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N-equivalence classes of threshold functions of n or fewer variables.
(Formerly M0816 N0308)
2, 3, 6, 20, 150, 3287, 244158, 66291591, 68863243522
It appears that this is the BinomialMean transform of A000609. (See A075271 for the definition of the transform.) - John W. Layman, Feb 21 2003. [This is now confirmed by the formulas below. - Alastair D. King, Mar 17, 2023.]
S. Muroga, Threshold Logic and Its Applications. Wiley, NY, 1971, p. 38, Table 2.3.2. - Row 7.
N. J. A. Sloane, A Handbook of Integer Sequences, Academic Press, 1973 (includes this sequence).
N. J. A. Sloane and Simon Plouffe, The Encyclopedia of Integer Sequences, Academic Press, 1995 (includes this sequence).
S. Muroga, Threshold Logic and Its Applications, Wiley, NY, 1971. [Annotated scans of a few pages]
Muroga, Saburo, Iwao Toda, and Satoru Takasu, Theory of majority decision elements, Journal of the Franklin Institute 271.5 (1961): 376-418. [Annotated scans of pages 413 and 414 only]
S. Muroga, T. Tsuboi and C. R. Baugh, Enumeration of threshold functions of eight variables, IEEE Trans. Computers, 19 (1970), 818-825.
S. Muroga, T. Tsuboi and C. R. Baugh, Enumeration of threshold functions of eight variables, IEEE Trans. Computers, 19 (1970), 818-825. [Annotated scanned copy]
Michael Z. Spivey and Laura L. Steil, The k-Binomial Transforms and the Hankel Transform, Journal of Integer Sequences, Vol. 9 (2006), Article 06.1.1.
Eda Uyanık, Olivier Sobrie, Vincent Mousseau, Marc Pirlot, Enumerating and categorizing positive Boolean functions separable by a k-additive capacity, Discrete Applied Mathematics, Vol. 229, 1 October 2017, p. 17-30. See Table 4.
a(n) = Sum_{k=0..n} A002079(k)*binomial(n,k) = (1/2^n)*Sum_{k=0..n} A000609(k)*binomial(n,k). - Alastair D. King, Mar 17, 2023.