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Highly composite numbers (A002182) whose following highly composite number is at least 3/2 times greater.
1, 2, 4, 6, 12, 24, 60, 120, 240, 360, 840, 1680, 2520, 5040, 10080, 27720, 55440, 110880, 332640, 720720, 1441440, 4324320, 21621600, 73513440, 367567200, 735134400, 1396755360, 6983776800, 13967553600, 27935107200, 160626866400, 321253732800, 642507465600
While it can be proved that the related sequence A162935 is finite, I'm not sure whether this sequence is also finite.
Ramanujan proved that the asymptotic limit of the ratio between consecutive highly composite numbers is 1. Therefore this sequence is finite. Erdős proved that for two consecutive highly composite numbers k < k', k'/k <= 1 + 1/log(k)^c with c = 3/32. Nicolas improved the value to c = log(15/8)/(8*log(2)) = 0.113... thus the largest term of this sequence is below exp(2^(1/c)) < 3 * 10^196. By checking the terms of A002182 up to this bound it was found that there are 62 terms in this sequence, the largest is being A002182(1349) ~ 1.158... * 10^98. - Amiram Eldar, Aug 20 2019
Paul Erdős, On highly composite numbers, Journal of the London Mathematical Society, Vol. 19, No. 75 (1944), pp. 130-133, alternative link.
Jean-Louis Nicolas, Répartition des nombres hautement composés de Ramanujan, Canadian Journal of Mathematics, Vol. 23, No. 1 (1971), pp. 116-130.
Srinivasa Ramanujan, Highly composite numbers, Proceedings of the London Mathematical Society, Series 2, Vol. 14, No. 1 (1915), pp. 347-409, alternative link.
(Other) import Data.Ratio
import Data.Set (Set)
import qualified Data.Set as Set
printList :: (Show a) => [a] -> IO()
printList = putStr . concat . map (\x -> show x ++ "\n")
isPrime n
..| n >= 2 = all isNotDivisor $ takeWhile smallEnough primes
..| otherwise = False
....isNotDivisor d = n `mod` d /= 0
....smallEnough d = d^2 <= n
primes = 2 : filter isPrime [ 2 * n + 1 | n <- [1..] ]
primeSynthesis = partialSynthesis 1 primes
....partialSynthesis n _ [] = n
....partialSynthesis n (p:ps) (c:cs) = partialSynthesis (n * p^c) ps cs
primeAnalysis n
..| n < 1 = undefined
..| n == 1 = []
..| n > 1 = reverse $ buildPrimeCounts [0] n
....buildPrimeCounts (c:cs) n
......| n == 1 = (c:cs)
......| n `mod` p == 0 = buildPrimeCounts (c+1 : cs) (n `div` p)
......| otherwise = buildPrimeCounts (0:c:cs) n
......where p = primes !! (length cs)
divisorCount n = product $ map (+1) $ primeAnalysis n
primorialProducts = resFrom 1
....resFrom n = resBetween n (4*n - 1) ++ resFrom (4*n)
....resBetween start end = Set.toAscList $ Set.fromList $ unorderedList
........unorderedList = filter (>= start) (1 : build 0 [])
........build pos exponents
..........| nextNumber <= end = nextNumber : build 0 nextCombination
..........| newPrime = []
..........| otherwise = build (pos + 1) exponents
............newPrime = pos >= length exponents
..............| newPrime = replicate (length exponents + 1) 1
..............| otherwise = replicate (pos + 1) ((exponents !! pos) + 1)
..............................++ drop (pos + 1) exponents
............nextNumber = primeSynthesis nextCombination
filterStrictlyMonotonicDivisorCount = filterRest 0
....filterRest _ [] = []
....filterRest lim (num:nums)
......| divisorCount num > lim = num : filterRest (divisorCount num) nums
......| otherwise = filterRest lim nums
..= filterStrictlyMonotonicDivisorCount primorialProducts
findGaps [] = []
findGaps [_] = []
findGaps (x1:x2:xs)
..| x1 * 3 <= x2 * 2 = (x1, x2) : findGaps (x2:xs)
..| otherwise = findGaps (x2:xs)
main = mapM (putStrLn . show . fst) (findGaps highlyCompositeNumbers)
Sequence in context: A087009 A168263 A356573 * A036484 A212654 A337993
Jan Behrens (jbe-oeis(AT)magnetkern.de), Jul 17 2009
a(32)-a(33) from Amiram Eldar, Aug 20 2019