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The triangular triangle.
1, 3, 3, 6, 9, 6, 10, 18, 17, 10, 15, 30, 33, 27, 15, 21, 45, 54, 51, 39, 21, 28, 63, 80, 82, 72, 53, 28, 36, 84, 111, 120, 114, 96, 69, 36, 45, 108, 147, 165, 165, 150, 123, 87, 45, 55, 135, 188, 217, 225, 215, 190, 153, 107, 55, 66, 165, 234, 276, 294, 291, 270, 234
The n-th row of the triangular table begins by considering n triangular numbers (A000217) in order. Now segregate them into n groups beginning with n members in the first group, n-1 members in the second group, etc. Now sum each group. Thus the first term is the sum of first n numbers = n(n+1)/2, the second term is the sum of the next n-1 terms (from n+1 to 2n-1), the third term is the sum of the next n-2 terms (2n to 3n-3), etc. and the last term is simply n(n+1)/2. This triangle can be called a triangular triangle. The sequence contains the triangle by rows.
T(n) = A000217(n) is the n-th Triangular number. TT(n, k) is the k-th term of the n-th row, 0 < k <= n.
TT(n, k) = T(k*n - T(k - 1)) - T((k - 1)*n - T(k - 2)).
TT(n, 1) = TT(n, n) = T(n) = A000217(n).
Triangle begins:
3, 3
6, 9, 6
10, 18, 17, 10
15, 30, 33, 27, 15
21, 45, 54, 51, 39, 21
28, 63, 80, 82, 72, 53, 28
36, 84, 111, 120, 114, 96, 69, 36
The row for n = 4 is (1+2+3+4), (5+6+7), (8+9), 10 => 10 18 17 10.
A093445 := proc(n, k)
A000217(k*n-A000217(k-1))-A000217((k-1)*n-A000217(k-2)) ;
end proc:
seq(seq(A093445(n, k), k=1..n), n=1..10) ; # R. J. Mathar, Dec 09 2015
T[n_] := n(n + 1)/2; TT[n_, k_] := T[k*n - T[k - 1]] - T[(k - 1)*n - T[k - 2]]; Flatten[ Table[ TT[n, k], {n, 1, 11}, {k, 1, n}]] (* Robert G. Wilson v, Apr 24 2004 *)
Table[Total/@TakeList[Range[(n(n+1))/2], Range[n, 1, -1]], {n, 20}]//Flatten (* Requires Mathematica version 10 or later *) (* Harvey P. Dale, Feb 15 2019 *)
a093445 n k = a093445_row n !! (k-1)
a093445_row n = f [n, n - 1 .. 1] [1 ..] where
f [] _ = []
f (x:xs) ys = sum us : f xs vs where (us, vs) = splitAt x ys
a093445_tabl = map a093445_row [1 ..]
-- Reinhard Zumkeller, Oct 03 2012
Cf. A000217, A093446. TT(n, 2) = A045943. TT(n, n-1) = A014209. TT(0, k) = A027480.
Cf. A005920 (central terms), A002817 (row sums).
Sequence in context: A104715 A164743 A110769 * A098358 A136289 A128012
Amarnath Murthy, Apr 02 2004
Edited, corrected and extended by Robert G. Wilson v, Apr 24 2004