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Numerators of the higher order exponential integral constants alpha(k,4).
1, 49, 1897, 69553, 2515513, 90663937, 3264855049, 117543378001, 4231639039705, 152339702576545, 5484235568128681, 197432536935184369, 7107571838026381177, 255872590744254526273, 9211413307971174616393
The higher order exponential integrals, see A163931, are defined by E(x,m,n) = x^(n-1)*Integral_{t>=x} E(t,m-1,n)/t^n for m >= 1 and n >= 1, with E(x,m=0,n) = exp(-x).
The series expansions of the higher order exponential integrals are dominated by the alpha(k,n) and the gamma(k,n) constants, see A090998.
The first Maple program uses the alpha(k,n) formula and the second the GF(z,n) to generate the alpha(k,n) coefficients in each column.
Appears to equal the numerator of the multiple harmonic (star) sum Sum_{1 <= k_1 <= ... <= k_n <= 3} 1/(k_1^2*...*k_n^2)). If true, then a(n) = numerator( 3/2 - 3/(5*4^n) + 1/(10*9^n) ). - Peter Bala, Jan 31 2019
J. W. Meijer and N. H. G. Baken, The Exponential Integral Distribution, Statistics and Probability Letters, Volume 5, No. 3, April 1987, pp. 209-211.
alpha(k,n) = (1/k) * Sum_{i=0..k-1} (Sum_{p=0..n-1}(p^(2*i-2*k))*alpha(i, n)) with alpha(0,n) = 1, k >= 0 and n >= 1.
alpha(k,n) = alpha(k,n+1) -alpha(k-1,n+1)/n^2.
GF(z,n) = product((1-(z/k)^2)^(-1), k = 1..n-1) = (Pi*z/sin(Pi*z))/(Beta(n+z,n-z)/Beta(n,n)).
a(k=0,n=4) = 1, a(k=1,4) = 49/36, a(k=2,4) = 1897/1296, a(k=3,4) = 69553/46656.
coln := 4; nmax := 15; kmax := nmax: k:=0: for n from 1 to nmax do alpha(k, n) := 1 od: for k from 1 to kmax do for n from 1 to nmax do alpha(k, n) := (1/k)*sum(sum(p^(-2*(k-i)), p=0..n-1)*alpha(i, n), i=0..k-1) od; od: seq(alpha(k, coln), k=0..nmax-1);
# End program 1
coln:=4; nmax1 := 16; for n from 0 to nmax1 do A008955(n, 0):=1 end do: for n from 0 to nmax1 do A008955(n, n) := (n!)^2 end do: for n from 1 to nmax1 do for m from 1 to n-1 do A008955(n, m) := A008955(n-1, m-1)*n^2 + A008955(n-1, m) end do: end do: m:=coln-1: f(m):=0: for n from 0 to m do f(m) := f(m) + (-1)^(n + m)*A008955(m, n)*z^(2*m-2*n) od: GF(z, coln) := m!^2/f(m): GF(z, coln):=series(GF(z, coln), z, nmax1);
# End program 2
Cf. A163931 (E(x,m,n)), A090998 (gamma(k,n)).
a(k,1) = A000007(k)
a(k,2) = A000012(k) = 1^k.
a(k,3) = A002450(k+1)/A000302(k) with A000302(k) = 4^k.
a(k,4) = A163927(k)/A009980(k) with A009980(k) = 36^k.
The GF(z,n) lead to A008955.
The denominators of a(1,n), n >= 2, lead to A007407.
Sequence in context: A260856 A367378 A065785 * A245036 A061615 A049682
Johannes W. Meijer and Nico Baken, Aug 13 2009, Aug 17 2009