practical aBCI system.
Computational Intelligence and Neuroscience, Aug 28, 2020
is study proposes a home care system (HCS) based on a brain-computer interface (BCI) with a smart... more is study proposes a home care system (HCS) based on a brain-computer interface (BCI) with a smartphone. e HCS provides daily help to motor-disabled people when a caregiver is not present. e aim of the study is twofold: (1) to develop a BCI-based home care system to help end-users control their household appliances, and (2) to assess whether the architecture of the HCS is easy for motor-disabled people to use. A motion-strip is used to evoke event-related potentials (ERPs) in the brain of the user, and the system immediately processes these potentials to decode the user's intentions. e system, then, translates these intentions into application commands and sends them via Bluetooth to the user's smartphone to make an emergency call or to execute the corresponding app to emit an infrared (IR) signal to control a household appliance. Fifteen healthy and seven motor-disabled subjects (including the one with ALS) participated in the experiment. e average online accuracy was 81.8% and 78.1%, respectively. Using component N2P3 to discriminate targets from nontargets can increase the efficiency of the system. Results showed that the system allows end-users to use smartphone apps as long as they are using their brain waves. More important, only one electrode O1 is required to measure EEG signals, giving the system good practical usability. e HCS can, thus, improve the autonomy and self-reliance of its end-users.
People with severe physical disabilities could operate computerized devices (such as: eye-tracker... more People with severe physical disabilities could operate computerized devices (such as: eye-tracker, visual stimulation BCI, etc.) based on brain activity and without muscle movement. But it's hard for the blind people with severe physical disabilities (e.g., blind amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS)) to use these computerized devices by their eyes. If these people could use their normal brain and auditory sensory to control external devices, it would save a lot of home care manpower. In this study, the authors designed a smartphone application which can receive the instruction from auditory Brain-Computer Interface (aBCI) system and then controls domestic devices. The aBCI system would transfer the specific components of event-related potentials (ERPs) of user's brain waves into control signals, and then manipulated the appliance that user wanted to operate and used its functions. Moreover, the contact function was also added into the aBCI system to help user make an emergency call. We experimented with the system and analyzed the experimental results, accuracy and efficiency, then we evaluated the practicability and gave suggestions for future works.
This study proposed an auditory stimulation protocol based on Shadowing Tasks to improve the soun... more This study proposed an auditory stimulation protocol based on Shadowing Tasks to improve the sound-evoked potential in an EEG and the efficiency of an auditory brain–computer interface system. We use stories as auditory stimulation to enhance users’ motivation and presented the sound stimuli via headphones to enable the user to concentrate better on the keywords in the stories. The protocol presents target stimuli with an oddball P300 paradigm. To decline mental workload, we shift the usual Shadowing Tasks paradigm: Instead of loudly repeating the auditory target stimuli, we ask subjects to echo the target stimuli mentally as it occurs. Twenty-four healthy participants, not one of whom underwent a BCI use or training phase before the experimental procedure, ran twenty trials each. We analyzed the effect of the auditory stimulation based on the Shadowing Tasks theory with the performance of the auditory BCI system. We also evaluated the judgment effectiveness of the three ERPs compon...
The modeling and simulation technology has been an influential technology in the research of mana... more The modeling and simulation technology has been an influential technology in the research of management science. The information technology and application has been more and more important in scientific research. In the following is to introduce some emerging trend and hot topics researches in modeling and management. The title and abstract are presenting here and the full paper can be tracked by Google scholar. These papers had been peer-reviewed by the scientific committee from an International Workshop on the Modeling and Management Science that was held in Zhengzhou University, during Dec. 9-11, 2011. Streszczenie. W artykule przedstawiono zestaw artykułów opracowanych w uczelniach chińskich a dotyczący modelowania I symulacji oraz wykorzystania technik informacyjnych w zarządzaniu. (Nowe kierunki i główne tematy badań nad modelowaniem oraz zarządzaniem)
This paper presents a neural network to solve the Hamiltonian Cycle Problem. The proposed neural ... more This paper presents a neural network to solve the Hamiltonian Cycle Problem. The proposed neural network contains two subnets: constraint network and goal network. The constraint network computes the gradient (updating) values of neurons in order to converge a minimum, and the goal network directs the computation towards an optimal solution. When the energy function traps into a spurious minimum, a heuristic control mechanism is aided the energy function to escape from the minimum in order to continuously search the global minimum. Applying the proposed neural network, we have successfully solved 100% of the Hamiltonian Cycle Problems with about 50% connection rate.
2020 IEEE Eurasia Conference on IOT, Communication and Engineering (ECICE), 2020
COVID-19 brings human catastrophe. Everyone worries about public sanitation. As the disease is hi... more COVID-19 brings human catastrophe. Everyone worries about public sanitation. As the disease is highly contagious, it has not only affected delivery services, but also numerous companies, shops, and schools to shut down temporarily. It has even generated a great depression in the economy from a state of panic. However, Taiwan has been effective in its fight against the pandemic. Taiwan's residents are wearing masks, cleaning their hands with alcohol-based sanitizers, and promoting the avoidance of crowded places. Under the situation, we developed the idea of constructing an artificial intelligence system to prevent COVID-19 spreading in schools. In the system, we combined a roll-call system based on facial recognition using a convolutional neural network with a GPS, an infrared thermal imager, and personal medical and travel records. Thus, a comprehensive system was constructed to help fight the disease in schools. It will not only be able to be applied in schools but also in numerous other places with Internet connected devices. The system would even be useful in the event of similar disease outbreaks against which we apply the proposed system in the fight against them.
... of the NSSL word learning system that applied discovery learning strategy in the ... the rese... more ... of the NSSL word learning system that applied discovery learning strategy in the ... the research also resulted in two different experimental methods: the automatic question generation studies designed ... designed the experiment for the purpose of evaluating the effectiveness of the ...
This paper proposes a new fuzzy ranking method to solve job scheduling problems. The proposed fuz... more This paper proposes a new fuzzy ranking method to solve job scheduling problems. The proposed fuzzy ranking method is based on the concept of the center of gravity method. For each job in a job scheduling problem, the profit is transfened into the membership value, and the deadline is transferred into the value of a fuzzy element X. Then, each job can be transferred into a fuzzy number, and we can find the centroid (center) of this fuzzy number by applying the proposed fuzzy ranking method. Based on these ranking values, a good job sequencing can be obtained. Simulation tests show that generated solutions by the ranking fuzzy number approach are better than by the traditional greedy algorithm for solving the complex job scheduling problems.
2019 IEEE 2nd International Conference on Knowledge Innovation and Invention (ICKII), 2019
This paper designs a multi-layer neural network to simulate semantic memory [1]–[2] for building ... more This paper designs a multi-layer neural network to simulate semantic memory [1]–[2] for building a hierarchical network model. The hierarchical network model [3] consists of nodes (concepts) and links, which connect between the nodes. Nevertheless, the distance (relevance) of link is defined by human and cannot be automatically adapted after the changing of environment. This study proposes an artificial neural network to learn the scenario examples, which generates the relevance (distance) between nodes in the hierarchical network. It can be also automatically adapted when the environment changes, which is similar to human memory re-encoding the semantic memory. There are three issues about the learning effect discussed: (1) different number of layers (three to six) suitable for the designed neural networks, (2) different activation functions (sigmoid, tanh(x), ReLU(x)) suitable for the neural unit, (3) the normalization and softmax [4] function suitable for the neural output and their effects on learning, and whether the distance generated by neural network automatically adjusts when the environment changes. The experimental results show that the proposed artificial neural network can successfully build the semantic memory hierarchical network model. When the environment changes, it can also re-learn automatically to adapt the network distance and generate a new semantic memory network model. We propose an innovative approach which could be widely applied to the fields of brain science, psychology and education.
This paper presented the technique of robot control by event-related potentials (ERPs) of brain w... more This paper presented the technique of robot control by event-related potentials (ERPs) of brain waves. Based on the proposed technique, severe physical disabilities can free browse outside world. A specific component of ERPs, N2P3, was found and used to control the movement of robot and the view of camera on the designed brain-computer interface (BCI). Users only required watching the stimuli of attended button on the BCI, the evoked potentials of brain waves of the target button, N2P3, had the greatest amplitude among all control buttons. An experimental scene had been constructed that the robot required walking to a specific position and move the view of camera to see the instruction of the mission, and then completed the task. Twelve volunteers participated in this experiment, and experimental results showed that the correct rate of BCI control achieved 80% and the average of execution time was 353 seconds for completing the mission. Four main contributions included in this resea...
2017 International Conference on Applied System Innovation (ICASI), 2017
As technology advances, crime scenes are no longer just simple traditional crime scenes. When fac... more As technology advances, crime scenes are no longer just simple traditional crime scenes. When facing a variety of criminal cases, crime scene investigators can no longer use traditional ways to collect evidence. The results showed that the accuracy of this identification system is over 70%, which means that this is an effective way to collect evidence in serial crime investigations.
Hybrid Taguchi genetic algorithm can be used to solve the global continuous optimization problems... more Hybrid Taguchi genetic algorithm can be used to solve the global continuous optimization problems. Aside from the global search capability of traditional genetic algorithm, it further combines Taguchi experimental method to explore the optimal feasibility ...
The research introduces the multiple criteria decision making (MCDM) method. Through domestic and... more The research introduces the multiple criteria decision making (MCDM) method. Through domestic and international literature review and the employment ofModifiedDelphiMethod (MDM) andAnalysis ofHierarchy Process (AHP), the study constructed the ÂÂChoice model of business adopting RFIDÂÂ. The model construction employed ÂÂLiterature Review MethodÂÂ to analyze the study results of related scholars and summarized the assessing model that is suitable for business to adopt information system.MDMis then employed to select the assessment criteria with high degree of consensus under professional consideration according to ÂÂexpert questionnaireÂÂ, and the multi-criteria decision-making tool-AHP is employed for professional assessment.At the same time, the inconsistency of expertsÂÂ opinions are reviewed and amended, and finally, the relative weight of various assessment criteria with advantage is obtained. Taiwan Sugar Corporation (TSC) is the empirical study case of the study, the Opt...
This study proposes a home care system (HCS) based on a brain-computer interface (BCI) with a sma... more This study proposes a home care system (HCS) based on a brain-computer interface (BCI) with a smartphone. The HCS provides daily help to motor-disabled people when a caregiver is not present. The aim of the study is two-fold: (1) to develop a BCI-based home care system to help end-users control their household appliances, and (2) to assess whether the architecture of the HCS is easy for motor-disabled people to use. A motion-strip is used to evoke event-related potentials (ERPs) in the brain of the user, and the system immediately processes these potentials to decode the user’s intentions. The system, then, translates these intentions into application commands and sends them via Bluetooth to the user’s smartphone to make an emergency call or to execute the corresponding app to emit an infrared (IR) signal to control a household appliance. Fifteen healthy and seven motor-disabled subjects (including the one with ALS) participated in the experiment. The average online accuracy was 81....
Papers by Koun-Tem Sun